View Full Version : Dropped It Again

04-06-2016, 01:55 PM
Man, I don't know what it is with me and the side stand on the CX. At least this time nothing got damaged on either me or the bike. Except maybe my pride.

I dropped it in my parking spot at work and I had to phone one of my guys to help lift it back up. I'd hurt my back doing blade tests the past couple weeks and just couldn't find a position to get leverage that wasn't painful.

Why my back hurts.
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v493/bikamper/image1_zpsrwtb4zrk.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/bikamper/media/image1_zpsrwtb4zrk.jpg.html)

04-06-2016, 02:42 PM
sooo, did you just not put it down or what? ... i mean, i dont want to chuckle at a man with tools that can chop my car in half or anything, but .... just kidding man, i know how back pain is after a few crashes over the years, i sure hope you are feeling better soon

04-06-2016, 03:34 PM
My goodness! My back hurts just looking at the pic! I'm glad that both you and the bike are unscathes.

04-06-2016, 04:29 PM
sooo, did you just not put it down or what? ... i mean, i dont want to chuckle at a man with tools that can chop my car in half or anything, but .... just kidding man, i know how back pain is after a few crashes over the years, i sure hope you are feeling better soon

I put it down and it folded up as I was getting off. I know it was down because my shut procedure is; sidestand down(I look at it), kill engine, close petcock, get off. Most of the time I leave the bike in gear in my spot and I'm wondering if it rolled ahead slightly while I had the clutch pulled.

04-06-2016, 05:09 PM
A Goldwing is easier to pick up than the top heavy CX. I've done both multiple times.

04-06-2016, 05:34 PM
It happens to everyone, soon or later, Cheesy. ;) I hope your back gets better very soon.

Louis Angel
04-06-2016, 08:15 PM
DEaaammmm what a saw!!!!
Anywooooo, hate to hear about the drop, and your back problems.
I read an article written by a woman who is a MSF coach and even
she dropped a bike not too long ago. Did the exact same thing I did
with my old V-Star 650. Put her foot down right into a very slick spot in a parking lot and sure enough her foot went sliding and down the bike went!
I was told by a salesman at a Harley dealer nearby ( that I completely trust )
that most folks, no mater what the size of the bike, will experience a drop.
And sometimes if you ride long enough, more than one. Just the shits of only having 2 wheels. hahahaha!
Glad you are OK.


04-06-2016, 10:36 PM
Thanks, guys. That was number 2. Based on that, I should be done now.:hmm:

Last week I did seventeen cuts in a row with a gas powered rail saw. It's a bit lighter and less powerful than the hydraulic saw in the pic but needs to be moved faster and more often. Hence the muscle strain in the back. I wasn't even supposed to be cutting, just supervising. I forgot that the two guys I assigned to do the testing had a field call that day and the test needed to be done that day. Best cut of the day was one minute sixteen on 115lb rail. That's rail that is 5.5" across the base, 6.5 tall and weighs 115 lbs per 3 foot section.

That fire breathing monster I'm manhandling is a 16" hydraulic saw. Heavy thing and much more powerful than a gas saw. Push down on the forward handle and push in on the rear handle. Move it slowly but firmly. Show it who's boss or it will embarrass you. I did eleven cuts that day on 132lb rail. 6" at the base, 7.5" tall, 132 lbs per 3 foot section. Best cut was one minute eight, which gives you an idea of how much more powerful the saw is. I was doing the cutting because none of the guys in that day had used a hydraulic saw much and couldn't get more than one cut before ruining a blade. So experience got tapped. My arms were like jelly by that last cut.

04-06-2016, 11:58 PM
Queso, I'm surprised it's only your back that hurts. My shoulders and neck would also be done.