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Old 04-15-2024, 04:19 PM   #88
Megadan   Megadan is offline
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Originally Posted by XLsior View Post
I think that era of wannabe macho Americana is a dead memory now at least in the USA.

This has modern bolly wood action movie written all over it. It's India making a bold statement that it actually has balls...

Also R.E was a firearms manufacturing brand during the Old British Empire phase so there's a little bit of a homage to that while blasting the door of its hinges type of feeling about it regarding the name.

Mostly though I think its the head CEO trying to turn a page of R.E away from its old hat ingrained origins while still keeping some of that old school magic.

Oh, it definitely has a "macho action movie" vibe to it with the advertising. They are also playing off of the more American stereotype of the "Lone Gunman" western cowboy kind of vibe here in the U.S.

The name Shotgun is a little odd for a bike, but it also kinda suits RE. Hell, they have had a bike called the Bullet for decades. Again, a homage to the old days of gun manufacturing

You are right. The CEO and the brand as a whole are working to bring RE into the spotlight. They are one of the very few motorcycle manufacturers not floundering in the modern market. They can barely keep up with the demand for their bikes.

They are also modernizing a little bit, with the new 450 engine being liquid cooled and being put into the Himalayan, as well as a "scrambler" style bike. 40hp 450cc single road bikes? Once my Shotgun is paid off I may have to get one of those.

Oh, and I love Stuart Fillingham's review videos on this bike. It was actually that very video that made me consider going in to try it out over the Interceptor.
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