View Full Version : Sitting here waiting for a buyer... again.

04-18-2018, 11:42 PM
Been through this a few times in the last week. Buyer sent me a text. Then talked me down on the price to my drop dead bottom price. Says he doesn't get off work until 8PM and lives over an hour away. I told him I would wait up for him. (We generally go to bed early, as 4:30AM wake up time)

Still waiting. This is the 3rd time I've been stood up on this bike. :crazy: Makes me ask why folks do this?? And maybe I'm handling it all wrong. I'm honestly not mad, mostly because I've come to expect that the buyer will flake out. :shrug:

Here's the bike:

04-19-2018, 12:08 AM
Well its well after 10 now. Just pushed the bike back into it's spot in the garage and pulled my wife's car back in, turned out the lights.

Thanks again flaky buyers of the world!! :p

I'm beginning to remember why I have so many bikes... :lmao:

04-19-2018, 01:49 AM
They are everywhere. Some folks lack commitment nowadays. Maybe it's an age thing or a technology thing where they think I'll just wait for the next one I want.

04-19-2018, 07:28 AM
Damn tire kickers! GET OFF MY LAWN!!!!!

04-19-2018, 08:35 AM
I refuse to even haggle on the price until they are there in person. That tends to weed out the tire kickers really quickly.

My least favorite question is "What is the lowest you would take for it?"

In my experience, if people ask me that question, I automatically assume they are either not serious, can't actually afford it, or are simply looking to try and flip it.

Real buyers ask questions about the vehicle and try to setup time to look at it. They almost never mention the price without actually seeing it first.

Don't even get me started on the low ballers. I had a bike listed for $1800 firm. I get a message "will you take $600 cash today?" When you refuse, they try to bully you into submission. It's fun to tell them to take their broke ass elsewhere if they can't afford it.

04-19-2018, 08:38 AM
Damn tire kickers! GET OFF MY LAWN!!!!!

At least if they showed up I could get some ol' man satisfaction outta that!!

But, Noooooooo. Just total no-shows.

04-19-2018, 09:09 AM
I refuse to even haggle on the price until they are there in person. That tends to weed out the tire kickers really quickly.

My least favorite question is "What is the lowest you would take for it?"

In my experience, if people ask me that question, I automatically assume they are either not serious, can't actually afford it, or are simply looking to try and flip it.

Real buyers ask questions about the vehicle and try to setup time to look at it. They almost never mention the price without actually seeing it first.

Don't even get me started on the low ballers. I had a bike listed for $1800 firm. I get a message "will you take $600 cash today?" When you refuse, they try to bully you into submission. It's fun to tell them to take their broke ass elsewhere if they can't afford it.

Good advice Dan.

I've often responded with "I really think you should come and look at the bike in person before we talk price." It does seem to weed them out.

I think this particular niche of buyer is more susceptible to:
1. getting excited about it
2. texting me
3. figuring out how low they can get the price
4. dreaming about it without thinking it through
5. telling their friends, family, co-workers who then say "It's too dangerous!" or "Get a real bike- that is damn beginner woman bike" or "Do you know how much insurance is going to cost you?" or "Have you priced the helmet/jacket/gloves and gear too?"
6. Losing the excitment and "Fuhget about it".

Which is all fine and dandy.

Just *PLEASE* please please have the common courtesy to reach out and say "Hey man, I really need a few more days to think about this" or maybe "I'm not going to make it tonight, sorry but I've changed my mind".

04-19-2018, 09:23 AM
Oh yeah. Beginner and sport bikes are by far the hardest thing to sell. Wider audience of buyers, but much more flaky. The total opposite of selling collector or classic bikes - much smaller group of potential buyers, but often well informed on every aspect of the bike. The kind of buyers that will haggle you down on price because the date code on the left plastic body panel doesn't match the rest of the bike.

04-19-2018, 04:40 PM
At least if they showed up I could get some ol' man satisfaction outta that!!

But, Noooooooo. Just total no-shows.

Like you, we are early risers. 4:00am. Bed at 7:00-7:30 pm.
If they really want it, they'll work around my schedule.

04-19-2018, 04:41 PM
Well its well after 10 now. Just pushed the bike back into it's spot in the garage and pulled my wife's car back in, turned out the lights.

Thanks again flaky buyers of the world!! :p

I'm beginning to remember why I have so many bikes... :lmao:

10? Where the hell you at? Should the ostrich give me a clue?

04-19-2018, 11:06 PM


04-20-2018, 10:43 AM
You're santa clause!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I knew you existed, regardless of what my drunk uncle told me!!!!!!

04-20-2018, 11:50 AM
You're santa clause!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I knew you existed, regardless of what my drunk uncle told me!!!!!!

My kids think I am...