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View Full Version : Bike stuck in flood , still waiting for shipment

12-06-2007, 07:12 AM
If you watch the news , we got hit with a good storm here in the Great Northwest , bike got stuck in flood , I-5 shut down and my bike still isn't here .
How dare Mother Nature make me wait on a dirt bike !!!! Lol !
They are re-routing my shipment over to Tri-City area today into Seattle after, then my house, so I hope to have this thing soon . Good grief what a pain in my %$#@*&^ !!!!
With any luck I will be riding this weekend . Will send pics as soon as it gets here . I ordered a green one , so should be cool to look at something besides black on this website, or blue or red.

Cheerios and Fruitloops too, Kelly out 8O

12-06-2007, 01:06 PM
i know i live over there until 2002 i live in monroe which is right by the snohomish river i guess there is like a new lake that wasnt there before they called it lake monroe lol well hope you get your bike soon