View Full Version : I did a bad, bad, thing

Wigwam Jones
08-18-2017, 10:30 PM
Instead of saving my money for a nice China bike, I went and bought a second vintage Japanese bike. Please forgive me, I know I've done wrong.

https://scontent-ort2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/20988347_10213067654781026_5941122015684012065_o.j pg?oh=6cc235e7e9750a90231e341f78bfed05&oe=5A3546A8

The one in the back is the new one. 1973 Honda SL125 with 3,000 original miles on it. Really excellent condition. The other is my 1982 Yamaha SR250 Exciter. Just rebuilt the carb on that one, and got to try it out for the first time tonight since rebuilding it. Works a treat! No more issues with the bike! Yay me and yay you guys for encouraging me to do it!

Maybe I will put a nice Lifan 200cc engine in the Honda. Would it qualify as a China bike then?

:) :thanks:

08-18-2017, 11:17 PM
SL125..how kool....
A china bike or a classic kool bike.... no real contest...
one of the first trail/duel sport bikes
for the masses...how meany riders started out
on a SL100 or 125...

put a china motor in it..... don't do it....
just look at it... why would the thought ever
enter your mined...
fix it up not butcher it...

the yamaha's nice to but not a classic like the SL.... it's just old...


08-18-2017, 11:47 PM
That SL could be worth a little money. I'm not sure I would change anything on it.

08-19-2017, 10:35 PM
...could be worth a little money. I'm not sure I would change anything on it.
I would say ride accordingly. Stock electrics can't compare to modern on-road vehicle (ie. U're invisible from other road user...) http://www.google.com/search?q=Convert+CB125S2+to+12Vr2.pdf is great upgrade guide. Some materials in that pdf can replaced by w/ OKish chinese parts...

08-20-2017, 07:51 AM
Congrats on the score, Wigwam! I have been looking at a bunch of those older Honda's for a while now. The Missus says I can't have one yet because it's one more thing we'd have to drag out to Arizona. She also say's I have enough bikes. Not really sure what she means by that last part... :lmao:

08-20-2017, 01:50 PM
Congratulations; that 125 is a beauty!

08-28-2017, 11:13 AM
I'm so envious! I'd love a little SL, and yes, I'd repower it with a CG230. Sorry Pete.