View Full Version : Frozen Snot Ride

01-05-2019, 07:43 PM
Weather report for today was sunny and in the mid fifties. In NE Illannoy. In January.:hmm: I got an email from one of the MACMC guys yesterday morning basically stating, "Let's ride motorcycles tomorrow!". I said yes.

This was about the most fun I've had on an MACMC ride. Wish I would have remembered my camera. There were five of us. Mike on his newer Triumph, Tom on a 98 Suzuki 1200, Pat on his old Triumph, and moi on the Ural. Fifth guy, Hal, had his bike put away for the season, so showed up in an older Mazda Miata with the top down.

The original plan was for an hour ride on back roads from Antioch, IL to Lake Geneva, WI. Then grab some lunch and an hour ride back to Antioch on other back roads. The ride to Lake Geneva was a hoot. Lots of curves and hills. Trying to keep up with the other guys on the Russian Mini Tractor took a lot of work. Flew the chair in a number of right handers and drifted a lot of lefts.

Because it was such a nice day, our first choice for lunch had a line out the door. Plan B wasn't much better but at least they had a sunny patio where we could wait for a table to clear. In the ensuing BS session, I learned that Tom had just retired from the Maintenance Staff at my old high school and we knew several of the same people.:tup:

Lunch, itself, wasn't bad but the service was very slow. We ended up at the eatery longer than it took us to get there. We opted for a shorter, more direct route back to Antioch so we only ended back there 10 minutes later than planned. I still had thirty miles to ride to get home and got there about a half hour later than I planned. Chalk that up to two stops for gas. First stop, the pumps wouldn't read either of my cards. Second stop, I was golden but I could pee faster than the pump put out. About 150 miles all told and my upper arms hurt. But no Frozen Snot.:hehe:

Hindsight being 20/20, the CX may have been a better choice, but it hasn't run since Septober and the tires are seven years old.(Has it been that long?)

01-05-2019, 11:01 PM
I thought you already had snow ?

01-05-2019, 11:21 PM
I thought you already had snow ?

Had snow. Now mostly mud.

Sport Rider
01-06-2019, 12:06 PM
we're doing a winter ride here in NC today. it'll be rough, but we'll try to endure the 65 degree temps. :)

01-06-2019, 12:28 PM
we're doing a winter ride here in NC today. it'll be rough, but we'll try to endure the 65 degree temps. :)

No riding today. Although the temp is mild, comparatively speaking, skies are threatening and the winds from the east are rough.

01-12-2019, 05:54 PM
Sounds like a good time was had! We had a couple of 60ish days here in SW VA and I took full advantage.