View Full Version : Replacement wheel

07-30-2007, 11:02 AM
Hey gang...

The 19" steel front wheel on my Roketa (Xiongtai, Zongshen, whatever) DB-36 is starting to get pretty dinged from use. Lots of exposed roots where I ride. I'd like to upgrade to something a little nicer and more durable than steel. Anyone have any recommendations? I believe it's a 19 x 2.15 (at least, the measurement of the outside edges of the rim is 2.15—is this where you measure on a bike wheel?) with 36 spokes. Chapparral lists this size as a rear size for a Kawi KX125 here:


Anyone replaced their rims with something better? Is this indeed a 19 x 2.15, or am I measuring wrong? Thoughts? Ideas?



07-30-2007, 11:11 AM
You will probably be better with something like a KX100 -- it has the 19" front / 16" rear setup.

Other super-mini's (or big-wheel mini's) use this size as well.

07-30-2007, 02:09 PM
I think the proper way to measure may be measuring the inside of the rim where the bead of the tire sits. It may be closer to 2 inches.

XR100 hondas use a 19" front wheel too. I think the ttr125 does too.

Most of the smaller 4strokes in the 100-150 range use the 19"/16" wheel sizes.
