View Full Version : Let's go for a ride! Colorado Edition :)

08-13-2016, 10:29 PM
Figured I would place this thread here in the "Off-Topic" section as it's "private until you log into the website"... I'm being stalked by 'Manny' after all :D

Anyways... "Who wants to go for a ride"?

This ride is going to take place on 8/21, it will be a good 6 hours worth of riding with tons of beautiful scenery, hopefully we can get a few other riders up my way for this ride, and the rout will look something like this

https://www.google.com/maps/dir/Diamond+Shamrock/287+Poudre+Canyon+Road,+Bellvue,+CO+80512/Shell/Kum+%26+Go,+308+West+Agate+Avenue,+Granby,+CO+8044 6/Shell,+561+Big+Thompson+Avenue,+Estes+Park,+CO+805 17/2500+West+Eisenhower+Boulevard,+Loveland,+CO+80537/@40.7276373,-106.2937903,15z/data=!4m38!4m37!1m5!1m1!1s0x0:0x4d20fc2439c84e36!2 m2!1d-105.076519!2d40.545549!1m5!1m1!1s0x876937366a8ec6a d:0xbb7618bf275deec1!2m2!1d-105.1944523!2d40.6645187!1m5!1m1!1s0x0:0x41dd95784 1ce7f2a!2m2!1d-106.2817575!2d40.72806!1m5!1m1!1s0x876a2f4a68bf249 1:0x7109ee9f0f852a25!2m2!1d-105.9474657!2d40.085977!1m5!1m1!1s0x876965f037579c 5f:0xc9327ffdbb9e2db5!2m2!1d-105.5144655!2d40.3796172!1m5!1m1!1s0x87695233ca00a 147:0x8edd850d3aa89578!2m2!1d-105.1108018!2d40.4070195!3e0

245 miles with 6 gas stops and of course however many bathroom/hydration/food breaks anyone needs along the way :tup:

I plan on meeting at the Diamond Shamrock that is across the street from Dellenbach Subaru/Chevy/Cadillac dealership up in Fort Collins... depending on who all plans on riding I will probably show up at the gas station around 9am and we will leave when the last person shows and fills up with gas... or we will leave when everyone gets tired of waiting around for the really late parties :hehe:

Sorry for the really short notice... I know it's just over a week away and I'm asking about an all day road ride, it was the soonest I knew about it myself :tup: I talked to 'D' about doing this ride sometime and this was the day it could happen for him :D

Let us know if you can make it, or if you want to make these kind of rides... but you will need a little more than a weeks notice next time :p

08-14-2016, 12:56 AM
This is going to be great! We're in!

08-15-2016, 11:15 PM
Rojo and I are in.

08-16-2016, 01:00 AM
Excellent news! More people going for the ride!

Now some bad news for those who want to ride with me... I have some rules on my scheduled rides!

4 Rules on my rides everyone must follow...

1) Ride safe and at your own pace, some riders have more skill or better tires/suspension/etc. than you do... don't try to keep their pace... slow and steady "win the race" :)

2) I like to ride with the "Buddy System" employed... basically... try to keep (at least) 1 other person on this trip in your mirror (read rule 3)... everyone can see the leaders... it's always the riders at the rear of the group that get lost forever :lol: ... but by all means, if you want to ride fast, memorize our route and we will see you at the next gas station ;)

3) Just like a good leader... in my motorcycle army... No one gets left behind! If you need to stop for any reason just flash your lights and turn signals if you can, or wave everyone down if you have electrical problems and no lights... either way with rule 2 going down, you shouldn't be left behind for long, we will turn around and see what the problem is ;)

and the most important rule of all

4) Everyone must Have fun!

If you don't think you can follow these 4 insanely hard rules... please feel free to stay home and look at any pics we post up :lol:

08-16-2016, 03:53 PM
Geez azhule ... that's a lot of rules. Not sure I can remember all that :D

Several of the group are coming from south of Denver. How about I ask them to meet at my house at 8am and meet you at the Diamond Shamrock in Loveland by 930am?

08-16-2016, 04:00 PM
3 rules based around 'safety' and 'getting everyone back home to their families', the last rule I think is a given while riding any motorcycle

Everything with the updated meet spot/reverse ride sounds fine with me, I sent a PM to Marz/Rojo if I don't hear back from them I will just txt them on the phone to make sure they know of the updates.

I will try my best and be the meet spot (Diamond Shamrock, 2500 West Eisenhower Boulevard, Loveland, CO 80537) around 9am

08-16-2016, 07:53 PM
Detours, I know your funnin, not directed at you

Just a little pre planing gets everyones head in the game

08-18-2016, 01:43 PM
FYI, Rocky Mountain National Park charges $20 per motorcycle for a day pass into the park.

RMNP fees page. (https://www.nps.gov/romo/planyourvisit/fees.htm)

If you have an annual pass and both sign it, they have been known to let two bikers in on the same pass. Mrs Detours and I did that last year. You can also buy an annual pass at the entrance for $80.

Bring enough cash, because cards take longer to process and the readers sometimes go down.

09-05-2016, 04:27 PM
So who is planning the next ride? It's getting really lonely out here... only thing I have to ride to and talk to is a Statue about 20 miles from my place :hehe: sometimes it's no fun living way out in the boonies with no friends close by :hehe:

Also found another pic to post up from our "Poudre Canyon group ride"

09-06-2016, 09:52 AM
To bad you weren't around in 1979 when I was in Denver. I could have gone!