View Full Version : Repair Manual for China Clone 125cc engines

04-13-2019, 05:18 AM
I found on EBAY that Haynes has a manual for the generic Chinese clone 125cc motors and listed at least fifteen or twenty manufacturers.

I bought a bike with a QIYE 125cc engine and I have to learn how
to maintain and make adjustments such as to clutch, valves, timing
chain if there is one, ignition timing, cleaning of oil filters
and identifying and replacing ignition components if something goes

I have done a lot of wrenching in my life with airplanes, cars, farm machinery etc but this is my 1st motorcycle experience.

Have others found that all the many suppliers of the clone engines
really do have a lot of interchangeable components ?

Can anyone recommend a particular Chinese mfgr that has a really
good workshop/repair manual that I could purchase or acquire ?

I am afraid that the Haynes manual will be too general as they usually
are. What about videos at youtube or other places that show how
to do things in detail ?

04-13-2019, 06:40 AM
I didn’t know there was a manual for clone engines ,usually we send people to the clymer or Haynes horizontal Honda manual which has all the info you need in it .I know of no manual from any Chinese manufacturer of these engines either ,but your google might be better than mine .We also don’t bother repairing these engines much beyond basic servicing ,they are generally pretty tough ,and are cheap enough that it’s not worth the time to go too far inside them .That being said the manual you found would probably be just fine for your use .

04-13-2019, 09:51 AM
Here is the Haynes 125cc clone manual that I ordered


04-13-2019, 11:13 AM
That manual is for vertical clones not horizontal .

Lit Hawk
04-13-2019, 02:49 PM

04-20-2019, 11:14 AM
That Thumpstar manual is very good and easily adaptable to the 150s.

04-20-2019, 06:10 PM
Here is the Haynes 125cc clone manual that I ordered


wonder what's going to happen with the Hayne's manuals now...
John Haynes died about 6 months ago..

04-20-2019, 06:24 PM
wonder what's going to happen with the Hayne's manuals now...
John Haynes died about 6 months ago..

They have been kind of hard to come by the last several years ,we can order them online but I haven’t seen paper copies in local stores .