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10-09-2018, 11:40 AM
Hey guys! what's up? I hope ya'll are doing good today. I made a pretty big mistake and rear ended someone on the high way on my hawk. luckily I flew towards the side of the road and I was wearing my helmet.

I went to the ER and nothing is broken, they did some xrays and an ultra sound of my testicles. My testicles honestly were freaking smashed and definately most injured part, they're swollen and dark blue... but otherwise I'm doing alright. I wasnt walking the first day and a half of recovery, but I'm able to be limping around.

The hawk is pretty trashed. the front wheel is in a c shape, the forks got bent, the gas tank is dented to hell and most plastics are broke. the frame, whole rear end, seat are all fine. engine is unscathed.

10-09-2018, 11:41 AM
My dads girlfriend got the bike picked up that night, so its mangled and sitting in my driveway. I'll take some pics later today.

10-09-2018, 11:54 AM
Maybe take a few baths with a couple cups of Epsom Salt, might help with the pain and swelling

10-09-2018, 12:23 PM
Hope you get well soon. The bike is replacable.

Red Hawk
10-09-2018, 12:24 PM
Glad to hear your still with us !!
Hope you recover soon,

I went for Gas last month and saw a jeep swept off the road by a broadside right in front of me, was about 50mph. Makes me wounder if I'd taken a pause or not pulling from the gas station if...

Be careful out there guys !

10-09-2018, 03:15 PM
A bag of frozen peas is your new best friend.

10-09-2018, 04:07 PM
Sorry about the bike and your bean bag. I cringed when i read it.

As long as the frame is OK I reckon some forks and a wheel would get you on the road. Probably the bars are bent too?

Again, sorry to hear it, glad you aren't too busted up.

10-09-2018, 05:28 PM
here are some pics

10-09-2018, 05:48 PM
Sorry to hear that get well soon. Would be nice more bikes have air bags... I added a tank bag recently might help a little there...

When riding, I always try to dress for the crash.

10-10-2018, 07:31 AM
here are some pics
No pics?

10-10-2018, 10:38 AM
Hey guys! what's up? I hope ya'll are doing good today. I made a pretty big mistake and rear ended someone on the high way on my hawk. luckily I flew towards the side of the road and I was wearing my helmet.

I went to the ER and nothing is broken, they did some xrays and an ultra sound of my testicles. My testicles honestly were freaking smashed and definately most injured part, they're swollen and dark blue... but otherwise I'm doing alright. I wasnt walking the first day and a half of recovery, but I'm able to be limping around.

The hawk is pretty trashed. the front wheel is in a c shape, the forks got bent, the gas tank is dented to hell and most plastics are broke. the frame, whole rear end, seat are all fine. engine is unscathed.

Don't stop there. If you can, get in with a good urologist ASAP. I took a hit in high school. 10 years later my boys quit producing testosterone. I also deal with testicular torsion and epididymitis. Look them up and discuss with your doctor. Please take care of your health. That girl of yours might become a wife and request your assistance with helping her bare a child. :hehe:

10-11-2018, 02:03 PM
Idk why, but they didn't show up last time I posted them.

Yeah my girl has been taking care of me since the accident, honestly making me feel way better about everything that happened. She's been such a blessing. I have an appointment with a urologist on Monday. I hope everything is okay down there o-o

a tank bag would actually have help quite a bit I think.

I saw someone in these forums find very similar used forks for about 100, so the bike isn't completely lost I don't think. I plan to pull off the broken parts and make a list and see if it's even affordable going down this route.

10-11-2018, 02:56 PM
The Hawk definitely looks salvageable, rear of the bike looks almost unscathed. Most of the front end will need to be replaced. You'll probably be able to drop a lot of nice aftermarket parts up there and end up with a better bike in the long run. The important thing is that you're recovering, all your limbs are still working, and the bean bags are (hopefully) still working properly. Good thing you were wearing your helmet, probably saved you from ending up in the ICU (or worse yet, in the morgue). How fast were you cruising up until the point when the rear-end collision happened?

10-11-2018, 03:27 PM
The pic of the top of the tank made me squeamish.

10-11-2018, 03:45 PM
I have been playing with damaged bikes since the 70’s ,and would honestly say I could fix that ,but I wouldn’t bother .I would find another with a blown engine and swap the good things off of this bike .Probably not what you wanted to hear ,but I call em like I see em .The time to straighten out and get things right ,along with the required parts bill ,and dealing with the little gremlins are not worth it on a bike that could be bought for under a grand .

10-30-2018, 12:59 AM
Well, I'm planning on fixing it. After pulling it apart, most of the bike is in great condition. I wasnt gonna do this if it cost more money than it is worth. At first with brand new OEM parts, I was looking at 800-1k. But after searching, I found someone parting out an enduro with a 21 inch wheel. They want 80 dollars for the triple clamps, forks, front wheel and front brake.

That doesn't put me back at all if I fix my bike. I dont know if I'll highway drive, but I sure as hell want a dirtbike. And all in all the hawk is still cheaper than if I bought a brand new dirtbike

10-31-2018, 08:52 AM
You can try this method for removing the dent in your tank.

10-31-2018, 12:24 PM
Hope you feeling better. I have a question how where them tires for street driving. Do they feel squirmy? Hope you get it back together soon.

11-13-2018, 12:43 PM
I've been feeling back to normal and have recovered recovered well. I'm back at work again.

I really liked those tires for street and offroad. I thought they did a good balance. They weren't squirmy at all and wore well. They felt solid and cornered well.

11-13-2018, 12:47 PM
Hey guys! what's up? I hope ya'll are doing good today. I made a pretty big mistake and rear ended someone on the high way on my hawk. luckily I flew towards the side of the road and I was wearing my helmet.

I went to the ER and nothing is broken, they did some xrays and an ultra sound of my testicles. My testicles honestly were freaking smashed and definately most injured part, they're swollen and dark blue... but otherwise I'm doing alright. I wasnt walking the first day and a half of recovery, but I'm able to be limping around.

The hawk is pretty trashed. the front wheel is in a c shape, the forks got bent, the gas tank is dented to hell and most plastics are broke. the frame, whole rear end, seat are all fine. engine is unscathed.

sounds like an unrelated problem to me... :lmao:


11-13-2018, 12:50 PM
Glad to hear you recovered. :tup: My last MC crash was 40+ years ago. I learned how to fly the hard way after putting my bike under the rear of a car on a gravel road and me flying 25-30 yard through the air. Nothing broke my split helmet and my pride. :lol: Nothing like a full body sprain to make you respect a bike. :ohno:
Like the saying goes. "There's two kinds of motorcycle riders. Those that have crashed and those that will" I'm just glad I got that out the way when I was young and my body healed faster. lol

11-13-2018, 09:05 PM
A member was talking about stuff to me in PM:
maybe this helps or contact him "culcune"


He was saying there are some spare bikes taken apart some place robbed for parts etc. (not sunright)