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03-08-2017, 07:59 PM
With apologies to David Bowie, big changes where I work. The facility where I work is being shut down and being moved to a newer, larger facility in the southeast.

I'm not going with but will be running a small Service/Calibration facility being set up here. No cut in pay or benefits, so that's a good thing.

Don't know much more than that at this time. Kinda excited AND apprehensive at the same time. Will know more on Tuesday.

03-08-2017, 08:14 PM
At least they didn't outright sh1t can you .How long till you retire ?

03-08-2017, 08:19 PM
I have about 4 years to go. From what little I know at the moment, one of my guys and myself are the few lucky ones.

Sir kayakalot
03-08-2017, 08:26 PM
Wow with only 4 years to go I'd be apprehensive too. Hoping for the best for ya!

03-08-2017, 09:08 PM
Man... that sounds lucky for you so far. :tup:

03-08-2017, 09:28 PM
I left my job of 27 years last June . Leaving new job end of this month . Trying something new . I understand your uneasiness. Good thing we got bikes to clear our minds :tup:

03-08-2017, 10:01 PM
Wind therapy as someone said.

And side cars and scooters and gromclowns too. OH My!

03-09-2017, 12:08 AM
A tall bottle of IPA says you'll be spending at least some time in the new facility, whether training others, setting up shop or whatever.

03-09-2017, 01:33 AM
Hey cheesy, I like the sound of "small service and calibration". Sound like less pulling of heavy hydraulic rams etc etc eh? Then again, the computer side of things is a real _____:hmm:

03-09-2017, 05:52 AM
A tall bottle of IPA says you'll be spending at least some time in the new facility, whether training others, setting up shop or whatever.

This X2. Where in the Southeast are they setting up shop?

03-09-2017, 05:56 AM
A tall bottle of IPA says you'll be spending at least some time in the new facility, whether training others, setting up shop or whatever.

You'd win. I guess I'm supposed to be down there something like one week a month until things are up and running. Then maybe a week or two every quarter.

I still have more questions than answers about what's going to happen and how. What I do know is that myself and Jason, who works for me, are the only ones from the back of the building that are being kept on. Jason is moving to the new facility. One or two people from Customer Service are being sent to the new facility, too. One or two managers will be cut loose, along with everyone else in the building. Maybe some poorly performing regional sales staff, too.

I have been told that those being let go will be getting very generous severance packages. Which is probably why I'm being kept on. It would be cheaper to keep me.

03-09-2017, 06:14 AM
This X2. Where in the Southeast are they setting up shop?

A small town near Charleston, SC. They found a 47,000 sq ft facility and got a lot of incentives from the state to set up shop there. I understand that sites in IL, TX, and AZ were also considered. SC came up with the best package. I guess IL wasn't even interested in talking to us and we've been here almost fifty years.

Sport Rider
03-09-2017, 09:45 AM
while you're down here, if you wanna come up to Charlotte, you can borrow the hawk and take it up to the mountains!

03-09-2017, 11:19 AM
while you're down here, if you wanna come up to Charlotte, you can borrow the hawk and take it up to the mountains!

You sure about that? I just relearned how to ride on two wheels.

Sport Rider
03-09-2017, 02:42 PM
You sure about that? I just relearned how to ride on two wheels.

at least if you break it you know how to fix it. :lmao::p

03-09-2017, 08:04 PM
Praying all goes will for you in the transition Monsiuer Fromagé... been going thru transitions here myself... just merged with another JD dealer, doubled store count, new systems..... been headache after headache.....LOL but hey... least I still uave a job...

03-10-2017, 08:36 AM
Thanks, bogie.

This has been a long time coming, though I would rather have seen it happen about ten years ago.

I'm off today, so I think I will bundle up and go for a ride.

03-10-2017, 10:28 AM
You should come down here and go for a ride, Cheesy. WX today is supposed to be near 80 with a slight overcast. Tomorrow is going to be a great riding day! The Missus and I are going to pull the Ural out and go for a nice ride. Not sure where yet, but it will be far enough to stretch the legs on the bike, but not far enough that we have to ride forever and a day to get back home. Maybe either Rome, GA or Birmingham, AL. Birmingham has a really good Indian restaurant, and Rome has some really nice scenery and roadside diners. They also have a lot of antiques shops and a Chili's (the missus favorite chain restaurant). I'm giving some though to selling off some toys. It's getting mighty crowded in the house, and with a little one on the way, we should probably make some room. We walked through the house the other day and were absolutely dumbfounded that two people could acquire so much "stuff". We don't even remember where we got most of it... The Hawk is one of those things that's likely to go. I'm going to post it in the classifieds later today. Any takers?

Sport Rider
03-10-2017, 10:30 AM
You should come down here and go for a ride, Cheesy. WX today is supposed to be near 80 with a slight overcast. Tomorrow is going to be a great riding day! The Missus and I are going to pull the Ural out and go for a nice ride. Not sure where yet, but it will be far enough to stretch the legs on the bike, but not far enough that we have to ride forever and a day to get back home. Maybe either Rome, GA or Birmingham, AL. Birmingham has a really good Indian restaurant, and Rome has some really nice scenery and roadside diners. They also have a lot of antiques shops and a Chili's (the missus favorite chain restaurant). I'm giving some though to selling off some toys. It's getting mighty crowded in the house, and with a little one on the way, we should probably make some room. We walked through the house the other day and were absolutely dumbfounded that two people could acquire so much "stuff". We don't even remember where we got most of it... The Hawk is one of those things that's likely to go. I'm going to post it in the classifieds later today. Any takers?

how did you luck out? they're talking about light snow here on Sunday...

03-10-2017, 11:16 AM
You'd win. I guess I'm supposed to be down there something like one week a month until things are up and running. Then maybe a week or two every quarter.

I still have more questions than answers about what's going to happen and how. What I do know is that myself and Jason, who works for me, are the only ones from the back of the building that are being kept on. Jason is moving to the new facility. One or two people from Customer Service are being sent to the new facility, too. One or two managers will be cut loose, along with everyone else in the building. Maybe some poorly performing regional sales staff, too.

I have been told that those being let go will be getting very generous severance packages. Which is probably why I'm being kept on. It would be cheaper to keep me.

First, I'm thankful that you haven't clawed your way to middle management. Being a lead Tech means that you're not expendable.

Second, be glad that you live in the glorious USA. in Canada, an employer is only required to pay up to eight years of severance. I'm in my 29th year, so I'm not really worth much to them on paper.

03-10-2017, 12:59 PM
I think that the WX is staying calm for us because we're so close to the downhill slope of the mountains between here and Birmingham. Once it gets past Atlanta heading West it kind of falls apart. The WX picks up all the moisture and turbulence from the city and all the large open bodies of water, and you guys get hammered on the way out to the coast. I was wrong about the temps, though. It's only going up to the low to mid- 70's out here tomorrow. Tomorrow evening into Sunday is going to be light rain for us.

03-10-2017, 07:18 PM
Got that ride in today. Geez, it never hit thirty.

That was after several calls from customers looking for part numbers and texts from my boss asking about my schedule for the month. Again. Recalling part numbers off the top of my head is probably one of the reasons they're keeping me around.

Jason and I are planning to go bat for David to see if they will reconsider taking him along to SC. Davids' limited talents will make it hard for him to bounce back. Inky Tim, on the other hand, would probably have quit by the end year anyway. He's planning on opening up his own custom car shop, specializing in chopped tops. I guess he already has something like a half dozen jobs lined up at seven grand a pop. So he'll be okay.

As confusing this all is for me, Mrs. C is making me nuts with "What abouts, what ifs, and whys." Most of them just come out of the blue. I was telling her to wait until Tuesday or Wednesday, when I would have some answers. Now, I'm just giving her 'stink eye' when she brings something up.

03-10-2017, 11:13 PM
Cheesy, thanks for sharing all this. It's interesting to see all that is unfolding . Course I'm sure you would not like so much of this drama in the first place.

03-11-2017, 08:36 AM
Looks like I will be giving a guided tour to the big bosses on Monday to list assets in the shop. They are going to be somewhat surprised by how much of that stuff back there is actually mine and not theirs. Like the fridge, microwave, coffee maker, radio, air brush compressor, tool cabinets, tools, office chair, spray guns, etc, etc.

Most of the large equipment has been fully depreciated for years and will go for pennies on the dollar at auction. I wouldn't want any of them in my garage. I would like the 0-32 volt adjustable power supply, though.

03-11-2017, 09:19 AM
sounds like they might be charging you rent for your stuff there cheese ,and the power supply is yours ,put it inside the fridge for the dog and pony show .

03-11-2017, 05:32 PM
If they were going to be that way, Bruce, I could back charge 20 years rent for use of my air brush compressor. But they won't.

For all I know, they might not even be allowed into the US. Or, with the weather we're expecting, be able to get out.

03-11-2017, 09:18 PM
I think Bowie would appreciate you quoting him in this situation. It sucks to see jobs leaving town.

03-13-2017, 09:55 PM
No big bosses today.

I don't know if the weather delayed them or if there was a change in plans. I do know the GM is out until Wednesday and I'm assuming he is with them, either in meetings with them at the Holiday Inn, where everyone stays when they're here, or hitting the Canadian facility first.

That was the other tidbit I learned, the US and Canadian branches are being consolidated.

03-13-2017, 10:31 PM
I don't trust those damned Canadians !
Since they are going to consolidate the Canada and US branches ,why would they not do it closer to the border ?

03-14-2017, 06:57 AM
I don't trust those damned Canadians !
Since they are going to consolidate the Canada and US branches ,why would they not do it closer to the border ?

Who knows what goes on in the minds of accountants and lawyers?

03-14-2017, 08:16 PM
Well, the S started to HTF this afternoon.

That is all.

Sir kayakalot
03-14-2017, 09:53 PM
Well that doesn't sound good. We're ready to listen.

03-14-2017, 10:17 PM
if there is anything I can help you with ,just let me know .If there really is shtf DUCK !!!

03-14-2017, 10:20 PM
Our Accounts Receivable person came back to the shop, around four, to tell me that the CEO and the head of NA Operations showed up unannounced. They went into the our CFOs office and closed the door. AR said that the CFO had that deer in the headlight look. I'm guessing he was not in the loop.

As I rolled into my garage, I got a text from another friend in the Accounting Dept., to please call her. I called and she wanted to know "WTF was going on?" I hated to do it, but I had to play dumb. Which really wasn't a stretch as far as the CFO is concerned. I think most folks up in the front of the building now know something big is happening.

Tomorrow is not going to be much fun.

03-14-2017, 10:24 PM
if there is anything I can help you with ,just let me know .If there really is shtf DUCK !!!

I shall muddle through.

In my previous life, I used to tell the guys to keep their heads down and keep their gas masks handy when ever management started acting squirrely.

03-14-2017, 10:48 PM
ive resisted saying anything till now but i would take the stuff that was mine home now! not in a day or two but now first thing you do tomorrow.

03-15-2017, 06:49 AM
ive resisted saying anything till now but i would take the stuff that was mine home now! not in a day or two but now first thing you do tomorrow.

There isn't much value to a 30 year old fridge and I expect it will come with me to my new place. Operations at this facility are supposed run until the end of July, so there is no rush to get my stuff out. Besides, I need someplace to keep my Dilly Bars when the Chicago area does it's imitation of south Florida during the last two weeks of July. It is my understanding, though, that this building will go on the real estate market at the end of the workday today.

I've been up since 3:45 with a combination of sinus issues, a sixty one year old bladder, and nerves. And I don't leave for work until 7:00 at the earliest.:doh:

03-15-2017, 10:16 AM
Man, this is rough cheesy. I hope that things work out for you. I'd been through something similar years back, but I was a hell of a lot younger. Being absorbed is never fun, especially with all the "family" you've worked with for years. See kids of fellow employees grow up, etc..etc... All you can do is hope that you make the cut and soldier on.
Keep us posted.

03-15-2017, 02:27 PM
Just waiting now for the smoke to clear and some of the tears to stop, or at least slow down.

The CFO was given a choice to either make the move or quit. He opted to quit. That was totally unexpected and I learned that he was indeed out of the loop. So, a coup by the GM who has been promoted to Prez of the US branch.

Kind of surprised by some of the people kept on and those who will be let go. A pretty decent severance package was offered to everybody and a nice retention bonus to those who stay on until the doors are closed on July 31st.

I have my job until I decide to retire and will be working out of my home as of Aug. 1st. They decided to move the calibration stuff to SC, so I silently said, "Thank you, thank you, thank you." I hate doing those damn things.

03-15-2017, 03:58 PM
Makes your commute simple. You need that power converter to test things at the home office.

03-15-2017, 04:01 PM
Let us know if you need anything, Chief. You guys come through the nasty weather ok?

03-15-2017, 09:45 PM
Let us know if you need anything, Chief. You guys come through the nasty weather ok?

Thanks, but I'm good. I came out of this better than I expected. I get to work from home, will be getting a company vehicle, and a small pay increase. I'm also Grandfathered into my bennies.

As far as weather, we didn't get much here. We had maybe four inches on the ground Monday morning, which I promptly cleared off the driveway before heading to work. Monday night, we got another inch and I didn't even bother with it in the morning. It was gone by the time I got home.

Kato-The power supply will be coming with me. I'm the only one who knows how to use it.

This was the first layoff in company history and I think today would have made a fine psychological study. My guys were in a funk and I didn't press them. Dave went pretty much catatonic and Tim was not happy that he wasn't picked to go with. Jason kept bouncing between euphoria and melancholy. My friend in accounting had her position eliminated and went through a day long meltdown. Some shrugged and went on with their day. I sat at a bench and got more done than I have in a long time. Also drank a few gallons of coffee.

The two from headquarters were pretty nervous themselves when they told us what was going to happen. Probably thought that they'd be tarred and feathered.

Sport Rider
03-16-2017, 09:18 AM
As far as weather, we didn't get much here. We had maybe four inches on the ground Monday morning, which I promptly cleared off the driveway before heading to work. Monday night, we got another inch and I didn't even bother with it in the morning. It was gone by the time I got home.

you DID use the ural to clear the snow, right? :hi:

03-16-2017, 09:04 PM
you DID use the ural to clear the snow, right? :hi:

Snowblower on the driveway, Ural through the yard.

03-17-2017, 06:53 AM
I had issues with Tim yesterday, another reason for yesterdays 100 mile ride after work listed in the Rpoc thread.

Understandably, he's bent about not being considered for the move but his attitude may force him out the door sooner than July 31st. He got mouthy with me and I made him sit his skinny butt in my office and gave him every reason he wasn't picked to go.

In no particular order:

Never on time.

Used more sick days than the rest of the shop combined.

More than once, begged others to take over travel assignments because he didn't want to go. Sometimes didn't even make an effort to make travel plans before asking someone else.

Told several times to get proper winter gear and never did.

Took 'hissy fit days' when called on the carpet.

On the phone arguing with wife/ex-wife/current girl friend(all one and the same)during work hours.

Working on 'lunchtime projects' during work hours.

Bullied Dave(He only did that once and I threatened to kick his ass from one end of the building and back if he ever did it again).

Does not always play well with others. (Scared of me, though)

The nail in the coffin, so to speak, was welding. When talk first started about getting into manufacturing, he was told to look into becoming a certified welder. He has great skills and we would pay for his training. He did absolutely nothing with it.

I told him most of that other stuff would have probably been downplayed if he'd gotten the certificate. Heck, if he'd gotten the certificate, he'd probably be running the new weld shop.

Then I hit him with this. "You plan on starting your own business, would you hire you?" I probably made him madder but at this point I really don't care anymore.

Dave, on the other hand, has accepted it and is doing his job. Just smoking more than he usually does. Jason, I, and a couple of the sales reps have been networking on Daves' behalf and already gotten him some interviews with potential employers.

My friend in Accounting is still hurting and I'm a bit pissed that hers was the only position in the Accounting Dept. that was cut. She said that Wednesday was the highest high and lowest low she ever experienced in one day. She was told her dick of a boss was canned and a few minutes later, so was she. She did agree to hit a bar for a couple of beers after work today with Jason and I.

Starting next week, I'm pretty much out of the shop for the next several weeks. I'll probably be in the office every other Friday just to do paperwork. I think towards the end of April, I'll be spending a lot of time setting up the new place.

Those of you that live in SC, there will be a state wide announcement March 28th, regarding a French railroad equipment manufacturer setting up shop in your state. They'll be hiring.

Sport Rider
03-17-2017, 08:22 AM
Having background as a manager, my question is why the heck Tim wasn't fired for cause long before this. these kind of guys are a negative in a team environment.

but glad you got a ride in! :tup:

03-17-2017, 08:39 AM
Having background as a manager, my question is why the heck Tim wasn't fired for cause long before this. these kind of guys are a negative in a team environment.

but glad you got a ride in! :tup:

I think that's called a union ?

03-17-2017, 08:40 AM
Agreed. However, as a supervisor with no hire, fire, or disciplinary powers, my hands were tied. I'd made my bosses aware of the problems, but they felt it was mine to deal with. Did the best I could with what I had to work with.

When he'd split with the nutjob and was taking his meds, he was an exemplary employee. When they got back together, well, JHC.

03-17-2017, 12:23 PM
Having background as a manager, my question is why the heck Tim wasn't fired for cause long before this. these kind of guys are a negative in a team environment.

but glad you got a ride in! :tup:

When going down cheesy's checklist of infractions on the guy and his personality and attitude issues, one word came to mind. "Tweeker". I had a real problem with them for a while. Finally got the shop all cleaned out.

03-23-2017, 09:47 PM
Here's the latest installment.

An email was sent out to everyone from the former GM/new CEO that the Texas/Mexico Sales Rep is now the new Sales Manager for the US and Mexico. I was kinda sorta expecting he'd get the nod; a good guy. He actually worked on track for several years before he started working for us, so he knows what field guys go through.

I called him soon after getting the message to congratulate him and to ask, if he saw the promotion coming, why didn't he duck? He's been there just as long as I have, I think I started two months before he did. He will be staying in Dallas and working from there.

I also told him that I reserve the right to remind him who has bailed his ass out several times if he decides to get too managerial.

03-25-2017, 11:05 AM
A small town near Charleston, SC. They found a 47,000 sq ft facility and got a lot of incentives from the state to set up shop there. I understand that sites in IL, TX, and AZ were also considered. SC came up with the best package. I guess IL wasn't even interested in talking to us and we've been here almost fifty years.

There's a great group of guys down there to ride with. I'm straight up I-26 from Charleston, in northern Spartanburg.

Here's a link. In this link is a list of links that may be of riding interest.


03-25-2017, 01:58 PM
There's a great group of guys down there to ride with. I'm straight up I-26 from Charleston, in northern Spartanburg.

Here's a link. In this link is a list of links that may be of riding interest.


Thanks for the link. I'll have to see if I can find something to rent so I can explore the area when I visit.

03-26-2017, 04:54 PM
Thanks for the link. I'll have to see if I can find something to rent so I can explore the area when I visit.
You're welcome. :tup:

04-13-2017, 09:07 PM
For Sale sign went up on the building yesterday. They're asking $1.8 mil for the dump.:wtf: With all the other vacant properties around here, it's going to take awhile.

Jason listed his house last Monday and it sold two days later, so he's committed. He's a good psychological study. Wild mood swings. One minute all excited about the future, next minute whining about all the changes.

Gotta tell ya,though, the place is like a morgue. I hope I spend more time on the road in the near future, but as of today, I am on vacation until the 24th.

05-08-2017, 01:54 PM
Well, it's been almost two months since the SHTF and I've come to the conclusion that management hasn't a clue on how to handle the upcoming move. Apparently, they've hired a plant manager for the place in SC and that's it. Nothing about disposition of assets in this building or how things are to be set up in the new place. My boss is pretty pissed about the whole thing, but he hates change anyway. I'm thinking early retirement for him, with me not too far behind.

In other news, it looks like the building may have already sold. Surprised the crap outta me. Been a lot of suits here with tape measures and tablets.

And the CFO that was let go back in March, yeah, he apparently was seriously lacking in ethics. Big time. Jail time coming by the sound of things. We've always harbored some suspicions about how he did things but had a hard time pinning things down. The last two sales guys hired were both CPAs who starting questioning him how he did things and kept getting the runaround. That was enough of a red flag for one of the guys and he went directly to the Chairman of the Board with what he had. So far, we've found collusion with auditors to hide misuse of funds, accepting gifts from vendors(which is a big NO NO for us peons), and accepting kickbacks from banks. He did one thing that has totally pissed off both the Sales and Service staffs. When he set up the company AMEX account years ago, he had it set up in his name so that all reward points went to him. Points that guys like me earned in our travels. He took 2.1M points with him, valued at $21000.00. His reasoning was the 'He earned the points'. Not us. He covered his tracks pretty well by removing pages of monthly reports on who spent what to earn those points, except he missed one month of pages back in 2010 and that's what nailed him.

The company has asked for the points back and he more or less gave us a big FU. At which point, the company lawyers told him "Fine. The account was in your name. You will be held responsible for all invoices incurred from the time of your dismissal until the time the account was canceled." Choke on that, you prick.

Always wondered how he took so many cruises every year.

05-08-2017, 03:20 PM
Wow! I had similar suspicions at work when we started an AMEX account about 28 years ago. I figured that someone was capturing the points for themselves, which is precisely why I never used the company card. Fast-forward to today, and we're now required to use our new company MasterCard. I suspect that somebody is getting points from those as well. No more points for me.

05-08-2017, 06:51 PM
That's pretty $h!tty of him.

I worked for a man that would evade taxes and wouldn't turn it in for the business or employees. It was cheaper for him to settle and pay after the fact than do his taxes as required. The thing is, at the end of the year, us employees, never receive the proper paperwork to get our taxes done. I got wise and started to keep copies of my check stubs and getting my taxes done that way. I think I may be the reason at least one of the five restaurants he owned was shut down. I was filing taxes without W2's. being young and dumb, I worked for him and managed the chain for a while. I started at age 15 and finally walked away at age 22. I learned a lot. Mainly that I never want to own or operate a restaurant.

05-08-2017, 07:51 PM
Nobody even suspected we were earning the points he was hiding. Those of us that travel get to keep all of our earned airline and hotel points for personal use. The thought behind that is that we were away from home and went above and beyond our paid hours(We're salary), so it's how we're comped.

I guess he felt slighted, as a company officer, that he didn't have that perk.

05-08-2017, 10:54 PM
So this is probably why (corruption from top) the decision was to shut the whole section of the company down, right? Or was it not profitable (but of course with a crook, how could any body know).

It always comes clear in the end doesn't it.

05-08-2017, 11:12 PM
My father used to fly for his company all over the world. They DID allow him to keep his miles, and it was cool for him--he flew business class and would get upgrades because he had nearly two million miles back then. The catch-22 was the upgrades to first would allow him to get triple miles, so one round-trip to Australia was almost a round trip for one of us (kids) to go to Europe and whatnot. After he retired, he used his miles for a few years, but then the airlines started sucking them up and he flew as much as he could and now, alas--he has none. It was fun while it lasted.

05-08-2017, 11:33 PM
My father used to fly for his company all over the world. They DID allow him to keep his miles, and it was cool for him--he flew business class and would get upgrades because he had nearly two million miles back then. The catch-22 was the upgrades to first would allow him to get triple miles, so one round-trip to Australia was almost a round trip for one of us (kids) to go to Europe and whatnot. After he retired, he used his miles for a few years, but then the airlines started sucking them up and he flew as much as he could and now, alas--he has none. It was fun while it lasted.

I just had a $236 rewards check issued from my bank of am cc because i dont trust them for 5 min before they change the terms. I cash out pretty often around the $200 mark.

05-09-2017, 07:44 AM
So this is probably why (corruption from top) the decision was to shut the whole section of the company down, right? Or was it not profitable (but of course with a crook, how could any body know).

It always comes clear in the end doesn't it.

Not really. We needed to be building equipment in the US and needed a facility large enough and with overhead cranes to do it. Also needed to have the ability to expand the facility for larger equipment, which we can't do here and can do there.

The dope we're finding on this guy is just something we all sort of suspected, but couldn't prove. The fact that his bosses were on the other side of the pond meant he could get away things pretty easily, until his newest boss took an interest. He had no respect for women and she(there's the kicker)started digging after getting the nod from the Chairman and being told by the jackass "not to worry your pretty little head". When she was made the CEO, she went in for the kill.

05-09-2017, 08:21 AM
Not really. We needed to be building equipment in the US and needed a facility large enough and with overhead cranes to do it. Also needed to have the ability to expand the facility for larger equipment, which we can't do here and can do there.

The dope we're finding on this guy is just something we all sort of suspected, but couldn't prove. The fact that his bosses were on the other side of the pond meant he could get away things pretty easily, until his newest boss took an interest. He had no respect for women and she(there's the kicker)started digging after getting the nod from the Chairman and being told by the jackass "not to worry your pretty little head". When she was made the CEO, she went in for the kill.

Ahhh ha, convenient tipping point sort of deal.

05-16-2017, 09:14 PM
Big shots at the place today. Vice Chairman, CFO, a Veep, all from France, and the new Plant Superintendent for SC. The CFO, Veep, and the new Plant Super I wouldn't know if I met them on the street. The Vice Chairman and I go back twenty years.

It was kind of nice to have Dan, the Vice Chair, tap me on the shoulder and say "Hi, howzitgoin"., without the GM hovering in the background. We had a nice BS session about everything but work. When work finally did come up, he asked that I consider staying on past 65 because of my experience. Said I'd let him know in four years.

Had a little one on one with the new super after that. Seems like a nice enough guy, but then I won't be working for him. Might take him for Mexican tomorrow. I do see fireworks between him and my boss, though.

The CFO and the Veep(the former CFO) are going through the books with a fine toothed comb, so I'm steering clear of the both of them.

05-16-2017, 10:21 PM
Big shots at the place today. Vice Chairman, CFO, a Veep, all from France, and the new Plant Superintendent for SC. The CFO, Veep, and the new Plant Super I wouldn't know if I met them on the street. The Vice Chairman and I go back twenty years.

It was kind of nice to have Dan, the Vice Chair, tap me on the shoulder and say "Hi, howzitgoin"., without the GM hovering in the background. We had a nice BS session about everything but work. When work finally did come up, he asked that I consider staying on past 65 because of my experience. Said I'd let him know in four years.

Had a little one on one with the new super after that. Seems like a nice enough guy, but then I won't be working for him. Might take him for Mexican tomorrow. I do see fireworks between him and my boss, though.

The CFO and the Veep(the former CFO) are going through the books with a fine toothed comb, so I'm steering clear of the both of them.


05-16-2017, 11:09 PM

:lmao: :tup:

06-16-2017, 08:02 AM
Bit of an update. Things have finally started happening on my end with the move. We needed to have our personal property out, save for our tools, yesterday. I got out what I wanted but told management that my coffee maker stays until we shut off the lights. I put my fridge and microwave up on the bulletin board as free because I have nowhere to put them. Which is why they were at the shop. Brought home the power supply, too.

Been going round and round with my boss as to what gets moved to SC and what gets scrapped. Much of the equipment in the shop is old, tired and not worth the price of crating and shipping. He has been given a budget for all new equipment, but his 'Norwegian Farmer' keeps sneaking out about how much the new stuff is going to cost. He likes new and shiny but not if he has to pay for it.

Want to choke all my guys at various times of the day. Tim got his building and has become worse than useless, Dave doesn't give a shit anymore, and Jason is bouncing off the walls and more scatter brained than normal. Yet all three manage to find time for communal smoke breaks. My field work has been curtailed because I'm the only getting stuff done in the shop and that's starting to irritate me. Five more weeks.

It's looks to me, that by the time I retire, I may be the last of Modern Track people still at Geismar. Having been through this before, I don't see much enthusiasm in the four others staying on. The head of CS is staying for two years as a mentor. Her replacement doesn't want to live in SC. I give my boss maybe two years. He is not liking​ the changes at all. Jason, I give 18 months before he bails. He's not a desk type guy and all his inefficiencies will stand out. Al, the new prez, will hang on the longest but I think he may get thown under the bus once things are up and running right. Then again, I might get canned at the end of the year because I spoke my mind.

06-16-2017, 12:07 PM
Then again, I might get canned at the end of the year because I spoke my mind.

Nah...... They may put you in charge of the whole dang thing!!

06-16-2017, 12:42 PM
Nah...... They may put you in charge of the whole dang thing!!

Good Lord, no.

06-16-2017, 12:48 PM
Queso, is there any of the tired shop equipment that interests you? I'd do terrible things for a Bridgeport.

06-16-2017, 01:08 PM
Queso, is there any of the tired shop equipment that interests you? I'd do terrible things for a Bridgeport.

Nah. The lathe is an old worn out Jet without reverse. The mill is the same; old, worn out, and a Jet. Mig is a 20 year old HTP 160 that Tim has already peed on, along with the oxy set up, plasma cutter and hydraulic press.

There may be some smaller tools that I might grab because, A) no one knows how to use it. And, B) no one knows it's here.

06-16-2017, 04:28 PM
Nah. The lathe is an old worn out Jet without reverse. The mill is the same; old, worn out, and a Jet. Mig is a 20 year old HTP 160 that Tim has already peed on, along with the oxy set up, plasma cutter and hydraulic press.

There may be some smaller tools that I might grab because, A) no one knows how to use it. And, B) no one knows it's here.

And (c) no one even knows what they are for.

Funny story, got a call from dispatch saying a north bound was pulling a car on fire...turned out it was a rail grinding unit:lmao:. And the next day when the wind came up, it fires up a wood tie that harbored those sparks over night.

06-16-2017, 05:10 PM
And (c) no one even knows what they are for.

Funny story, got a call from dispatch saying a north bound was pulling a car on fire...turned out it was a rail grinding unit:lmao:. And the next day when the wind came up, it fires up a wood tie that harbored those sparks over night.


06-17-2017, 12:53 PM
Off-topic, but that reminds me of the time I saw a train travelling north on the tracks that are next to Highway 2 in Alberta, heading to Edmonton. One of the axles had failed (I presume it to be a bearing of some fashion) and the wheel was locked up. Sparks were showering into the ditch, which left a fire for several miles. Since this was after the discontinuation of manned cabooses, nobody was on board to see it. Also, few people had cell phones in the '80's, so it burned for quite a while before it was detected.

BTW, I'd even give lots of love to a worn out Jet mill.

06-20-2017, 09:10 PM
BTW, I'd even give lots of love to a worn out Jet mill.

Sorry, Weld. Old weird Harold (my boss) put the mill on the 'take with' list.

06-21-2017, 12:14 PM
Sorry, Weld. Old weird Harold (my boss) put the mill on the 'take with' list.

I didn't mean that I wanted that specific mill; the shipping would be prohibitive. I just meant that I wish I had one.

06-21-2017, 04:07 PM
I didn't mean that I wanted that specific mill; the shipping would be prohibitive. I just meant that I wish I had one.

I figured that.;)

Trust me that you didn't want this one

07-13-2017, 07:44 AM
Just about two weeks left to go. All but one of the staff not going has developed 'Short Timers Disease'. I've asked to have Tim cut loose because he has become absolutely worthless. They won't, but you get the idea. Dave will still do anything I ask but it's not getting done quickly.

I understand that almost nothing is ready at the new place yet. It has been so hard not to say "told ya" to management that the July 31st deadline wasn't doable. So it looks like I will be the last living cell in a dead body as of August 1st, surrounded by stock. That's the day after contracts expire for everyone who got a package. Dana in shipping may stick around because he was going to retire, so he didn't have a contract.

My understanding is that the sales staff will be brought in to help pack up and load trucks. That should be an effort in herding cats. And I get to supervise. And unload and set up at the new place.

I did get my company vehicle yesterday. 2011F150 with 232k on it. It's 'new to me', not 'new' as I was told. My boss wasn't pleased, either. His boss got earful from me about it. He gave me a bullshit explaination on why I got a high mileage hand me down. Again. I told him his explaination was what it was and it would be best if he steered clear of me for a while. Crap. Oh, well. It's only getting driven to the airport and a couple of places in Wisconsin.

That's the latest.

07-13-2017, 10:22 AM
I can hear the echo in the giant building now..........

07-13-2017, 12:21 PM
Good luck with the sales staff packing and loading. One of the reps I work with is only good at ordering a round of drinks for everyone and then somehow vaporizing when the bill arrives.

07-13-2017, 01:36 PM
Good luck with the sales staff packing and loading. One of the reps I work with is only good at ordering a round of drinks for everyone and then somehow vaporizing when the bill arrives.

I don't think the new Sales Manager is going to stand for that and we only have one guy who is going to pull the "I won't do manual labor" crap. The others are flighty and easily distracted by shiny objects, but will get the job done.

Here's a rundown of the sales staff.;)

I might have to wrestle my cheese curds and lefsa away from the overweight Norwegian Wisconsin. Uff da.

The guy from Memphis will run out the door to check out every loud V8 exhaust.

The ADHD guy from Vegas will stop in mid sentence to go outside and chase snakes while opening another tin of Copenhagen.

The guy from Denver will say "Want some special gummy bears?", while busting his butt.

The local guy will be working circles around everyone else. He's a farm boy and not yet 30.

The young guy from Houston will be trying to keep up with the local guy.

The guy from the Northeast just quit Tuesday. That means no one will be taking him behind the building to beat the snot outta him. He needed it.

The guy from Atlanta 'that guy' who will avoid doing anything but will tell everyone about his Harley, Rolex, Boat, Wife's money, etc. Take your pick. Ask him his sales numbers and he'll shut up.

The Sales Manager from Dallas will spend what little time he has trying to keep them rounded up.

I'll probably be face palming and asking the guy from Denver for more gummy bears.

07-14-2017, 12:35 PM
I heard Homer's voice there; mmm... gummies.

07-15-2017, 12:31 AM
One big happy dysfunctional family :lmao:

Oh, yea , I want a 235k miler so I can break down in across the frozen tundra...should be fine :tup:

07-15-2017, 01:45 AM
I heard Homer's voice there; mmm... gummies.
And illegal in Illannoy.

07-20-2017, 06:17 AM
I've been in the field all week, so I'm missing all this weeks fun. Only heard from Old Weird Harold and Tim. Harold wants to know if I'll be in next week because he will be in Europe with the new Plant Manager on the Factory Tour. Twenty years seniority on the guy and I still haven't been. A sore point, kind of like my new truck.:ohno:

Tim calls asking for hours on three used machines because he still doesn't know how to retrieve the info from the displays. Never mind that I gave that info last week, in an email, to the person asking Tim for the info. Jason and I have told each manager at least a half dozen times in the last couple of months.:doh:

Can't wait to see what awaits me on Monday.

07-20-2017, 10:28 AM
....and the fun continues. Don't you love it when there's someone with much less time and experience who gets all of the gravy (like Europe)? Same thing happened to me....but it was my old bosses girlfriend who found herself suddenly employed at my company. She was my "boss"...and I had to train her to be that. That was a jagged little pill. No justice, I tell ya.

07-21-2017, 05:55 AM
Got word yesterday that the shutdown has been postponed for a month because, wait for it, they aren't ready.

Soooo, management went around asking some, not all, to stay on for another month. There were few takers. Neither Tim or Dave accepted. No info on the two guys in shipping or CS. I do know the AP person is hanging on but I think that maybe it for Accounting.

Looks like I'll have the shop and warehouse to myself for the next few weeks. Oh boy!

07-21-2017, 09:53 AM
Got word yesterday that the shutdown has been postponed for a month because, wait for it, they aren't ready.

Soooo, management went around asking some, not all, to stay on for another month. There were few takers. Neither Tim or Dave accepted. No info on the two guys in shipping or CS. I do know the AP person is hanging on but I think that maybe it for Accounting.

Looks like I'll have the shop and warehouse to myself for the next few weeks. Oh boy!

Wait for it...lol
What a shock ...eyes rolling

07-24-2017, 01:49 PM
Last full week. Anyone that wasn't asked to stay on past the 31st will be done next Monday.

I asked the powers that be if they planned a lunch or anything for those that will be laid off and got the deer in the headlight stare. I said "I thought so".

So, Mrs C. and I picked up their slack and will be hosting a cookout for everyone on Friday. We are taking care of the entire cost this little shindig.

I so home someone from the home office is here Friday.

07-24-2017, 07:18 PM
Last full week. Anyone that wasn't asked to stay on past the 31st will be done next Monday.

I asked the powers that be if they planned a lunch or anything for those that will be laid off and got the deer in the headlight stare. I said "I thought so".

So, Mrs C. and I picked up their slack and will be hosting a cookout for everyone on Friday. We are taking care of the entire cost this little shindig.

I so home someone from the home office is here Friday.

Hehe, good one. Did you figure a mount for your bbq pit or rven propane grill yet on the back of the rpoc? Would be great for the party....great for those sausages

07-25-2017, 07:36 AM
I did find a small kettle grill for cheap that will fit in the sidecar, along with the charcoal bags and the eating utensils. Condiments, chips, and such will fit in the trunk. The big rolling cooler will strap to the trunk.
Got it all figured out.

07-29-2017, 08:26 AM
The cookout was a success. Some very happy people. I was so busy with the grill that I only got a couple of pics and I still need to get them uploaded to Flickr.

I got a call from the new prez, yelling at me that I was making the management team look bad by hosting and picking up the tab for this shindig. He forgets that I yell back and louder. I told him that they did that on their own, I just highlighted it. Next, they wanted to 'donate' something to the cookout. Told them they were too late and that I had it all covered.

Then, they wanted me to expense my out of pocket costs for it. Nope, not happening. The hundred bucks I spent to make my coworkers happy and see the bosses squirm was worth every penny.

One of them finally ran out to the DQ and bought an ice cream cake but by then, things had wrapped up and no one was interested.

07-29-2017, 01:18 PM
Way to stick it to 'em, Queso.

07-30-2017, 09:09 AM
That's awesome cheesy and classy move.

The beauty of this is that you can retire at the drop of a hat so keep poking that stick! One thing is....you're not just poking them with a stick for yourself, but many of us are living vicariously through your experience....because we aren't to a point where we can start to poke sticks yet. ;-)

Keep up the fine work! I've enjoyed every chapter.

07-30-2017, 08:20 PM
That's awesome cheesy and classy move.

The beauty of this is that you can retire at the drop of a hat so keep poking that stick! One thing is....you're not just poking them with a stick for yourself, but many of us are living vicariously through your experience....because we aren't to a point where we can start to poke sticks yet. ;-)

Keep up the fine work! I've enjoyed every chapter.

Speaking of which...here are plenty more sticks for you to poke with!


07-30-2017, 11:44 PM
Fate has a rotten way of giving one the middle finger. I won't be at the shop tomorrow for everyone's last day as planned.

My Mom suffered a massive stroke this morning. Last Rites were given and life support was removed. I will most likely be flying under the radar for awhile.

07-31-2017, 08:08 AM
So sorry to hear this. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

07-31-2017, 11:43 AM
Prayers going out to your family for comfort and peace in this time of sorrow

07-31-2017, 12:21 PM
My condolences.

07-31-2017, 01:08 PM
Really sad to hear, I will light a candle and incense at sundown

We will still be here if you need anything

07-31-2017, 01:45 PM
Heartfelt condolences. I am sorry to hear of your loss.

07-31-2017, 01:52 PM
Many condolences cheesy. Prayers and thoughts to you and the family.

07-31-2017, 02:21 PM
My sincere condolences, Cheesy; prayers sent for you and your family.

I'm inspired by the road you've taken at work and how you've finished strong. The cookout you hosted was well above and beyond.

07-31-2017, 02:50 PM

hang in there.

07-31-2017, 09:24 PM
Thanks guys. Mom left for a better place about 5 PM today. After managing to hold it together for the last 36 hours, I lost it with her last breath. Now I feel relief that she is no longer suffering.

08-01-2017, 05:28 AM
Sorry for your loss, Cheesy

08-04-2017, 10:31 PM
Mom's funeral was today. I don't think I will stop missing her.

08-05-2017, 12:19 AM
Mom's funeral was today. I don't think I will stop missing her.

Trust me...you won't....the pain will ease with time...but you wont...Saying this from experience after loosing my mom in '12. Even nearly 5 years later there are still some things that bring her to mind.

Sir kayakalot
08-05-2017, 11:18 AM
Sorry about losing your mom Cheesy. It's a painful part of life we all have to endure and that kind of pain really never goes away. I lost my dad in 14' and it still hurts every time I think of him. He was my hero. So to all of you who still have your parents, hug em tight cuz they're not gonna be here forever.

08-05-2017, 06:05 PM
you will be in my family's prayers. God bless.

08-05-2017, 10:13 PM
Thanks all.

Got back home early this afternoon. Called my Dad to let him know we made it back. Last Thursday should have been their 62nd anniversary.

The funeral was well attended. My folks belong to a small LCMC Lutheran church and there were so many people there that the parking lot was full and cars were being parked on the highway so people could attend. One of those attending was a coworker that lives in the area. He went up a bit in my book. Mom was interred at the Northern Wisconsin Veterans Cemetery in Spooner, WI. It is a very nice place.

We were supposed to be up there this weekend for the annual family reunion, which understandably, was canceled. The other plan was to drive the Desoto back down here on Monday. My son in law and I will go up over Labor Day Weekend instead and trailer it back. I'm also planning on being part of a Ural outing next month up in northern Wisconsin and will be stopping at the house to spend time with Dad.

I guess we will be keeping the Audi until the wheels fall off after this trip. 330 miles and used just over half a tank.


08-08-2017, 12:08 PM
That's first-class of your co-worker to attend the funeral.

08-08-2017, 04:04 PM
Geez cheesy, just now caught this. So sorry to hear about your mom. Glad though that things seem to be going relatively smoothly for you, in this trying time. Chin up. Glad you'll be seeing your dad shortly.

08-15-2017, 07:54 PM
Thanks guys. Mom left for a better place about 5 PM today. After managing to hold it together for the last 36 hours, I lost it with her last breath. Now I feel relief that she is no longer suffering.
Coming in late on this one.
Right there with you though, buddy. She is in a better place and we will see her again.
In my years as an ICU and ER nurse I had the honor to be with many families at this time in their lives and try to help them through a very hard time. Blessings and prayers for you.
Bill R.

08-15-2017, 08:39 PM
Thanks again, All.

08-18-2017, 11:10 PM
Back on the topic of this nightmare called "The Move".

Most this clusterxxxk of a week could have been avoided with just a wee bit o' planning from the folks doing the planning.

Jason came in to pickup one truck and a box trailer to haul some of the smaller equipment to SC. The truck had been in the possession of a sales guy since new and he turned it in when he quit. It came in missing the new plate sticker and the trailer plates had expired three years ago. The truck was also trashed. We hired a mobile auto detail place to come in and clean it up. It took those folks six hours to detail it.

So, Jason gets the license plates straightened out and we hook up the trailer and start loading. After I get my third forehead whack from the door frame of the trailer and release a steady stream of f-bombs, the AP person comes out and tells us that the truck registration was mixed up with a different truck and needs to done over. Now Jason is dropping f-bombs and on the phone with our boss, bitching about what a cluster this thing has become and how close he is to walking.

He hangs up and I look at him and tell him this is just as much his fault as the AP person because he should have checked to make sure he had the correct paperwork. He says he knows but likes to put the fear of God into our boss. He learned that from me.

Jason is getting ready to head back to the DMV when the AP person comes back out and says that it looks like the truck needs to be emission tested before new plates can be issued. Now both of us are pissed because we now have to unhitch the loaded trailer and waste more time because the emission place is two towns north of us and the DMV is in the next town south.

Jason gets that crap done with and we hook up the trailer. Again. Jason should have left two hours ago. I tell to get going when the new PA comes out and says Jason has to take the new server with him. I said "Bullshit. The trailer is loaded and locked. The bed of the truck is full and the tail gate can't be opened without unhooking the trailer. Ship the damn thing by UPS. It got here that way." And I told Jason to fly.

Today, though, I got to say "told ya" to the managers. Twice. A new piece of equipment is being shipped to a customer and needed to be stenciled with their asset number. I said "No can do, stencil equipment was on the trailer."
Manager-"Well, it needs to be done."
Me-"Not my problem."
Manager-"It has to be done."
Me-"I can say not my problem all day."
Manager-"The customer won't accept it without the stencils."
Me-"Again, not my problem. Maybe better planning is in order."
She left in a huff and called my boss who then called me wanting to know why I was giving her a hard time. So I said, "What hard time?" I was told, by you, to pack up all the small equipment and that's what I did. If something comes through after the fact, it's not my problem. It's poor planning." He agreed said he'd talk to the customer about it. Customer said it was no big deal and they'd take care of it.

Second "Told ya". Boss calls me later and says there is a machine that needs a small bit of welding that just came in and the customer is desperate. Deep breath, count to ten, "All the welding equipment is on it's way to SC."

Boss-"Son of a bitch. Can we take it across the street?"

Me-"It's Friday, they closed at noon today. It looks like a small job, I'll bring in my inverter and do it Monday."

Boss-"Can you do it today?"

Me-"This has been the week from hell. If I go home early, I ain't coming back."


Last bit. We were first told that the move would be seamless. Then it was postponed for a month, but my staff was still let go. Next, there would be three days that we would not accept or nor ship anything. Now that's up to two weeks.

08-18-2017, 11:41 PM
That is totally F'd up. I know you'll be happy when the move is done and everything is settled down.

08-19-2017, 12:58 PM
This is my favorite reality/soap opera show. Can't wait till the next episode. :clap:

08-23-2017, 09:37 AM
Just as the comic says, "That's some funny sh*t right there".

a side note-Air Brake here in Watertown just announced the loss of 40 jobs going to....wait for it....S.C.

08-24-2017, 10:47 AM
Just as the comic says, "That's some funny sh*t right there".

a side note-Air Brake here in Watertown just announced the loss of 40 jobs going to....wait for it....S.C.

Was it a WABCO plant? I worked for WABCO in Duncan, SC many years ago. I wonder if they would be moving their business down here to consolidate?

08-24-2017, 01:36 PM
I found out that my boss is so PO'd about how this is being handled that he hasn't even started looking for a place down there yet.

Quotes from Old Weird Harold,

"Welcome to Al and Marlene Shit Show" (These are the two in charge of the move)

"If you offer an opinion to either of those two, it's like, why should we listen to you."

"You know, they haven't even hired anyone for HR yet. I guess they'll wait until they get a letter from a new hires' lawyer."

"Mike, I'm liking your idea of early retirement. If we go at the same time, the place would probably grind to a halt. Jason would probably follow us out the door, too."

"You know, if we were to retire together, we could offer them our services as consultants and make a shit ton more money."

Five more days.

08-24-2017, 03:29 PM
Just as the comic says, "That's some funny sh*t right there".

a side note-Air Brake here in Watertown just announced the loss of 40 jobs going to....wait for it....S.C.

We use a lot of their stuff.

08-24-2017, 03:43 PM
I found out that my boss is so PO'd about how this is being handled that he hasn't even started looking for a place down there yet.

Quotes from Old Weird Harold,

"Welcome to Al and Marlene Shit Show" (These are the two in charge of the move)

"If you offer an opinion to either of those two, it's like, why should we listen to you."

"You know, they haven't even hired anyone for HR yet. I guess they'll wait until they get a letter from a new hires' lawyer."

"Mike, I'm liking your idea of early retirement. If we go at the same time, the place would probably grind to a halt. Jason would probably follow us out the door, too."

"You know, if we were to retire together, we could offer them our services as consultants and make a shit ton more money."

Five more days.

Is your boss in an way responsible for handling this move, or is he just the man in the middle handing down responsibilities from management? I helped manage and move three business in my life. One of those I was the monkey at the end of the line. The other two I was the man in the middle passing down the work load and it was extremely frustrating and stressful. Early retirement and consulting wasn't an option for me back then but would deffinately been a consideration if it would have been.

08-24-2017, 05:12 PM
Was it a WABCO plant? I worked for WABCO in Duncan, SC many years ago. I wonder if they would be moving their business down here to consolidate?


08-24-2017, 05:39 PM
Is your boss in an way responsible for handling this move, or is he just the man in the middle handing down responsibilities from management? I helped manage and move three business in my life. One of those I was the monkey at the end of the line. The other two I was the man in the middle passing down the work load and it was extremely frustrating and stressful. Early retirement and consulting wasn't an option for me back then but would deffinately been a consideration if it would have been.

The original plan, that my boss was part of, was to find a place for manufacturing and make Service/Repair a separate entity right where we are. When that was changed and the decision was made to close this place, my boss had his legs cut out from under him and no longer has a say in anything about it. So, he's sort of bitter.

Another Old Weird Harold quote,

"I know more about what's going on than you do, but not enough."

08-25-2017, 11:51 AM
That sucks. He was knocked back to man in the middle when he knows more than the man at the top.

08-25-2017, 12:58 PM
That sucks. He was knocked back to man in the middle when he knows more than the man at the top.


I've been cleaning out my office today. Amazing how much junk gets squirreled away and forgotten about over twenty years.:hmm:

08-28-2017, 11:35 AM
I hope you get paid extra for bringing in your inverter.

08-28-2017, 01:20 PM
Last four days. Movers showed up today to see what was what. After 15 minutes of listening to Marlene, the head guy said he'd rather speak with the guys that actually know how move the stuff.:hehe:

He and I spent a half hour or so going through what was going, what was staying, and what was scrap. When now have a plan, which is what we didn't have a week ago.

My boss was smart and went on vacation. (prick)

08-31-2017, 08:44 AM
Last day today for those asked to stay the extra month.

The warehouse is about 85% empty. Starting to empty the shop today. There will only be three of us in the building tomorrow, not counting the movers.

09-02-2017, 01:55 PM
Will the service / calibration facility that you're running be in the same building, or are you moving somewhere smaller?

09-02-2017, 02:21 PM
When y'all get moved, I'm looking for some part time work. I'm a damn good broom operator. :lmao:

09-13-2017, 10:39 PM
Will the service / calibration facility that you're running be in the same building, or are you moving somewhere smaller?

Weld-That is being moved to SC, too. Yay, and I mean it. I'll have to train the new person, then I wash my hands of it. As far as the current building goes, I may be based out of it until it's sold. With about a dozen other places on the street up for sale or lease, I may be here for awhile.

My patience has been wearing thin with management on how bad this cluster has been run. We are six weeks behind schedule because of piss poor planning. Or no planning. It's starting to have the scent that it was wishful thinking all along and there really was no plan.

Irma didn't help, either. We had to stop shipping last Thursday and had a half dozen trucks stopped in Georgia. We might start shipping again tomorrow afternoon. The only plus to this was that the movers and I got everything staged to be shipped. Too bad we only have one fork truck. I do have five 10T cranes, though.

Last week, I was told to ship down all my lifting slings so that equipment arriving in SC could be unloaded. Ummm, how the hell am I to continue loading equipment if I send you my stuff. This week, they want the banding equipment that I'm still using. I got the entire management staff down there on a conference call. I had to tell them to stop looking at price and weigh overall cost. A sling from me is free, but is about $100 to overnight it. For that hundred bucks, you could get four new slings from Mcmaster, get change back, and get it faster. I told the new PA that we in Elgin shouldn't have to do his job. Big Al went to defend the guy and I ended up ripping into him and let go with both barrels on the rest of the team at the same time. When I finally slowed down to take a breath, Al was getting ready to shoot back. But, Marlene(she of Service Maggot fame)jumped in and took up where I left off. I have to admit that that surprised me to have her defend me. The two of us have been busting our asses to get our end ready while still trying to run a business and wondering why nothing is getting done in SC. Harold just sits there with a deer in the headlights stare.

Jason was there for the call and just sat in the back and watched. He called later and told me that the French owners were staring at Al when I let loose and very quiet when they left. Wonder what can of worms I opened now?

I actually get to be out of the building for a few hours tomorrow.:yay:

09-15-2017, 12:24 AM
You have stirred up a shit storm as big as hurricane Irma


Your retirement may come soon if you could be so lucky:tup:

09-15-2017, 08:29 PM
I stirred up something. Kind of like that pinata in the wild.

09-16-2017, 12:27 PM
Give 'em hell, Queso.

09-19-2017, 11:17 PM

Loaded up some of the big stuff over the last two days. Down to four cranes in the warehouse. Loading two more Saturday morning and the last two probably next Wednesday. The last of the office stuff goes next week, too.

NOW, SC can have my lifting slings.

09-20-2017, 10:34 AM
Wow! Looks pretty "echo-y" in there!

09-20-2017, 12:45 PM

I am now the last living employee in the building.

09-22-2017, 06:13 AM
Got a break yesterday and was able to do some field work. A whole hour worth of work with a five and a half hour commute each way. And worth every minute.

Down to the nitty gritty now.

09-22-2017, 11:49 PM
Wow! Looks pretty "echo-y" in there!

Indeed....such a big wrapper for a small piece of Fromage :lmao:

09-23-2017, 07:35 AM
All the office stuff and the Ford Fusion were loaded on a truck Thursday night. One more crane left yesterday. All the shop equipment will probably be gone this weekend. That leaves me and three cranes. And probably just me by Friday. I expect to finally see the new place after next week.

09-23-2017, 09:39 AM
Good luck and enjoy the peace while you're there alone.

10-02-2017, 03:10 PM
This is getting better and better.

Last crane left last Thursday. There is about a half load left here that should have left last Friday but the mover couldn't hire a truck for the rate he was paying. He took his loaded 53' trailer today and will swap that out for an empty and be back tomorrow to wrap this up.

Now for the interesting stuff.

My guys' wife has said, "Enough" and is coming back here. With or without him. Seems that we, as a company, were sold a bill of goods regarding the area. The schools are pretty bad, the available workforce isn't there, and local services are abysmal. My boss doesn't want to lose Jason, so is working on getting him relocated back this way. I don't want to lose him either. I'm too old to have my workload doubled.

Heidi, our future Customer Service Manager, has given upper management the middle finger and has told them she is done at the end of the day. Her reasons are as above, plus blatant racism towards her, and that management has upped the salaried staff(raises hand)hours with no increase in pay. Jason said she ripped the new plant manager from one end of the building to the other. Do not piss off a Spanish woman, especially if she is very well educated and has pulled herself out of poverty. I'll miss her, she's a gem.

The dog and pony show of the open house is supposed to be Oct. 12, and I'm supposed to be there. I'm not too sure it will happen. I was told that the offices were to be completed this weekend. When Jason walked in this morning, nothing-not a damn thing-had been touched.

Jason and Heidi may be bringing Breach of Contract suits against the company, too. They both signed contracts regarding their moves down there and the company has not held up their end. Basically has broken promises since day one.

As far as the change in hours, it does not affect me. Or Jason. Or Harold, for that matter. The customers pretty much set our hours. Jason is just pissed that they are doing it at all.

Me, I signed nothing except my original contract 21 years ago. My hours, when I'm in the building, are 8am to 4:30pm with a one hour lunch. I will hold them to it.

I also lived through the AMC/Renault debacle thirty some years ago. This seems to have the same stink to it.

Time for a second bowl of popcorn.

10-02-2017, 03:30 PM
(Jerry is sitting here with bowl of popcorn waiting for commercial to end.) :hehe: To be continued.

10-02-2017, 05:32 PM
^^^^ What he said!

10-02-2017, 10:22 PM

I can attest to the schools being complete shat down there. The only good option is private schools and most of them are of the religious verity. Depending on your belief system and what you feel is proper to learn, they may be a bad choice. Even worse than public schools.

I am surprised that a Hispanic person has run into racism down there. Must have changed a lot over the past 10 years since I was down there last.

It sounds like someone somewhere has dropped the ball, or just given up, so nothing is getting done. It seems like the future of the company may be in limbo at this point.

Good luck.

10-02-2017, 11:02 PM


10-03-2017, 07:58 AM

I can attest to the schools being complete shat down there. The only good option is private schools and most of them are of the religious verity. Depending on your belief system and what you feel is proper to learn, they may be a bad choice. Even worse than public schools.

I am surprised that a Hispanic person has run into racism down there. Must have changed a lot over the past 10 years since I was down there last.

It sounds like someone somewhere has dropped the ball, or just given up, so nothing is getting done. It seems like the future of the company may be in limbo at this point.

Good luck.


One of the new hires that actually came up to Elgin for training, told Jason that Charter or religious schools were the way to go. Just told him too late.

The racism thing surprised me, too. Heidi and I have tangled in the past and she can be very headstrong. Our issue was the Customer Service mentality of 'It needs to be done NOW' vs Technical Support reality of 'It will be done when the last bolt is tightened, the tests are passed, the tools are put away, and the paperwork is finished'. And that was it. She rubbed someone the wrong way, they took it personally and called her an "Uppity spick bitch who didn't know her place". Her kids have been putting up with some crappy treatment in school, too.

As far as who is doing what in the company, I can only speculate. I feel that the new president is being set up to fail. It wouldn't break my heart to see it happen. He has not much of a reputation with the staff, me included. The Yes Man thing and his aloofness does not help. Then there is the culture difference between the Midwest and the South, along with the culture difference between the US and France. None of that is making this easier.

10-03-2017, 11:18 AM
That's an awful situation for you guys. I hope it all pans out in the end.

10-03-2017, 12:39 PM
Sounds like the word "retirement" may be entering the vocabulary soon.

10-03-2017, 06:47 PM
Sounds like the word "retirement" may be entering the vocabulary soon.

Going to hang on as long as I can but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't studying my options.

BTW, the last truckload left today.

10-03-2017, 09:15 PM
Going to hang on as long as I can but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't studying my options.

BTW, the last truckload left today.

Thankfully you have options.

10-04-2017, 06:38 AM
Yes. Also, I'm traveling pretty much the rest of the month, so I will be 'mostly' away from the BS. Unfortunately, next week is in the center of the shitstorm, but I get to miss a day or so of that because I'm needed in Atlanta.

Sport Rider
10-04-2017, 01:27 PM
whew! I can't believe how much of this thread I missed! now that I'm caught up, I didn't see anything on where those that moved went to. what specific city near Charleston did they land in? one thing I learned moving here (NC) from out of state was to check the school districts very well. we picked our house location based on the quality of the school, not finding a pretty place.

10-04-2017, 08:19 PM
They set up shop in Beaufort.

10-06-2017, 08:28 AM
Oh boy, major sh*storm on the horizon and I believe I am to be a major player in it.:grr:Things have begun to boil over.

Story at 11

10-06-2017, 09:03 AM
Oh boy, major sh*storm on the horizon and I believe I am to be a major player in it.:grr:Things have begun to boil over.

Story at 11

http://s2.quickmeme.com/img/58/587d1cb5298b91596d05980c5ccb35cdd3b40501cd0f615c06 1da9ab76cc9ea5.jpg

Damn it Cheesy you just had to hit that damn red button didn't you? :lmao:


10-06-2017, 02:28 PM
Oh boy, major sh*storm on the horizon and I believe I am to be a major player in it.:grr:Things have begun to boil over.

Story at 11
Sorry to hear it's going down fast and hard like a drunk girl on prom night with braces. I hope you're able to make a clean getaway, if, I mean when it comes down to it.

10-06-2017, 09:20 PM
Here's the latest bit as promised.

On Wednesday, Harold went to pick up some guys from one of our Italian factories at the condo we are renting for them. Got them without much trouble, but we always say that rounding up our European counterparts is sort of like rounding up ducks. You can do it, it just takes some time.

Anyway, Harold rolls in with them at 8:15 am. Marlene, she of Service Maggot Fame, has returned to full Management Bitch and points her finger at Harold and tells him, in front of the Italians and whoever else in the vicinity, that our new hours start at 8, not 8:15. Harold snapped and went ballistic on her. When he was done ripping her, he went into Al's office and slammed the door, breaking the window in the process. He ripped Al for almost 45 minutes, part of it was him wanting to know who died, and I quote, "made that crazy bitch my boss". Which was followed by how bad this cluster has been handled, why is Jason doing production and shipping when it isn't his job, why can't Jason have someone observe when he is assembling so someone else can do it, why have the hours had been changed when this was supposed to be a 'lateral move' for those of us kept on, why hasn't another CS person been hired, where are the Service Personnel that were supposed to hired before the move. I guess Al never got a word in edgewise before Harold ran out of steam. I spoke with Harold about it later in the day and just mentioned that calling out Marlene when she deserves it will result in an instant write up. I know, I have several. Harold told me that he told Jason that had I been in his place, I would have probably killed her. He also said that my plan of only sticking around until I am eligible for Medi-Care has become his goal, too.

Today's latest bit. The head of all the factories and the COO were back in the shop and asked Jason why the welding team wasn't doing any welding. Jason pointed at the 20 year old mig welder and said that he asked the new PA to order a tank of C25 over a week ago and he still doesn't have it. They then pointed to the even older Canac diesel stick welder and, mentioning my name, told them that I said that it hasn't been used in over five years, it needed servicing and a battery, which he also put in a request for over a week ago. Also, that I was the only one who really knew how to start and run the damn thing. They both stormed out of the shop and headed for Al's windowless office.

The other thing today was that Harold and Jason both had a mutual blow up at the Bobbsey twins(Al and Marlene) later in the day. This time, about the treatment that the Service Dept has been receiving of late. Basically, it boils down to the fact that the twins beloved sales staff are on the road an average of four days a week with them being home on Friday to do 'paperwork' and 'to follow up on sales calls". Hell, I reached one guy in his deer stand on a Friday. Jason and I work weekends, holidays, have our vacations canceled, and put in many 12 to 16 hour days. I have had several extend beyond 24 hours. On top of all that, we are paid less. A lot less.

So, I am going to pin down the top four people in our organization when they are here next week and, along with Harold and Jason, in an unplanned private meeting that will either put a stop this madness or get my ass fired. If I do get canned, Jason is following me out the door.

10-07-2017, 12:38 AM
Tune in to next week's episode of PURSUIT OF JUSTICE

We may be coming to the series finale.

10-07-2017, 07:51 AM
From one of the soaps I watched with my wife when we worked evening shifts...
"Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives."

Wow, Cheesy...
And some of us think we have problems at work...
That management team definitely needs a dose of "reality"...
Hang tight and ride that pony til the cash runs out....
Bill R

10-07-2017, 11:08 AM

10-07-2017, 02:57 PM
And the hole gets deeper and wider.

10-08-2017, 08:06 AM

10-08-2017, 09:38 PM
First hand look tomorrow. Joy.

Sport Rider
10-09-2017, 10:35 AM
Enjoy the heat and humidity. :tdown:

10-10-2017, 06:46 AM
Enjoy the heat and humidity. :tdown:

Whoa! It's nasty down here.

First opinion of the new facility is obviously no thought or planning went into it.:hmm:

Only going to be here a couple hours today because one salesman saw fit to have me go look at a machine in Atlanta. Odd that once the move was made south all his customers are now more important than anyone else's customers.

10-10-2017, 11:23 PM
Gaaah! 17.5 hour day. I spent 2.5 at the shop. I will admit that I'm impressed with the guys I'm training. They seem pretty sharp and want to learn. Drove to Atlanta and spent 1.5 on the customers' equipment. Showed them the difference between a technician and a mechanic, though I took a hydraulic oil shower to prove it. Had a flat tire on the way back to Beaufort and that took over an hour because the spare had never been off the 175000 mile truck. Rained so hard a couple times that I had to pull over and wait it out. Back to the hotel at 9:30pm. A couple of the sales guys I like are at the hotel bar and hand me a beer. And another. And another. Went to my room and cleaned up. So here I am.

Heard the governor of SC is supposed to be here for the dog and pony show on Thursday. I'm gonna ask why I can't get a beer here on Sunday but I can at home.

10-11-2017, 12:05 PM
Welcome to SC where we have some of the stupidest laws and our governor isn't the brightest. I hate to say it but Niki Haley was better than this antiquated joker.

10-11-2017, 01:21 PM
A couple of the sales guys I like are at the hotel bar and hand me a beer. And another. And another. Went to my room and cleaned up. So here I am.

The best and worst part about being on the road working........ Keep the updates coming, it's a great read.

10-11-2017, 07:12 PM
Welcome to SC where we have some of the stupidest laws and our governor isn't the brightest. I hate to say it but Niki Haley was better than this antiquated joker.

And what's this crap about not being allowed to have the TV volume up for a football game in a bar if the bar isn't a sports bar?:wtf:

Today wasn't bad but I am still hunting a lot of my shop and calibration stuff down. Everyone in the shop is willing to learn and want this succeed.

The new sign went up today and the new CFO asked my opinion. My answer was "It would look better in Illinois". Harold told the guy I was a Packers fan.:hehe:

10-11-2017, 10:59 PM
There was an informal pizza and alcohol fueled get together tonight in town that was actually quite enjoyable. I met with several of the big shots that I'd never had contact with before. A tad unnerving that they all know my name, but it was good to talk about something other than work. It was somewhat of a shocker, too, when the CEO of all the CEOs came up behind me and gave me a big hug. I don't know what I did to deserve it, but if she thinks I deserve a hug, I'll take it. I think maybe my job may be safe for awhile longer if she's in my corner.

I feel a bit better tonight about tomorrows dog and pony show, but it's still a dog and pony show. Still going for the one on one meetings with a couple of folks.

10-12-2017, 09:21 AM
It's good to hear things are looking up. The TV on mute in a bar thing gets me too.

10-12-2017, 10:17 AM
.....but if she thinks I deserve a hug, I'll take it. I think maybe my job may be safe for awhile longer if she's in my corner.

Good thing that wasn't a scene in The Godfather. ;-)

10-12-2017, 11:41 AM
Good thing that wasn't a scene in The Godfather. ;-)


10-12-2017, 07:56 PM
It was somewhat of a shocker, too, when the CEO of all the CEOs came up behind me and gave me a big hug. I don't know what I did to deserve it, but if she thinks I deserve a hug, I'll take it. I think maybe my job may be safe for awhile longer if she's in my corner.
Yep, makes you kinda nervous... :ohno:
Department admin comes up, shakes my hand and says, "So you're the 'Bill knows how to do it' guy I keep hearing about..." :lol:
Me....GULP...."How do they know who I am???"...Thank you very much.

Anyway, welcome to the South. Be glad you can get beer on Saturday...I grew up in a dry county, surrounded by dry counties....2 hour round trip for a 6 pack.... :crazy:

Bill R

10-12-2017, 08:41 PM
Back home tomorrow afternoon to cooler and less humid weather. Yay!

The dog and pony show wasn't too painful, although I did manage to make myself scarce during the mutual butt kissing between Al and the head of the local C of C. Jason told me that while Al was speaking to the gathering of hangers on, Harold just kept muttering BULLSHIT under his breath. Can't say the same about the rest of the day.

Earlier in the day, Harold told me that Marlene was starting to go through resumes' of potential Technical Staff. He also alluded that that may be the straw that breaks the camels back, because he's the Technical Support Manager, not her. I also just learned that Harold sold his farm in MN for seven figures, so he really has no reason to be loyal any longer.

Add to this, Jason let Harold and I know that his wife is done with SC and will be back in IL by December. She claimed it was the poor schools, but Harold offered to see about footing the bill for a private school and she said "NO". So, there was another reason. Jason just found out today that his wife reapplied for her old job back home and got it. Jason is stuck here until early April because the company paid his expenses to move here. If he goes back to IL before then, he forfeits the bonus the company gave him and has to pay it back. In all honesty, the company may cut him loose in April, anyway, just like they will do to Heidi.

Wondering if I should start to worry.

10-12-2017, 08:52 PM
I should add that I didn't get my meeting with the big shots from Europe, but I had a very productive talk with the new plant manager today. After expressing my concerns, he has the same concerns and that they were in the process of being addressed. Then he wanted to know why it took so long for me to get there to train people. Apparently, because I'm willing to train freely and am open to better and more efficient processes of doing things, I have a fan club now.

10-13-2017, 10:10 AM
I wish you nothing but good fortune cheesy. We're I work is going through the process of new management. The first lie during the big meet and great was "They tell me this place runs like a watch. Nothing will change."
The list is already too long of things that have changed in the last month. I'm laying low.. No prairie dogging. Don't want to draw attention. Let the waves calm down.

The most humorous part is watching some of the disgruntled employees grovel like the Lord and Savior just showed up in a flaming chariot and that redemption is on the horizon. They obviously haven't been through one of these before. We have one employee in particular who my boss and I hum the tune to "The Courtship of Eddies Father" every time he passes by. May as well have fun with it, right?

10-13-2017, 11:27 AM
This is why i enjoy being a contractor, No one really looking over my shoulder at any one time. Only times i really interact with the higher ups is the moment it counts...the moment i place my invoice in their hands and simply ask for payment on said invoice lol

11-04-2017, 03:12 PM
Just got back from Beaufort. Things are starting to come together, but there is still a ways to go. They've hired a pretty good group of people. It's the old managers that seem to be the problem. Trying convince someone who has only run a warehouse that they need to start thinking like a manufacturer is very slow to come to one of them.

The place is still laid out badly but getting better. With some luck, things should be running quite smoothly by the end of April, when the problem is supposed to retire.

The real issue that they are going to have left to deal with is the lack of infrastructure.

11-05-2017, 12:28 AM
Was wondering how this was going earlier lol

11-06-2017, 07:57 AM
Yeah, things would go better if management would just stay in their caves and let me do my job. Main reason I was down there was to set up the calibration room and train people on the procedures. The room was supposed to be finished when I got there. It wasn't finished when I left. Fallback was to train people on assembly and repairs. I had so much interference from CS, Management, and Sales that I only managed three hours all week.
Most of that interference has to do with the above being clueless. In my old job, new hires in Sales, Engineering, CS, and QC were required to spend their first month on the factory floor, learning both the product and the system. Then, once a year, it was one week on the floor. There wasn't a lot of class attitude. Here, it's "Oh, no. That's beneath me." I'm going to try to work this system in with the new plant manager.

12-01-2017, 07:13 AM
I'm starting to like this working from home thing. Seems that I have something that I haven't had in twenty years and that's free time. I sure as heck don't have set hours.

I booked Monday through Thursday to work on a machine in St. Louis. I wrapped things up Wednesday afternoon, spent the night there, and boogied home early Thursday morning. I got back at ten. Other than working with the Sales guys and customers over the phone, I had nothing else to do, so Mrs.C and I did the registration stuff for the DeSoto and had lunch together. Did a few more phone calls and emails from my couch after we got home along with getting the insurance set on the DeSoto. Then took the car down to Inky Tim's new shop.

Today, I was supposed to run up to the Milwaukee area to look at a machine but that got postponed by the customer for two weeks but another thing came up near Chicago that's only going to take me about an hour. After that, phone calls and paperwork from my couch. This must be what it's like to be semi retired.

Next week, it's back in Beaufort for the week. The room is finished, so I hope to get that set up and get someone trained in calibration. Also have plans to set up a training course for the CS staff on deciphering our manuals. Not too many things are more aggravating than having your head in a machine and getting a call from CS because they can't find a part number and they need it right away.

Down to three more years.

12-02-2017, 09:59 AM
I hear ya. People don't realize there is a lot of preparation in getting a job done other than just turning a wrench (parts,communication,close out , phone calls emaills,etc.)

12-09-2017, 07:05 PM
Back from Beaufort again and have to return there at Oh Dark Thirty on Monday.

They've hired a whole new bunch o' people since I was there a few weeks ago. Not seeing a lot of problems with this group, either. The more good people getting hired, the more obvious it is becoming that the biggest problems are at the top.

I was involved in a meeting with the new plant manager, his assistant, old weird Harold, and Marlene. I did an early face palm when Marlene stated that those of us from Elgin were 'Simple Folk' and saw no need for all the control changes that are forthcoming. Cringed was more like it and I didn't hold back when I let go with where all our bottlenecks were and why. The plant manager, his assistant, and Harold just sat there with grins while I was unloading. Marlene said she'd never heard any of this before and I told her it was because she either doesn't listen, or refuses to listen, to the people who actually do the job. The plant manager interjected that he'd heard the same from the new hires and seen her in action. Also told her it was to stop, now. Well, Marlene's back arched and she was going into full bitch mode when the plant manager let loose on her. Pretty much let her know where her new rank was and it isn't much anymore.

Later in the week, she was shut down by the international HR manager in another meeting. She was more or less told to do her job and to quit worrying about what others were doing because it is not now, nor ever was, any of her concern. I was also in that meeting, but I don't know why as I have nothing to do with HR. Marlene was mostly silent for the rest of the week.

When I wasn't in meetings or dealing with phone calls, I've been training a new service guy. Sharp and eager to learn. The fact that he has experience wrenching on railroad equipment is a plus. Bit of a patronage hire as his Dad is a big shot at a major transit, but I've worked with his Dad in the past and he isn't afraid to get in and help.

One last thing. This thread has run since about March. How come no one has once mentioned Duke's BBQ in Beaufort? C'mon, guys!:tup:

12-10-2017, 07:19 AM
It sounds like things are looking up and the curves are straightening out.

I don't do much travel through buffort (lol) so I couldn't recommend and Q places.

12-10-2017, 09:34 AM
Let's just say Duke's was a pleasant surprise. It's a buffet, which I haven't been a fan of since the onset of Golden Corral, Old Country Buffet, and hotel breakfasts, but Duke's is more the old style type. I made one pass for lunch, which was a fried chicken breast and some spuds, and two passes for dessert. I haven't had banana pudding with Nilla wafers since I was a kid.

I'd taken the new guy and a French co-worker along. The new guy is a body builder and very conscientious about what eats. After his third plate of deep fried chicken livers, I asked if his diet had been shot to hell. He nodded and kept eating. Said he can't get them in P'burgh.

French guy complained earlier that the portions in American restaurants are too large but he made three trips the back to the buffet. Said he was being polite by trying everything.

That evening it was salad and waters for each of us.

12-10-2017, 09:08 PM
Let's just say Duke's was a pleasant surprise. It's a buffet, which I haven't been a fan of since the onset of Golden Corral, Old Country Buffet, and hotel breakfasts, but Duke's is more the old style type. I made one pass for lunch, which was a fried chicken breast and some spuds, and two passes for dessert. I haven't had banana pudding with Nilla wafers since I was a kid.

I'd taken the new guy and a French co-worker along. The new guy is a body builder and very conscientious about what eats. After his third plate of deep fried chicken livers, I asked if his diet had been shot to hell. He nodded and kept eating. Said he can't get them in P'burgh.

French guy complained earlier that the portions in American restaurants are too large but he made three trips the back to the buffet. Said he was being polite by trying everything.

That evening it was salad and waters for each of us.

Every time I eat at a buffet, I get really bad sick at my stomach with the green apple $h!t$. Salads do me the same way. I don't think they wash the veggies and lettus good enough.

12-10-2017, 10:39 PM
Always suspicious of buffets. You know, the mixing of the stuff thats been around the block with the new stuff.

12-12-2017, 04:53 AM
Like I said, not a big fan of buffets myself, but this place was passable.

Back here for the last time in 2017. Another problem showed with locating here. USMC graduations take all the hotel rooms in Beaufort. So I'm 25 miles away in Bluffton. Which, in itself, isn't bad. Hotels are cheaper than our corporate rate in Beaufort, with more and better places to eat.

I have a crane to get done by Friday. It was 90% finished when it got here, so not much to do. Harold asked if it was doable. I told him that if he and CS quit giving me fires to put out, it would be done by Thursday.

Sport Rider
12-12-2017, 10:00 AM
..... I haven't had banana pudding with Nilla wafers since I was a kid.

Welcome to the south! :clap:

12-17-2017, 09:09 PM
Whelp, three more work days and then I'm on vacation for the rest of the year. Phone will be 'OFF'. :yay:

Got the crane done with a half day to spare. My old managers were having cows that it wouldn't get done in time because they agreed to a 12/15 completion date or the deal would fall through. New managers were, "You agreed to what? What the f*** is wrong with you?" :hehe: New managers came and asked me if that happened often. Grinned and told them that it was a common practice to agree with the customer on a delivery date, then ask me if it was doable. Apparently, the practice stops as of Dec. 31.

There was a major eff-up last week that I'm still laughing about because I was told that my input wasn't needed. So I kept my mouth shut. The guys working on the project are from our plant in Italy and are very anal about testing every step of the assembly. They did everything right..., until it came to paint. My input was why was an airless sprayer, used primarily for buildings and heavy coatings, being used to apply paint to very large and intricate vehicle chassis. I'll add that I had 23 years experience in the coatings application industry before I came to MTM. Anyway, they sprayed the chassis Friday after I left for Charleston and stayed late to finish it. (I stayed late at two airports and didn't get home until 3am Saturday morning.) On Monday morning, the paint was still tacky.:wtf: Still tacky, because some genius forgot to add the hardener to the paint.:doh: The chassis now needs to be completely dismantled, stripped to bare metal, repainted and reassembled. Put the project back by at least a month.:ohno:

Will be back on Jan. 2nd for inventory. Already have made it known that I am only there for technical assistance, not to count parts.

I am so glad that 2017 is grinding to a halt, though 2018 appears that it will be quite interesting.

12-30-2017, 08:20 AM
Interesting end of the year.

Surprisingly, the building in Elgin has been sold with a January 1st vacate date. Any and all property left in the building becomes the property of the new owners. Glad management waited until December 28th to tell me. Myself, I'd have been out a few tools. MTM would have been out a high mileage pickup with several thousand dollars worth of tools in the bed, plus the equipment that I was still using in my office.

The shit storm that followed was epic. The GM, who I refuse to address as the company president any longer, told me that I had no business still being in the building. I had to remind him that it was he who told me I was to be based there UNTIL it was sold and that I'd be given two weeks notice when I'd need to get out, not four days. Anyway, he chose to hang up on me which resulted in me sending a nasty gram to the international CEO about the incident. Whether she acts on it or not, I really don't care anymore.

Next, I needed to get a storage place quickly. I had to play twenty questions with Harold as to why. Things got heated between us on that front because it had been agreed upon, back in March, that I would get a storage space when the building sold. He now didn't want to honor it. When I let him know then, that the truck was going to stay with the building and I would be done as of January 1st, he squirmed. I told him he needed to speak with Jason before things went any farther. Jason let him know if I went now, he was gone, too. Harold blinked and I got my storage space. And I got it for less than I'd been quoted. I'm not telling Harold that. I'm going to let him squirm a little while longer.

Mrs. C and I got things moved out and into the storage unit yesterday. I had hoped to squeeze the shop truck into the storage unit but there wasn't enough room between the fence and unit to be able to jockey the truck in there. So, it's back in my driveway and in my way.

The tea leaves are telling me that 2018 will be another weird year. I'm thinking that 2018 may be the last year for most of the Elgin staff, myself included. Marlene is retiring in April. Heidi has already said she's done in April. Harold, Steve, and I will probably be forced to retire, Jason will be the new Harold, and Al will be thrown under the bus by France.

And I could be 100% wrong about it.:shrug:

12-30-2017, 08:04 PM
Cheesy, at this point, just keep on keepin on and get every last dime you can from em untill that time.:tup:

01-06-2018, 06:50 AM
Officially fed up and pissed off. >:(:wtf::grr:

01-06-2018, 09:06 AM
Sorry to hear you New Year is off to a rocky start, Cheesy. I'd like to share a favorite phrase with you from my time in the military: "If the application of high explosives can't solve your problem, you're not using enough explosives." Hope it gets better for you!

01-06-2018, 10:16 AM
Officially fed up and pissed off. >:(:wtf::grr:
Try to hang in there until retirement.

01-06-2018, 11:32 AM
Try to hang in there until retirement.

Right now, that is the only plan I intend to execute anymore.

Eric-I'm hoping for a stray round from the base.

01-06-2018, 11:36 AM
Hello Cheesy

For what it is worth, have been there. The so called"right sizing" and restructure. My advice, stay! Make them pay you to go away. Do your job, but nothing extra. Also, you are no !longer cover those above you (management) that are not able.

Good luck


01-07-2018, 08:23 AM
I could make this a really long rant, but I will keep it short. Suffice it to say, a certain CEOs days are numbered. His crutch has checked out and his lack of leadership ability because of it has been brought to the forefront.

Bad decisions were made that put peoples safety at risk.

The inventory count that would take us a day and a half at the old place is still being done as of today. That's now day number six.

I was put in a position where I had to cover for another manager that has also checked out.

Several of the best people that have been hired are ready to quit because they are frustrated with the lack of direction. When suggestions are made, they are shut down.

The so called snow storm that brought things to a halt was the icing on the cake. My return flight on Friday was cancelled, after assurances that it wouldn't be. The best United could with Charleston was to get me out on Monday. I rebooked and flew out of Atlanta yesterday.

From what I've learned since getting home is that the international CEO is paying a visit next week. Alone. It's a bad sign when she travels solo.

01-09-2018, 07:39 AM
sounds like theres gonna be some heads rolling next week.....

01-09-2018, 08:31 PM
I crack myself up :hehe: heard the elevator version of bowies changes in a hotel fitness room and i thought of you:lmao:

I gotta get out more :crazy:

01-26-2018, 06:23 AM
It's been another marvy week here in Beaufort, at least the weather has been decent.

Latest on the management front is that France has sent one of their own and installed him as COO for a minimum of four years. After pressing Harold about that, he told me that it has become obvious to France that Al is in over his head. I'm still wondering what took them so long. As for as the International CEO visit, she was in and out in flash but still don't know what happened there.

We've hired a Chief Engineer and he seems to be an okay guy. He is trying to set up something with Fastenal so we can get tooling and fasteners in a timely manner. Case in point, we (me) got slammed with an 'Emergency Job' aka, the sales guy made a promise that we weren't prepared to deliver on because we didn't have the proper tools do do it. I found out that it is impossible to get high speed steel 1/4-20 taps in Beaufort. We managed to break several carbon steel taps and spent more time getting them out than it would have taken to do the job with the right taps. The new CE managed to bring me in a few high speed steel taps from his own stash the next day and they went through like butter. He and I sat down together yesterday to see where we could find stuff like machine tooling locally and, surprise surprise, you can't.

I was supposed to be here to clear up the back log of electronic equipment and train people on it, but it has been one brush fire after another and I didn't get anything accomplished except to piss off more customers.

Letting my boss know that he is going to just have to pick someone to do it and send them to Europe for training because I'm done with wasting my time down here.

01-26-2018, 07:22 AM
Fastenal was great to work with when I worked for Cryovac Sealed Aire. All I had to do was mention that I need a specific fastener or tool and I had it within a couple hours. They set us up with a complete fastener section just like in their retail stores and stocked us weekly with everything we required, even the hard to find specialty fastners.

We have a tooling company up here that might be useful for you guys down there, Travers Tool. It's off I-85 in Duncan and right close to the interstate. It should be about 3 hours or less oneway from Charleston proper. Maybe they can help. Their warehouse is freakin huge. They did have a couple other overflow warehouses locally.


118 Spartangreen Blvd
Duncan, SC 29334


For those reading along, yes, they supply the home worker as well. They even sell smaller machine equipment for the home hobbyist. Unfortunately for the home worker, it's a pick up in person deal or wait for the big brown van. They don't do direct deliveries to homes.

01-27-2018, 02:33 PM
I will let our worthless PA know about Travers.

I spoke with Old Weird Harold today about the electronic equipment backlogs and he freakin' agreed with me. I'm sure was thinking about the cost of having me come down several more times and accomplishing little of what I set out to do vs the cost of sending someone to France for 10 days once.

He almost stroked out on what I spent on brush fire projects this week. Told him I was done doing that, too.

02-02-2018, 06:32 AM
Oh, boy! More changes.
I am no longer the Technical Support Supervisor, I am now the Senior After Sales Support Representative. It comes with more responsibilities at the same pay.

BTW, I am eligible to start receiving Social Security retirement benefits in 46 days, 16 hours, and 28 minutes.

Sport Rider
02-02-2018, 08:28 AM
Oh, boy! More changes.
I am no longer the Technical Support Supervisor, I am now the Senior After Sales Support Representative. It comes with more responsibilities at the same pay.

BTW, I am eligible to start receiving Social Security retirement benefits in 46 days, 16 hours, and 28 minutes.

come on....you've been around the block enough to know "Promotions" always work that way! :D

02-02-2018, 10:27 AM
Formaggio, does that mean less wrench time for you?

02-02-2018, 10:57 AM
Cheesy, better hold off on the SS as long as you can. The payout rate goes up in an unsustainable curve the older you are when you start collecting. That's good for anyone close to collecting that can wait a few extra years, but for those of us that are younger (I'm 38), we know better. There's no way that SS will ever be there for us, even though Uncle Sam is still collecting those taxes out of our paychecks. As they say in France "c'est la vie, non?" Speaking of France, I spent some time over there while in the service of my dear Uncle Sammy. It's a beautiful country ruined by its people... Keep us posted on any new developments. You and Mrs. C are still welcome to come out this way and enjoy some of the nice riding weather we've got out here. It's going to be about 84* today. Tough, very tough... :lmao: Keep your head up, brother. It'll all work out in the end.

02-02-2018, 06:19 PM
Formaggio, does that mean less wrench time for you?

Weld-I really don't have a clue.

Em-No real plans to collect SS yet, but I'm glad it's there, along with my 401K, if I need to bail. I did download a couple of countdown apps to my phone just to have fun with. 46 days, 4 hours, 53 minutes.
The first time I was in France was 1991 and I bicycled 1500km. On purpose. Second time, I was working in a small town outside of Lyon. I've found that there is Paris and there is France. France is better.

Since January 2nd, I've flown 10,000 miles, rented five cars, and spent 20 nights in hotels. Today is the first Friday I've gotten home before 10pm. This will feel like a three day weekend.

02-05-2018, 01:28 AM
Hate to say it, and you know it...they are putting the full court press on you.

02-05-2018, 05:59 PM
Hate to say it, and you know it...they are putting the full court press on you.


So, going to play by their rules. Then have them explain to the customer why stuff isn't done when they promised.

Also, and this is per Harold, Jason and I are to no longer visit the sales staff for the purpose of doing a 'courtesy repair', on a piece of equipment that is way out of warranty. Just because said customer MIGHT buy a multi-million dollar piece of equipment is no longer a valid reason.

Truth be told, Harold was the worst one at this. Don't know how many times I visited a certain east coast transit to retrain untrainable operators because the customer MIGHT buy 10 of our cranes. They ended up buying a Hitachi. So whenever I hear they MIGHT BUY, I roll my eyes and extend my middle fingers.

03-07-2018, 09:58 PM
Back here again and things are....nice? :hmm:

Seems that the new COO pulled the warring factions (Manufacturing vs Sales, Service, and Distribution)together and read all the riot act. Some were demoted and some were promoted. I was neither, thank you very much.

I have actually been able to get things that I came down here for accomplished. Still getting pulled in different directions but nowhere near as much.

Monday, there were ten 39' track panels to unload from a couple of trucks. Each were in the neighborhood of 8000lbs. I gathered up a few people that had rigging experience and I ran the crane. We got the first five unloaded in fifteen minutes.

Second truck showed up about an hour later and one of the rigger guys asked if he could run the crane, so I sent him up in the seat. Took him a little bit longer but got it done safely. I had to grab another body to rig chains, though. I told the guy running the crane that, at sixty two years old, I'm done climbing up on trucks. Guy said he thought I was in my early fifties.

The Leadman finally admitted that he was in way over his head and has asked for my help. He's been shadowing me and taking a boatload of notes. Yesterday, while working on troubleshooting some equipment, he goes "You do all this and have never had any formal training?"
Me-"Other than a two day class in hydraulics about twenty years ago, nope."
Him-"Without any certs, we could only hire you as a laborer, but you're putting most of us to shame."
Me-"Experience isn't a piece of paper. It can be a bitch if you don't have any."

I did introduce myself to the new COO as no one seemed willing to do it. Apparently, he'd been wanting to meet me.(Things like that always cause me worry) He asked why I didn't make the move to SC. I told him my age, my home was nearly paid for, and that half my grandkids are 30 minutes away. He said, "Hell, I wouldn't have moved, either." We did a little small talk about others we know in the organization,(I have a dozen years seniority) then went our separate ways for the rest of the day.

I have a major project to start tomorrow. I'm pretty much going to just set it up, give some direction, turn the crew loose on it, then stand back.:D

03-07-2018, 10:28 PM
Experience and productivity = untouchable

03-07-2018, 10:34 PM
They want me to do some work at the nsa in san antonio now. Sounds like a big time sink to me. Have to jump thru a clearance run around with proving my citizenship. Too bad they can't just go downtown with a pick up and just get some day labor like everyone else.

03-08-2018, 08:22 PM
They want me to do some work at the nsa in san antonio now. Sounds like a big time sink to me. Have to jump thru a clearance run around with proving my citizenship. Too bad they can't just go downtown with a pick up and just get some day labor like everyone else.

Have the same deal with a certain east coast transit. Need a criminal background check just to get on their property. As I despise them, I just say no.

Well, I spoke too soon. Today sucked. To be honest though, only one thing was a Beaufort screw up. Every other thing was bad luck.

The married certified welders didn't show up because the wife's aunt passed away and the funeral was today.

Went to pressure wash the project machine with the heated washer we sent down from Elgin. Got everything plugged in, pulled the trigger on the wand, aaanndd the pump locked up. That tripped a breaker. And started the downhill slide. A new pump is $400.

Dragged out the newer gas engined pressure washer and it had an empty fuel tank. Walked clear across the building before I found a can with some fuel in it. Filled the tank, thinking this stuff sure looks like two stroke. It's windy and someone is burning brush, so I can't smell anything. Walk back across the building to put the can back in the cabinet and notice 'Diesel Fuel' written on not one, but two, red gas cans. Sun uv a...Took pictures of the cans and sent them to the entire management staff with the caption, "WTF!". Then proceeded to drain the fuel tank and float bowl of the pressure washer. Made the Leadman stop what he was doing to go out and find two diesel cans. His excuse was that they needed cans right away. These were the first ones he found and he had labeled them, so it was my fault that I didn't read them. I exploded. It's now March, he bought the cans in October, six months ago. Plenty of time to get the correct ones. Labeling the cans won't fly in a Life Safety Inspection, but is sure to bring a spendy fine. I guess I should be happy that it wasn't gasoline in a diesel can. Had that happen in Elgin.

After calming down from that little episode, looks like the major project has a major snafu. Rail clamps from 2005 might not fit on a 2015 machine. Told the geniuses that said they would fit need to come up with a fix because that part, according to them, is not my job anymore. :shrug:

Saying "That's not my job anymore" carries a bit of satisfaction.:)

03-20-2018, 10:01 AM
Don't leave us hanging!

03-21-2018, 06:28 AM
Don't leave us hanging!

Sorry. I'm back in Beaufort this week. The 'This isn't your job anymore' has made it more bearable. When new and old managers want me to find something, confirm a part number, pick something or someone up, I shake my head and tell them that it's not my job anymore.

I have been working with the new soon to be Leadman. A whole 'nother person. I explain how something is done and he does not take notes. He gets into it for the first hand experience. Yesterday, we pulled four 900lb tires off of one of our 360 cranes. I drafted some of the visiting Italians who build the crane to help and they were adamant that I needed a tire jack to remove the tires. I asked them if they had one in their back pocket because I didn't, then crawled under the crane and repeatedly pushed on the tire with my feet until it dropped off of the hub. The new Lead did the other three. The Italians had eyes a big as saucers. I had to explain to the one Italian that speaks English that very rarely are repairs done where there is a shop with a concrete floor for a tire jack. I consider myself lucky if I can score a boom truck to snag a tire off a hub.

The soon to be former Leadman is being moved to QC, which he is better suited. Guy is too fond of paperwork for my taste.

Things are starting to gel, though, and some semblance of order is taking place. The plant super and I were discussing how the move happened and both agreed that where we are now, we should have been at three months ago. Also, that this place should have been at least 90% ready to go before Elgin started to wind down.

Today, though, Jason and I are driving to Atlanta, and back, for a thirty minute job that the customer will pay dearly for. Best part for me is that I won't be walking the entire length of that building umpteen times today. By three pm, I'm wiped. I'm also the oldest guy working in the shop. I can run circles around most of the youngsters but not for as long as used to.

Vacation next week.

03-24-2018, 08:08 AM
Survived another week. The Atlanta trip, though a long day, was worth it. Not only were Jason and I out of the building for the day, but I got to shut down an arrogant a-hole. And I did it in front of his boss.

When we got to ATL, I strolled over to the crane while Jason had a smoke. I turned back to him and told him not bother with what was in the trunk, we wouldn’t be needing it. Got hold of the foreman and showed him that the new brushcutter they didn’t buy from us didn’t work because it was plumbed to the wrong hydraulic circuit. The foreman called over his mechanic so I could show him what needed to be done. All I got from the mechanic was attitude.

According to him, I didn’t know what I was talking about. That the new brushcutter was plumbed exactly the same as the old one, yada yada. Only word out of my mouth was “Bullshit”. So, he says he can prove it and walks us over to the old brushcutter. He points to the coupler and tells me it’s the same way. I go, “Nope, that’s a female coupler. The new unit is plumbed with males. It will never work with male couplers.” The guy swears a blue streak at me, tells all of us he doesn’t need this shit and storms out of the shop.

Now, the foreman is standing there with us, watching the mechanic have his meltdown. As the mechanic is walking away, the foreman turns to me and says, “I finally have a reason. Sorry you guys had to come all this way for our screw up. Send me the bill.”

As this BS took a bit longer than planned, we had to push it to get back to Beaufort. If anyone saw a white Prius in left lane of I-20, heading to SC and doing around 90mph. That was us.

03-25-2018, 04:05 AM
Survived another week. The Atlanta trip, though a long day, was worth it. Not only were Jason and I out of the building for the day, but I got to shut down an arrogant a-hole. And I did it in front of his boss.

When we got to ATL, I strolled over to the crane while Jason had a smoke. I turned back to him and told him not bother with what was in the trunk, we wouldn’t be needing it. Got hold of the foreman and showed him that the new brushcutter they didn’t buy from us didn’t work because it was plumbed to the wrong hydraulic circuit. The foreman called over his mechanic so I could show him what needed to be done. All I got from the mechanic was attitude.

According to him, I didn’t know what I was talking about. That the new brushcutter was plumbed exactly the same as the old one, yada yada. Only word out of my mouth was “Bullshit”. So, he says he can prove it and walks us over to the old brushcutter. He points to the coupler and tells me it’s the same way. I go, “Nope, that’s a female coupler. The new unit is plumbed with males. It will never work with male couplers.” The guy swears a blue streak at me, tells all of us he doesn’t need this shit and storms out of the shop.

Now, the foreman is standing there with us, watching the mechanic have his meltdown. As the mechanic is walking away, the foreman turns to me and says, “I finally have a reason. Sorry you guys had to come all this way for our screw up. Send me the bill.”

As this BS took a bit longer than planned, we had to push it to get back to Beaufort. If anyone saw a white Prius in left lane of I-20, heading to SC and doing around 90mph. That was us.

Wait...a Prius can do 90? :lmao:

03-25-2018, 07:56 AM
Wait...a Prius can do 90? :lmao:

Surprised me, too.

03-25-2018, 10:44 AM
The ones around here can't seem to break 30mph downhill with the wind pushing them.

03-25-2018, 06:01 PM
The ones around here can't seem to break 30mph downhill with the wind pushing them.

Must be them SC drivers.:hehe: Up here, the little poops are twenty over in the left lane.

03-26-2018, 08:36 AM
Must be them SC drivers.:hehe: Up here, the little poops are twenty over in the left lane.

It seems like people from other places that can't handle the hills and curves. :lmao:

03-26-2018, 08:45 AM
It seems like people from other places that can't handle the hills and curves. :lmao:

What hills and curves? The Low Country is flatter than central Illannoy and the only hills are the bridges.:)

03-26-2018, 08:54 AM
What hills and curves? The Low Country is flatter than central Illannoy and the only hills are the bridges.:)

I'm in the upstate near the mountains. :tup:

03-26-2018, 09:07 AM
I'm in the upstate near the mountains. :tup:

Contrary to popular belief, there are hills and curves in Illanoy. Most are in the Driftless Area in the northeast corner and in the southern areas south of Mt. Vernon. Nothing that can be considered mountainous, but the buggers are steep. Myself, I live on top of a hill. Not tall, but access is via 10 and 13% grades. And curves.;)

Sport Rider
03-26-2018, 09:45 AM
Contrary to popular belief, there are hills and curves in Illanoy. Most are in the Driftless Area in the northeast corner and in the southern areas south of Mt. Vernon. Nothing that can be considered mountainous, but the buggers are steep. Myself, I live on top of a hill. Not tall, but access is via 10 and 13% grades. And curves.;)

sounds like it's time to get the sporty bikes out and give Cheesy a fun day on the mountains. What say we take him for a run up 276 and then back down 178.

03-26-2018, 06:18 PM
sounds like it's time to get the sporty bikes out and give Cheesy a fun day on the mountains. What say we take him for a run up 276 and then back down 178.

If I can retrain myself to ride on two wheels...

03-27-2018, 08:14 AM
Contrary to popular belief, there are hills and curves in Illanoy. Most are in the Driftless Area in the northeast corner and in the southern areas south of Mt. Vernon. Nothing that can be considered mountainous, but the buggers are steep. Myself, I live on top of a hill. Not tall, but access is via 10 and 13% grades. And curves.;)

I've never been to IL. I hope to visit there when I start traveling. Gotta get the last kid out of school and on his own. :clap:

03-27-2018, 10:33 AM
Contrary to popular belief, there are hills and curves in Illanoy. Most are in the Driftless Area in the northeast corner and in the southern areas south of Mt. Vernon. Nothing that can be considered mountainous, but the buggers are steep. Myself, I live on top of a hill. Not tall, but access is via 10 and 13% grades. And curves.;)

iowa too.... rode ragbrai in '16 and it was a southern route...:wtf: averaged 3000ft of climb each day....

03-27-2018, 08:37 PM
iowa too.... rode ragbrai in '16 and it was a southern route...:wtf: averaged 3000ft of climb each day....

I've done PBP, Double Trouble, WISILL 24 hr TT, an LAB convention, and countless Brevet rides, yet I've never done RAGBRAI. Someday.

PBP ruined me for hills, 44,000 ft in 750 miles.

03-28-2018, 12:22 PM
I've done PBP, Double Trouble, WISILL 24 hr TT, an LAB convention, and countless Brevet rides, yet I've never done RAGBRAI. Someday.

PBP ruined me for hills, 44,000 ft in 750 miles.

we took our summer vacation on ragbrai in 16, and took a trip down memory lane....LOL the wife and i met on a cross country bike ride (you may remember me asking for donations back in '13..LOL) and we met in....iowa.... iowa city to be exact... and it happened to be 3 weeks after our 2 yr anniversary...LOL

04-11-2018, 07:00 AM
Down here in SC again with a guy from France to look at a machine that has been a thorn in my side for years. And years. I've told management to get someone here from the factory because I cannot fix software issues without the proper equipment and training. Barring that, my fix is a 45 second fuse. Or send it back.

Well, they sweet talked a customer into buying the machine and almost ended up getting sued. I told them I'd side with the customer. That got them off their asses and they took the machine back and got a factory guy out here.

So, the guy finds a few minor electrical issues and says those are nothing new. Fixes those and the plugs in his computer. I'm outside of the cab and hear him say, "How does this damn thing even run?" I split a gut. Harold walks out to see what we're doing and he tears Harold a new one. I just did my 'told ya so' look.

Anyway, we spend a few hours running back and forth on the 400' track I had built to test the machine and it has never worked this good. After all this, I have a meeting with Al and Harold, along with the guy from France and I asked Harold to document how much money was spent having me chase my tale with this damn machine versus having the French guy come over. He said it wasn't neccasary, he got the point. Then I told them both that the next time I have to deal with "Ignoring the problem until it goes away" again, will be my last day with the company. Then said, "BTW, Harold it was $21,000".

06-03-2018, 08:51 PM
Well, it's been almost two months since I posted anything about this.

SHTF last Friday, big time. All those benefits I was 'Grandfathered' into started going away June 1st. Company contributions to my 401k, along with matching what I contributed, were cut by 60%.

My health insurance premium is going up 1000% July 1st.

I lose two weeks vacation as of Jan. 1, 2019.

Livid doesn't begin to cover it.

This may be the straw that breaks a lot of backs. Harold is ready to say screw it. He's developed some health issues recently that are probably stress related. His 2 1/2 pack a day habit isn't helping. Jason has already had a job offer that he's seriously considering. Marlene had agreed to stay on until July 2019 but she pulled that back with the benefit cuts. Most of the sales staff is ready to quit for the same reason. The sales staff also took a 10% pay cut last January to keep the benefits they had, so that was a kick in the nuts to them.

Myself, I'll be on the horn to Al first thing tomorrow to let him know that the price of losing two weeks vacation is that my company phone will be off from 5pm until 8am during the week and off from 5pm Friday until 8am Monday. No replying to company emails after 5pm or at all on the weekends. No more travel on weekends or holidays. Absolutely no contact with any company personnel when I am on vacation.

If I get fired, I get fired.

06-03-2018, 10:04 PM
Hate to hear it Cheesy...

06-04-2018, 07:40 AM
I don't know if you can swing it but maybe it's time to start your retirement.
I just got back from a week of fishing with nine other guys and many of them
have retired most long before 67. I sure wish I could.

Good luck with it. I agree 100% about the phone and emails.
If they think they they deserve more they are crazy.

06-04-2018, 08:11 AM
I retired early (@63) and haven't regretted a minute of it. I went while I was still healthy enough to enjoy whatever time I have left, and I am! Money hasn't been an issue-you learn to live on what you have. My lifestyle hasn't suffered. What pushed me out was a good friend who waited until he would max out his S.S.He never went anywhere or did much because he said there would be plenty of time when he's retired. Between his pension, savings, SS and investments, he would be living high on the hog, compared to me. He turned 66, had filed for SS and pension, and dropped dead in his backyard two days after drawing his first check.
You'd be surprised how little you actually need, if you live within your means, and how stress free life can be. If money really gets tight, I can always flip burgers or be a greeter-part time, of course.

06-04-2018, 08:31 AM
If money really gets tight, I can always flip burgers or be a greeter-part time, of course.

I just cannot see the cheese man going that route..if he did it may go like this..


06-04-2018, 09:57 AM
I just cannot see the cheese man going that route..if he did it may go like this..


Bwhahahahaha. Read me right. I’d rather be the old fart driving the little white truck with the blue and yellow hat, tho.

Well, Mrs. C and I are now seriously considering our options. I will stick out the year and see how it goes but I will be a major pain in the ass to management for the rest of my time there. Harold, Jason, and I are the technical backbone of that outfit and the new management team may be in for a rude awakening if the three of us decide to raise our middle fingers, turn our backs, and walk away.

Still waiting for that call back from Al but won’t hold my breath.

06-04-2018, 10:17 AM
Well, it's been almost two months since I posted anything about this.

SHTF last Friday, big time. All those benefits I was 'Grandfathered' into started going away June 1st. Company contributions to my 401k, along with matching what I contributed, were cut by 60%.

My health insurance premium is going up 1000% July 1st.

I lose two weeks vacation as of Jan. 1, 2019.

Livid doesn't begin to cover it.

This may be the straw that breaks a lot of backs. Harold is ready to say screw it. He's developed some health issues recently that are probably stress related. His 2 1/2 pack a day habit isn't helping. Jason has already had a job offer that he's seriously considering. Marlene had agreed to stay on until July 2019 but she pulled that back with the benefit cuts. Most of the sales staff is ready to quit for the same reason. The sales staff also took a 10% pay cut last January to keep the benefits they had, so that was a kick in the nuts to them.

Myself, I'll be on the horn to Al first thing tomorrow to let him know that the price of losing two weeks vacation is that my company phone will be off from 5pm until 8am during the week and off from 5pm Friday until 8am Monday. No replying to company emails after 5pm or at all on the weekends. No more travel on weekends or holidays. Absolutely no contact with any company personnel when I am on vacation.

If I get fired, I get fired.
Best of Luck. Upper management always seem to find a way to chase away good people. We had the same happen here a few years back. New CFO comes in and started cutting bonuses to the ones that get the job done. We lost 6 superintendents, 2 project managers and an estimator. Most of them went to another company that one of the superintendents started. Now they are our biggest competition. I still get job offers from them. But the CFO woke up and realized he made a big F Up. In the end it helped me out because they knew I was about to cross over too.

06-04-2018, 12:13 PM
Bwhahahahaha. Read me right. I’d rather be the old fart driving the little white truck with the blue and yellow hat, tho.

Well, Mrs. C and I are now seriously considering our options. I will stick out the year and see how it goes but I will be a major pain in the ass to management for the rest of my time there. Harold, Jason, and I are the technical backbone of that outfit and the new management team may be in for a rude awakening if the three of us decide to raise our middle fingers, turn our backs, and walk away.

Still waiting for that call back from Al but won’t hold my breath.


06-04-2018, 05:42 PM
Well, it's been almost two months since I posted anything about this.

SHTF last Friday, big time. All those benefits I was 'Grandfathered' into started going away June 1st. Company contributions to my 401k, along with matching what I contributed, were cut by 60%.

My health insurance premium is going up 1000% July 1st.

I lose two weeks vacation as of Jan. 1, 2019.

Livid doesn't begin to cover it.

This may be the straw that breaks a lot of backs. Harold is ready to say screw it. He's developed some health issues recently that are probably stress related. His 2 1/2 pack a day habit isn't helping. Jason has already had a job offer that he's seriously considering. Marlene had agreed to stay on until July 2019 but she pulled that back with the benefit cuts. Most of the sales staff is ready to quit for the same reason. The sales staff also took a 10% pay cut last January to keep the benefits they had, so that was a kick in the nuts to them.

Myself, I'll be on the horn to Al first thing tomorrow to let him know that the price of losing two weeks vacation is that my company phone will be off from 5pm until 8am during the week and off from 5pm Friday until 8am Monday. No replying to company emails after 5pm or at all on the weekends. No more travel on weekends or holidays. Absolutely no contact with any company personnel when I am on vacation.

If I get fired, I get fired.

This is sad to hear. I believe that company may close it's doors sooner than anticipated due to employee walking.

I retired early (@63) and haven't regretted a minute of it. I went while I was still healthy enough to enjoy whatever time I have left, and I am! Money hasn't been an issue-you learn to live on what you have. My lifestyle hasn't suffered. What pushed me out was a good friend who waited until he would max out his S.S.He never went anywhere or did much because he said there would be plenty of time when he's retired. Between his pension, savings, SS and investments, he would be living high on the hog, compared to me. He turned 66, had filed for SS and pension, and dropped dead in his backyard two days after drawing his first check.
You'd be surprised how little you actually need, if you live within your means, and how stress free life can be. If money really gets tight, I can always flip burgers or be a greeter-part time, of course.

I retired early as well, age 30. I'm 41 now.

06-04-2018, 05:49 PM
Bwhahahahaha. Read me right. I’d rather be the old fart driving the little white truck with the blue and yellow hat, tho.

Well, Mrs. C and I are now seriously considering our options. I will stick out the year and see how it goes but I will be a major pain in the ass to management for the rest of my time there. Harold, Jason, and I are the technical backbone of that outfit and the new management team may be in for a rude awakening if the three of us decide to raise our middle fingers, turn our backs, and walk away.

Still waiting for that call back from Al but won’t hold my breath.

A friend of mine shut down his shop and went to work for Advanced Auto delivering parts locally. Then he got an offer from O'Riley's as a local delivery driver for commercial accounts, so he went there. The reason he shut down his shop is becausea handful of people from out west came to our small town and bought up most of the air-cooled VWs they could find. They were rolling out by the half dozen on car trailers behind dualie pickups weekly. By 2008, He was down to two VW customers and anything he could take in. No one wants an aircooled VW mechainc working on their newer vehicles. I helped him for a while before he shut down to keep things going and help bring customers in. Then I helped him shut down and move out.

06-08-2018, 06:18 AM
There has been one bright spot in this recent debacle. Al and Harold have told me to stay away from Beaufort as much as possible. Seems that the new HR/Safety manager they hired has been a major PITA since day one. Harold and Al know I have little to no respect for Safety managers that push blanket regulations over common sense, they are afraid that I will go toe to toe with this woman over her power trip and get myself canned. I care not. I may stick it out longer just to be a thorn in her side.

With Marlene leaving at the end of August and one sales guy calling it quits at the end of the year, I will have moved up to #3 on the seniority list for MTM

06-08-2018, 09:59 AM
Three more years and I'm pulling the plug at 62. I figure if we pay everything off (minus house), stack my So Sec with my short retirement we'll be fine. In the meantime, I picked up a column in a local rag. That pays for beer! :-)

Sport Rider
06-08-2018, 10:19 AM
I'm 9 years off at this point, but already starting to count. :( in two years I can start pulling a pension from an old company I worked for, but still going to have to work to 67 at this point. we'll see how I feel at 64 to just call it quits at 65.

06-09-2018, 09:28 PM
I've been out of the working game going on 11 years now. You guys need to catch up. :lmao: