View Full Version : Chicago International Motorcycle Show

02-16-2019, 09:48 PM
Bit of a letdown this year. For me, anyway. No Chinese bikes, no Urals.

I rode the Ural in and sprung the extra $20 for a VIP ticket. $20 I won't be spending next year for what it gets me. Crabbing over, I really liked what Royal Enfield is doing. I'm still not sure about the Himalaya but I still like the Classic 500, even if my forty year old Honda will run circles around it.

RE also had a concept bike called the 838 and it is a beauty.
Yes, it has a single sided swing arm. Not much on specs, but I was too busy drooling to look.

Honda and Suzuki had some nice kids bikes. Better chance of me dropping coin on an SSR, though.

Couple of different sidecar rigs.
Triumph Adventure sidecar set up. I thought the tub was too small to be comfortable, but I did vote for it for Peoples Choice.

Then there was this Guzzi racing rig. Looked fast sitting still.


There were many custom Cafe' bikes and I usually avoid them but this CX650 caught my eye.


Still not a fan of the style but the builder used a stock tank with a really nice reworking of the filler neck. Too bad my phone battery crapped out before I could get a pic of it. The bike is running a pair of Murrays' Mikuni carbs and has an impressive exhaust.

Stopped at a couple booths to BS with some folks and got a line on a second post retirement gig working as a MSF Rider Coach. Takes a training class but pays $25hr. They asked me. Also asked the Illannoy State Police if mounting a 40mm paint ball cannon on my sidecar to use against bad drivers would be frowned upon. The officer told me it was a good idea but, yes, I'd be the one to get in trouble if I used it. Poop.

02-17-2019, 09:12 AM
Glad you posted this. Nice pictures. I always like to see new stuff. That last bike tho....I've just never understood the lack of fenders. I guess the people that ride those have never had a rock or mud flung on them. :lmao:

02-18-2019, 09:34 AM
Glad you posted this. Nice pictures. I always like to see new stuff. That last bike tho....I've just never understood the lack of fenders. I guess the people that ride those have never had a rock or mud flung on them. :lmao:

Just to ride to the coffee shop when the weather is nice. Heck, most of my bicycles have fenders because I hate the skunk stripe up my back.

02-18-2019, 07:56 PM
I went to the Dallas motorcycle show it was good but there was NO YAMAHA BOOTH!

The outrage!

I like those Royal Enfield bikes. A guy that works across the street from me rides one every day, rain or shine, hot or cold. Funny in all the years i have seen the bike I have only talked to the guy once.

He made me want one. You can find em used pretty cheap.

02-18-2019, 09:28 PM
That Musket V twin is just gorgeous.