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View Full Version : All day trail ride in the berkshires...Shineray Speedee 200

08-07-2007, 04:40 PM
Howdy folks,

Here is another video ride report from this past sunday. This is a long one...it is 17min 40sec of trail riding put to music...the end of the video has some cool stills...so try to stick it out...(it was originaly 2 hours of video...so i cut it way down believe me...lol)...

The rube goldberg helmet camera mount i made worked well but it was level with the top of the helmet...and when you ride, your head naturaly tilts downward...so in order for me to film way ahead of me i had to tilt my head way back...needless to say riding like that was not easy... :?

Anyway, I have since fixed the mount..and all future video will be filmed at the perfect level...

The days ride took us 10 miles through trails around West Mt. Rd...then after an hour break, Paul and I went on a scenic road ride throughout my area...up to October Mt...and then down into Dalton...and up to Wahconah Falls...it was a blast...

I'm happy to report my Shineray Speedee 200 kicked ass once again...it performed flawlessly through every terrain i put it to...including some extremely deep puddles and mud...as you can clearly see in the video. I even hit a tree head on...but fortunately i was not going very fast at the time...so there was no damage... 8)

The video is way to large to post to YouTube...so I put it on one of my own sites. This is in no way dial-up friendly...I produced it at 720x480...so it is easy to see...it's a good idea to hit pause when you start it and let the video download a ways before viewing...

Anyway, hope you like it...enjoy...


Comments are always welcome...


08-07-2007, 05:36 PM
Does your camera have adjustable frame rates? Seems more like a collection of stills than video. Frame rate may be tied to resolution.

I really wanted to see ol Speedee in action, but it is tough to watch.

08-07-2007, 05:57 PM
hmmm...the issue you may be having is your computer is too slow to render it at normal speed...try downloading the entire file then playing it...in other words let the bar go all the way across then hit play.

I assure you it is full motion video 25fps...if you're seeing stills or frame by frame, then your rig is having trouble rendering it...

you could also try to go grab the latest flash plugin...


Let me know how you make out...

And i would like to hear from others if they are able to view it normaly...i of course test all my videos on several types of computers before i upload anything...and although it requires a fair amount of processor, memory grunt...it aint anything beyond last years average family pc config...

08-07-2007, 06:09 PM

Envied you vid, very much.... Glad you got up on top of October Mtn. I was able to see the vid in about 1 minute segments....short hesitations while it caught up to the next segment. Was nice to see you got a group together for a ride. and had a good day.
Speedee rules!!


08-07-2007, 06:25 PM
I'll give it a shot. Hadnt had any big problems with vids, running 1.4mhz, DSL and a "used to be" top of the line vid card.

Still it could quite easily be on my end!

08-07-2007, 06:31 PM
Must be my computer. It plays the audio fine {when it hasnt paused to load some more}, but the video is as I described. I'm already running Flash9.

Funny, I edit video on this mahine, hadnt had any problems. Oh well!

08-07-2007, 06:42 PM
great vid!!!!

08-07-2007, 07:25 PM
ob1...yeah your problem is power for sure...the 1.4ghz proc is not up to par...time to upgrade...

how much memory you running? you might be able to render the vid if you had 1 gig of mem...but again...it's probably gonna be choppy...The processor isn't strong enough to do it...plus your dsl connection probably won't stream the vid fast enough...no prob though...if you press pause as soon as the video opens...then let the bar go all the way across (so it is pre cached)...then press play on the vid...it might be better. Also close any other running programs to eak out as much processor power as possible...and probably wouldn't hurt to restart the puter if it's been up for a while...it'll give a little extra speed...

If you edit vid in any kind of hi res...you would love a dual core proc...look into it...

Also your video card isn't the problem...even onboard video can render this with a newer processor and enough mem...

Let me know if i can help in any other way?

Thanks for looking!!

08-07-2007, 08:09 PM
Bud, I am doomed to life on the trailing edge of computer technology!

I have another box I just picked up. It should be quick enough, it is running WinXP.

08-07-2007, 08:31 PM
"I have another box I just picked up. It should be quick enough, it is running WinXP."

That last statement scares me...you mean you aren't running xp on the current box?

vista is crap...xp is perfect...but anything before that...and...well...um...

08-07-2007, 08:58 PM
LOL, I was midway through transferring files from my 633 to this 1.4 when the XP box came along.

Havent even cracked it open to clean it. I do know it works, I used it at work for computerized auto paint mixing formulas.

08-07-2007, 09:59 PM
LOL, I was midway through transferring files from my 633 to this 1.4 when the XP box came along.

Havent even cracked it open to clean it. I do know it works, I used it at work for computerized auto paint mixing formulas.

XP? feh... Put Linux on that bad boy and you can rock that 1.4ghz for a long time.

But the vid is jerky on mine as well... and I have plenty of grunt to run something like that... I think it's a bandwidth issue (server side? I normally run over 300kbps on downloads).

08-07-2007, 10:05 PM
Looks like an awsome ride, I had no prob viewing it... I used to go up to Lake Buel in the Summer when I was a kid and Water Ski, Good times... Need to work on getting yourself some riding gear though, at least some gloves... Keep riding and keep posting...

08-07-2007, 10:08 PM
I'll have to agree with knothead there on the Linux plug. What flavor are you running?

edit: cool video, nice trails!

08-07-2007, 10:14 PM
How did this turn into a Linux, XP forum... In P's original post he warned it was a big file...

08-07-2007, 10:25 PM
Ok guys first off...yes, agreed linux is good...in fact there is nothing easier than installing almost any recent distro...especially ubuntu...

However, before this thread gets hijacked, the average user doesn't know how to get codecs installed on linux...let alone run as super user...etc..etc...let alone deal with common java, flash and php issues with firefox..etc...

The average user is running a version of windows...it aint me..it's just a fact...

Anyway, The server i'm hosting has plenty of bandwidth...and has been serving up the video just fine...like i said before...i test on multiple machines and although nothing i test on is slower than a 2ghz...they all have at least 512mbs of memory....reasonably fast hard drives...and a cable connection. And not the same cable connection...throughout today i not only have run it at home and at work...but i have had several people view it around the country running both cable and DSL...one of the dsl people had issues with his download speed...but as i've said...don't view it streaming...let it cache...then play it...

If i can help anyone be able to view it let me know...and i will...but understand i uploaded a 450mb video @ 720x480...nothing major...but it will certianly tax some systems...even if you think your system is the bomb...that may not be entirely true...

not trying to be rude...just trying to bring some clarity...

Thanks for checking it out guys... :)

08-07-2007, 10:41 PM
Video worked for me, Just let it sit and load and than watched it..Feed was kinda slow.....

NICE RIDE MAN!!!!!! Looks hella fun :D

Good work on the vid.

08-07-2007, 10:48 PM
:D NICE! Looks like you had a great time!

:? I wish...
:( that was...
:? me and...

:oops: MY SPEEDEE!!! :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :roll:

sniffle, sniffle.

08-07-2007, 10:52 PM
How did this turn into a Linux, XP forum... In P's original post he warned it was a big file...

... well, I just suggested Linux to OB1 since it runs well on old hardware. One line really, and then went on to say I had issues with the download speed as well. Somehow I think you guys are going a bit overboard saying it was a hijack.... unless you want to consider parrallax as having hijacked his own thread, he's said more about it than the rest of us combined!

08-07-2007, 11:13 PM
Ok guys first off...yes, agreed linux is good...in fact there is nothing easier than installing almost any recent distro...especially ubuntu...

However, before this thread gets hijacked, the average user doesn't know how to get codecs installed on linux...let alone run as super user...etc..etc...let alone deal with common java, flash and php issues with firefox..etc...

The average user is running a version of windows...it aint me..it's just a fact...

Anyway, The server i'm hosting has plenty of bandwidth...and has been serving up the video just fine...like i said before...i test on multiple machines and although nothing i test on is slower than a 2ghz...they all have at least 512mbs of memory....reasonably fast hard drives...and a cable connection. And not the same cable connection...throughout today i not only have run it at home and at work...but i have had several people view it around the country running both cable and DSL...one of the dsl people had issues with his download speed...but as i've said...don't view it streaming...let it cache...then play it...

If i can help anyone be able to view it let me know...and i will...but understand i uploaded a 450mb video @ 720x480...nothing major...but it will certianly tax some systems...even if you think your system is the bomb...that may not be entirely true...

not trying to be rude...just trying to bring some clarity...

Thanks for checking it out guys... :)

Part of this was my bad... I didn't think about the vid being 450meg, I just clicked on the link (I'm used to youtube) and let it stream. (not to mention two other computers on the home network watching videos and on other playing Tremulous on line).
But, no, I am on cable. I'm running a 3.4 ghz AMD64 with 1.5 or so gig of main memory and a 256 meg Nvidia card and the 64bit Suse Linux, not the bomb, but good enough to watch a video on!
Last thing I'll say about Linux. There are distro's like Saybayon that ship with all codecs etc... ready to run. I've helped a number of people make the switch. Once they get their head around the fact Linux is not Windows things seem to click and they start to figure out that Linux is actually easier to use and much more reliable than Windows.

08-08-2007, 07:20 AM
Sorry, didnt mean to initiate a thread hijack!

Just was commenting, which was invited.

I saw someone mentioned Firefox in there. I am running it, should I try IE?

08-08-2007, 08:38 AM
I can't even upload a 30sec clip of video. (Hint, I need some help)

It plays fine on my machine if I let it cache first.

I have slow DSL and an 3 year laptop. I don't know it specs. Not a computer person.


08-08-2007, 11:47 AM
Let's stay on topic people.

Any more Windows XP plugs and I'll have to haul out the big bat! :D

08-08-2007, 01:42 PM
Firefox is fine...i just have to be wary of coding for it in php or java...some things just don't respond well...other than that it is great...

Anyway...about the video...i hope people are enjoying it....thanks for all the great comments...yes...all comments are welcome...

Again, if anyone is having trouble viewing it...let me know, i will try to help out if i can...after all this is simply a video ride report of my Shineray Speedee 200...

If i didn't already own one...i'd want to see it...lol :lol:

dig it!!

08-08-2007, 02:08 PM
parallax,I am going to get one of those bikes soon.Your videos and your reviews have been awsome.I have been tawsing around the Idea of buying one and then selling it.After a few times of doing that I would have one for free.lol never know.