View Full Version : ata 150b huh?

12-01-2011, 11:51 AM
Anyone know if the battery gets a charge when its running?
My buggy didnt and i always ran a trickle charger on it.
Also the park brake is the little button on top of my throttle?My cables are adjusted as loose as they can be,so when i pull the brake lever tight i cant push the pin down.Im thinking of changeing the brake lever down by the drums to get more slack so the lever well pull closer to the handle grip then the pin well drop down,sounds about right?
So far my atv seems real neat,starts easy n idles nice.

12-02-2011, 01:24 AM
Yes, the battery should be charging while the engine is running, although some of us have had better luck than others. I'm still using both of the original batteries in my atv's, and they're from 2007 and 2008.

It totally pays to use a battery tender, rather than a trickle charger. I picked up two on the weekend at Harbor Freight for $5.00 each. :D

It sounds like we have the same parking brake device. Mine is a vertical pin that is pushed when the lever is pulled in fully. I lubricated both cables with Maxima Chain Wax, and adjusted the drums so they were equal and not dragging. They work great.