View Full Version : Hard to start Saga GY 250

03-15-2013, 07:33 PM
Hey Guys,

My GY 250 is really hard to start. My brother has been tinkering with it and the other day I asked if he was riding it around, and to my dismay he said he was not because he can barely start it!

I was thinking that I should move the needle up on the carb. What else could I try to do? I'm in the mountains at about 1600 ft elevation. I was also thinking about gutting the exaust but that would be last resort as I don't like a screamingly loud street machine.


03-15-2013, 09:55 PM
Pull the carb off and clean it thoroughly. Remove the jets, blast some carb cleaner through the passages (wear eye protection!), blast some compressed air through and re-assemble. Let us know if there's an improvement.