View Full Version : SUNL sl50qt-6

02-11-2008, 04:39 PM
i just ordered this scooter off of atvdiscounters dot com. does anyone have any experience with this moped?

02-11-2008, 04:50 PM
You might want to consider canceling that order fast.

Sunl doesn't have a very good rep and neither does atvdiscounters.

Also unless you only plan to go 30mph a 50cc scooter may be too small.


02-11-2008, 04:58 PM
well im bout 5' 8 and the site advertises that this scooter does 35-40.

02-11-2008, 05:04 PM
Alot of the sites advertise that the enduro go 90mph too. It is just not true. You might go 35.

The problem is you might still be going 2mph because either the bike never shows from atvdiscounters or it breaks and you can't get parts from Sunl.

Look up both companies on BBB or just search sunl and atvdiscounters here and you will get plenty of info.


02-11-2008, 05:07 PM
Here is the BBB link. Unsatisfactory. If you just order now is your chance to back out.



02-11-2008, 05:20 PM
well i ordered it friday afternoon. thank you for the web site .wow, that information would have been great last week. i am skeptical about cancelling, would hate to get on their bad side and be be another "1 Company did not respond " and loose all that money.

02-11-2008, 08:28 PM
If you paid by credit card you will have some protection.

You may not have any problems either.


02-23-2008, 08:04 PM




i now have 50 miles on it and the only problem is the fuel gage which didnt work from the begining, so i would suggest this model to someone under 5'10 and about 160 like myself becaus i do about 38 mph average



02-25-2008, 04:15 AM
those little mopeds seem to be a good value, looks pretty good

02-25-2008, 10:25 PM
If you remove the sending unit from the fuel tank and turn it slightly the guage should start working , many of these are simply turned so that the float is stuck against the side of the tank , hope this helps

04-18-2008, 02:27 AM
I am happy you are enjoying your sl50qt-6 scooter. We have sold countless numbers of these units and the overall response has been extremely positive. The Powersports industry is extremely similar to the auto industry. You will find people who say Fords are horrible cars that shouldn't even be allowed on the roads, while others that say they will only buy a Ford because they are the best car in the world.

We have sold tons of Sunl products and I assure you there are plenty of people who love their product lines.

To katoranger, a lot of people want to buy the 49cc scooters because several states do not require a motorcycle license to drive one on the street legally. The 50cc is not going to break 50mph like the larger CC models, but they are nice for street driving especially for the price.

kawazuki_125 .. If you encounter any issues or questions about this unit, please contact me at the information below. I would be happy to direct you to the right person to assist you. We have a fully trained service staff available via the phone that can help you with your fuel gauge if serviceman's suggestion doesn't work. Just let me know :) Thanks again for your business.

Nathan Barling
email: Nathan.Barling@atvdiscounter.com
online: http://www.atvdiscounter.com