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View Full Version : Fraser Valley riding areas

05-16-2007, 12:55 PM
re-post from Ride section

Fraser valley ride site
information is gathered from the Chilliwack Forest Disctrict (http://www.for.gov.bc.ca/dck/) and from TeamGrizzly.ca (http://teamgrizzly.ca/indexmenu.html)

05-16-2007, 09:29 PM
Thanks for the info Molypod :)

08-01-2008, 03:35 PM

Just a reminder to all to be responsible. If webpages are being taken down, voluntarily or otherwise, our sport and our trails will evaporate. It's hard enough here in the metro Vancouver area to find areas relatively close to ride (within 1 hours travel time) KEEP SMART, KEEP SAFE, KEEP HAVING FUN :!:

05-06-2009, 09:53 PM
Hey Partsdude,

I read that rant on the website and thanks for sharing. It's unfortunate the moronic actions of a few ruin the fun for others. I'd like to take my family out for trail rides in a safe manner, but always wonder if the thrill seekers in the world will come around a corner too fast and smoke me or my kids because of an "I don't care attitude"

I'm interested to know of some safe, easy trails in the area that families can go to, but fear if anyone tells me in a public forum that'll be ruined immediately but the above mentioned clowns. I guess the hardcore folks will say to me "Stay away novice" but somehow there's a happy medium!

07-24-2010, 03:24 PM
all these websites are down. Do you have an alternative link ?

07-24-2010, 04:01 PM
Two year old posting so I don't have another link.

07-24-2010, 04:17 PM

08-06-2010, 11:45 PM
Who says there is no life after death? ;)

Spud :)

08-07-2010, 12:21 AM
here in texas we have a few places that allow you to bring in your bikes, quads, rock crawlers and more.. then ride out and find your own place to camp.. havent gone yet but it sounds like my kind of camping trip.. pack up the quads, ride out and setup camp then spend the days riding...

these places here do have their own security as well as state park rangers, and are very strict about the rules.. like noise violations after 9pm will get you a warning, and the 2nd time kicked out on the spot.. speeding through the speed limited areas will get you kicked out first violation..

try and find places like that around you

01-10-2011, 12:36 AM
I don't know of any area that aren't on your website, but I was wondering what the status of the reiding area in Maple Ridge I believe it was Mcnutt.

01-25-2011, 05:32 PM
Hey Partsdude,

I read that rant on the website and thanks for sharing. It's unfortunate the moronic actions of a few ruin the fun for others. I'd like to take my family out for trail rides in a safe manner, but always wonder if the thrill seekers in the world will come around a corner too fast and smoke me or my kids because of an "I don't care attitude"

I'm interested to know of some safe, easy trails in the area that families can go to, but fear if anyone tells me in a public forum that'll be ruined immediately but the above mentioned clowns. I guess the hardcore folks will say to me "Stay away novice" but somehow there's a happy medium!

we found that the caroline mine area is good for kids and newbs (south side of the coquihalla) tons of wide areas and roads for kids to get the practice they need plus there are some tailing piles there that can provide some fun for messin around.

01-25-2011, 10:18 PM
I'm gonna check that out. I drove by there today en route to Kamloops, and there's still plenty of snow. I expect that most of it will be gone in a couple of weeks. Snow starts around the Sowaqua Creek area.

midlifekrisiz, is there a decent unloading area there? Are vehicles fairly secure at that spot? BTW, that's what I love about Nickelmine; it's gated.

01-30-2011, 03:32 PM
How is the camping at nicklemine?

01-30-2011, 04:43 PM
They have several camping stalls, but no actual facilities, other than outhouses. The popular setup is to use an old Class C motorhome and tow your machines.

I choose not to stay in a tent up there. I'm a lot happier with some sheet metal around me. :lol:

01-30-2011, 04:43 PM
I'm gonna check that out. I drove by there today en route to Kamloops, and there's still plenty of snow. I expect that most of it will be gone in a couple of weeks. Snow starts around the Sowaqua Creek area.

midlifekrisiz, is there a decent unloading area there? Are vehicles fairly secure at that spot? BTW, that's what I love about Nickelmine; it's gated.

when you turn off the coquihalla ( on your right) you hang a left and travel east past a bridge on your right then on for a couple of km and you can off load next to the first bridge (at the base) a fairly good area (one of our pics with the atv's unloaded) or can carry on another couple of km's over a small bridge and get to a better area.

we will have to meet you there one of these weekends in the spring

01-30-2011, 04:45 PM
That's an excellent idea. :idea:

I was working on my quad yesterday; I have some upgrades and service to do to get it ready. I'm looking forward to the riding season.

01-30-2011, 04:57 PM
wanted to work on ours today but my choices are out in the open at where they are stored or in the carport here and with this weather neither appealed to me

01-30-2011, 10:13 PM
I choose not to stay in a tent up there. I'm a lot happier with some sheet metal around me. :lol:

Is that just a general rule of thumb for you, or specific to the area? I don't camp often, but I do so in a tent :wink:

01-30-2011, 11:02 PM
We often camp in tents, but not at Nickelmine. That's bear country. I've tented in bear areas before, but I choose not to anymore, especially with kids.

01-31-2011, 11:40 AM
Black bear or brown bear? BIG difference!

I had a brown bear get between me and my tent (with my girlfriend in it) while camping in Yosemite in 1996. I got up in the middle of the night to use the tree, and saw the bear (smallish, about 200 or so pounds) between me and the tent. I froze in sub freezing weather in my underpants waiting for it to mosey away. All I had was a flashlight and a .22. 8O

After I got back in the tent I realized I was no safer with a thin wall of nylon between us and the claws and teeth of the bear.

I did not sleep well that night. :(

01-31-2011, 11:46 AM
They used to say that there's a difference (and I'm primarily concerned abour grizzlies), but there have been attacks by black bears as well. It just depends upon how hungry they are, especially if they're awake in November when they should be hibernating.

01-31-2011, 12:10 PM
I would not want to be attacked by either one. BUT I could likely stop a black bear with a .357. A brown bear would shove it up my --- and then eat me and crap the gun out on the ranger's doorstep. :cry:

01-31-2011, 01:15 PM
We don't pack firearms into camping areas. Therefore, a sheet metal barrier between me and the bear is preferred to a tent. :lol:

01-31-2011, 01:41 PM
We often camp in tents, but not at Nickelmine. That's bear country. I've tented in bear areas before, but I choose not to anymore, especially with kids.

that sucks as we are tenters and were hopeing to do some camping up there this summer. :cry:

01-31-2011, 01:49 PM
I think in Alaska it's required to have a firearm in bear country. I thought that was the case in Canada as well? :?:

01-31-2011, 02:30 PM
We often camp in tents, but not at Nickelmine. That's bear country. I've tented in bear areas before, but I choose not to anymore, especially with kids.

that sucks as we are tenters and were hopeing to do some camping up there this summer. :cry:

You can tent there, and some people do. I just choose not too. Some of my friends think I'm being wimpy about it, but whatever.

01-31-2011, 05:53 PM
We often camp in tents, but not at Nickelmine. That's bear country. I've tented in bear areas before, but I choose not to anymore, especially with kids.

that sucks as we are tenters and were hopeing to do some camping up there this summer. :cry:

You can tent there, and some people do. I just choose not too. Some of my friends think I'm being wimpy about it, but whatever.

okily dokily good to go then.....we have (in the past) slept in the blazer (the air matress just fits in there) guess we will just have to assess the situation before we set up the tent.

01-31-2011, 09:16 PM
Yeah, Son of Weldangrind and I will probably sleep in our van at Nickelmine this year. At least we can take full advantage of the riding area that way without having to leave the same day.

01-31-2011, 10:34 PM
I think in Alaska it's required to have a firearm in bear country. I thought that was the case in Canada as well? :?:

Isn't it all bear country around here? I don't think that's the rule, I've never heard such a thing.

01-31-2011, 11:12 PM
Maybe just a recommendation. From the Alaska State Parks website:

You are allowed to carry a gun for protection in state parks. Remember, though, that more people are hurt by the guns they carry than are hurt by bears. Select a gun that will stop a bear (12-gauge shotgun or .300 mag rifle) and practice firing it at a rifle range. Any bear shot in self defense must be salvaged and turned over to the Alaska Department of Fish and Game.

I also know that the AOPA, the Aircraft Owners and Pilot's Association, out biggest group, recommends a shotgun in the survival kit of anyone flying in the Alaskan or Canadian bush:

A firearm can be useful, but it generally isn't all that important in the lower 48. However, in some areas a gun is a good idea for protection and it is required equipment when flying in Alaska and remote areas of Canada. For these purposes the choice is between a high powered rifle and a 12 gauge shotgun. Many experienced bush pilots seem to prefer the shotgun and slugs for its effectiveness against bears. Many carry both or a hand gun to complement the shotgun.

02-25-2011, 01:32 PM
WOOOOOT !!!!! just put the money order for our family into the mail with the aplication for F.V.D.R.A.

02-25-2011, 02:47 PM
WOOOOOT !!!!! just put the money order for our family into the mail with the aplication for F.V.D.R.A.

Welcome to the family. :D I hope that you get lots of riding time in at Nickelmine; it's a great place.

02-25-2011, 03:13 PM
thanks W&G I am sure that we will.

jsut sent a message to a person in Mission that has a free tent trailer as well says 'needs a bit of work' not a big deal but how to load the atv's on top hmmmmmmmmm

02-25-2011, 03:38 PM
I've given that some thought, and I think you could weld on some vertical square tube receivers and make a frame. You'd need some long ramps to get the quads on top, and you'd need to upgrade the wheels and suspension but it's workable.

The key would be to make the trailer as light as possible. No heater, no stove, no sink, etc.

02-25-2011, 04:33 PM
I've given that some thought, and I think you could weld on some vertical square tube receivers and make a frame. You'd need some long ramps to get the quads on top, and you'd need to upgrade the wheels and suspension but it's workable.

The key would be to make the trailer as light as possible. No heater, no stove, no sink, etc.

that or make the wife tow it with her caravan 8)

02-25-2011, 04:44 PM
However you do it, it's a tough climb for a short run up the mountain. I've driven my Caravan up there many times, but I've never tried to pull a trailer up the hill. At the very most, I'd off-load a utility trailer and drag that up the hill with the Caravan, and drag the tent trailer with the Blazer.

I usually have enough bodies around that the toys can be ridden up. The best solution I can think of is an old Class C with a utility trailer behind. You can pick up a decent runner for less than five grand.

02-25-2011, 04:49 PM
i don't have a problem towing the flat deck trailer up the hill then going back down to get the tent trailer if that is the case.....sounds like someone needs to get a D9 in there and carve a new less steep road

02-25-2011, 04:55 PM
There was a lower road, but it washed down the mountain a little over a year ago. The only way in now is quite steep, but not for long.

03-20-2011, 03:27 PM
heading to nicklemine in about 1/2 hr to check out the site (no atv just the blazer) and have a look at what we have signed up for

03-20-2011, 07:42 PM
well that was a nice drive for a sunny sunday.




stopped in Agassiz to get some pepperoni



on the way up the upper road come across this small wash out


navigated that no problem and continued to climb and came across some snow


.....got stopped here .....just before the cutback at the top....didn't continue due to being alone and no other 4x4's around.


someone has been up there a day or so before us


great views on the return trip down the upper road


huge waterfall on other side of the valley


and of course someone is too lazy or cheap to go to the dump.


stopped at a fishing hole at the base of Agassiz Mtn. on the return trip....gona have to drop a fly in there one day.




03-21-2011, 12:48 AM
I love that area, and I haven't been for some time. I had a neck injury in August, and then I started our kitchen reno once I recovered. I'm hoping to get some time to work on our machines this week; I need some riding therapy.

Not happy about the trash. :evil:

03-21-2011, 10:09 AM
it is a very nice area .....we only wish that we could have got to the camp area.....gona try again in a couple of weekends.

03-21-2011, 11:26 AM
Beautiful pics of beautiful scenery.

I hate when people littler like that. Makes we want to slap them silly. It seems to be a problem everywhere. It makes we want to cry like the Indian in the TV commercial about 30 years ago. :(

You were wise to not push your luck alone.

Your Blazer seems like a good vehicle.

How far away do you live from that riding area?

03-21-2011, 12:10 PM
the blazewhore is a pretty good truck but didn't want to push further without someone else there.

I figure it is abotu 1 hr or maybe a bit more from our house to there...so not to bad....1/2 tank to get there mess aroudn a bit and back home so not that far really

03-21-2011, 01:48 PM
Yeah, it usually takes us an hour, and that includes a stop at Chevron for some high octane stuff for the quads and bikes. My Honda calls for it, so I run it in everything.