View Full Version : what are the range limits of these bikes

04-17-2013, 02:57 PM
My friend is graduating from boot camp in Missouri and I'm in West Virginia 11 hours away.I contemplated taking by bike but I'd be so f*cked if it broke down or something. Has anyone went cross country on a china bike? How did it go? Also since my bike is air cooled would that long of a ride overheat it?

04-17-2013, 05:24 PM
I have ridden 300 miles over mountains and trails and the interstate in one day. GY ran fine the whole trip.

It won't overheat unless you run lean or block the air flow. We had a member ride his from NE Ohio to North Dakota and back.

04-17-2013, 09:38 PM
It won't overheat unless it is lean, like Kato says. These bikes are quite understressed and the powertrains hold up well. You may lose some small parts along the way. Prepare by locktiteing everything you can and maybe reinforcing the battery holder box. New inner tubes are a good move also.

04-19-2013, 01:37 PM
You can certainly make that trip on a Chinese motorcycle. However, you would need to plan a route using secondary roads, since the bike isn't fast enough to travel safely on main routes. Also, you need to do all the necessary maintenance to prove the bike reliable before you head off on an extended trip. ;)

Spud :)