View Full Version : My long walk back to the Hawk

09-15-2019, 07:03 PM
June 25th of this year I took a spill on my bike, I high-sided it at 60mph, got body slammed on the pavement and slid for a good ways. During the slamming process the bike landed on me and came out basically unscathed, didn't even break a mirror. I on the other hand suffered a spiral fracture of my right femur and severe ligament damage to my right knee.

The following day the Docs slapped some metal in my leg and stapled me back up. 3 days after that they transferred me to a physical rehabilitation hospital and was discharged 6 days after that because I showed them I was quite familiar with a wheelchair and transfers. And they released me because cousin Jay busted his butt and built me a small deck and a wheelchair ramp in 3 days. :clap:

09-15-2019, 07:22 PM
So I spent the next 6 weeks healing and eagerly awaiting my 2 month Dr appointment in hopes he would tell me I could get out of this wheelchair and back on my feet.

09-15-2019, 07:40 PM
Alas the day of the Dr appointment was here and he gave me the ok to start walking again! :yay: I just knew I would be back on my Hawk again in a couple weeks. Well the first time back on my feet wasn't a pleasant experience. My knee wasn't healed enough to balance and support my weight. Apparently I had slid alot further from the bike than I had previously thought, several miles away rather than just a few feet. :cry:

09-15-2019, 08:19 PM
Ouch. Do what the Doc says and don't skimp on the PT. Also, don't rush the recovery.
My crutches are named Ben and Jerry. Right knee surgery in 05. Car/bicycle crash in 07. Left knee surgery in 09. Right knee again in 11. Left foot rebuilt in 16.

09-15-2019, 09:56 PM
Fast forward 2 weeks and I try it again, still hurts like hell but I'm able to do it and feel more confident. This is day 3 of walking and I'm realizing my calf muscle should have been getting more exercise. But atleast now I can see the Hawk off in the distance, just gotta keep putting one foot in front of the other. :)

I gotta tell ya it's a little scary using the walker when I'm home alone, but so is transferring in and out of the shower. But I leave the door unlocked when I do, and if I fall hopefully cousin Jay will be along in a few days or so.

I can see it now.. Local Ohio man falls at home and has to drink his own urine to survive 7 days. He claims halfway through this ordeal his sister who also lives on the property stopped by to borrow some money. She pocketed the man's money and filled a milk jug with water and left it setting just a few feet out of reach. Also folks throughout tonight's broadcast we will be referring to the man as Gimpy Mcfallsalot to protect his identity and save him further embarrassment and ridicule.. :hehe:

09-15-2019, 11:19 PM
I kinda wanted to chronicle my journey back to the Hawk and hopefully this thread will end with me aboard my beloved steed riding a wheelie off into the sunset. :tup: :hehe:

09-16-2019, 12:55 AM
Sorry about the accident, OLR. I have done plenty of low siders on dirt bikes but never a high side. That must be a wild ride.
I'm glad you are looking forward to riding again but follow doctors orders. We dont heal as fast as we did in our twenties.

09-16-2019, 01:50 AM
Looking good man. Yep, I got a metal femur too. Wait till you set the first cold beer on your new metal. Lol... it’s fn cold...

09-16-2019, 09:55 AM
The last set of xrays taken about 3 weeks ago. The cloudy looking stuff around the spiral fracture is calcium, a sure sign that the bone is healing nicely.

09-16-2019, 04:21 PM
I can see it now.. Local Ohio man falls at home and has to drink his own urine to survive 7 days. He claims halfway through this ordeal his sister who also lives on the property stopped by to borrow some money. She pocketed the man's money and filled a milk jug with water and left it setting just a few feet out of reach. Also folks throughout tonight's broadcast we will be referring to the man as Gimpy Mcfallsalot to protect his identity and save him further embarrassment and ridicule.. :hehe:[/QUOTE]

As the stories develop, accidents, surgeries....we might need to start a special party of china riders, accident and surgery survivors, at Franks. The cuzins McFall and Mcfail will be the hosts.

I have had a few accidents, but never a hospital stay, nor a medical record, until last Aug., 2018. I can appreciate the learning to walk again. My mrs, kept an eye on me, for several months. Still to this day, chews my rear about eating and going without lunch. When I am on a job, lunch and dinner is not a Bueno time, just get the job done. I don't know how she went thru my hospital stay, and watching me get back into life. During the hospital stay, I couldn't bring my hands, arms, legs to work again. Had a heck of time feeding myself, learning to walk, and the most degrading was having someone wipe my behind. I couldn't drink a beer or anything carbonated. My body temperature had a hard time regulating. PT was hard work, but somehow I pushed the limits. BUT, with great amounts of sheer determination, I was able to recover actually fairly well. The cold weather was challenging last winter, but was able to sled, at least a few times. I can work, feed my family. I still drop a lot of things with my right hand, and that is frustrating. Since I am a burn survivor, I encourage others to push hard, a person can "come back". One of my mentors as a former lineman, that had both his arms blown off, and with prosthetics he can use a cell phone faster and quicker than anyone I know. Getting over my former fears of my last motorcycle accident (years ago), has been a challenge, and that is why I am riding again. The china syndrome lives on!

09-16-2019, 04:29 PM
I can see it now.. Local Ohio man falls at home and has to drink his own urine to survive 7 days. He claims halfway through this ordeal his sister who also lives on the property stopped by to borrow some money. She pocketed the man's money and filled a milk jug with water and left it setting just a few feet out of reach. Also folks throughout tonight's broadcast we will be referring to the man as Gimpy Mcfallsalot to protect his identity and save him further embarrassment and ridicule.. :hehe:

As the stories develop, accidents, surgeries....we might need to start a special party of china riders, accident surgery survivors, at Franks. The cuzins McFall and Mcfail will be the hosts.

i fit in that group as well....LOL maybe we can coordinate the slapping line and the surgery survivors.... i have a plate and 8 screws in the left arm from a bicycle accident 16 years ago....:hi:

09-16-2019, 08:01 PM
It looks like you've lost some weight based on the pictures. Most always a good thing. Keep at your PT and you'll be back in the saddle soon enough.

09-16-2019, 11:16 PM
It looks like you've lost some weight based on the pictures. Most always a good thing. Keep at your PT and you'll be back in the saddle soon enough.

Yes, that's been the one upside of this adventure. Because of regular exercise and not going out to eat at expensive restaurants 3 times a week I am in a little better shape. The scale says I've only lost 6lbs but they say muscle weighs more than fat. My belly has definitely gotten smaller thank goodness lol, and my chest has gotten bigger from using the wheelchair.

@Kim you should post a pic, not of your scars but just to see what you look like. :tup:

09-17-2019, 11:48 AM
It looks like you've lost some weight based on the pictures. Most always a good thing. Keep at your PT and you'll be back in the saddle soon enough.

Yes the Frankster has lost some weight...keep it up!!!

09-17-2019, 10:21 PM
I've spent 8 hours on my feet today and I gotta admit it's getting easier and hurting less. But I wont consider it an actual victory until I can ditch this effing walker. >:(

Jay's picking up my other girlfriend tomorrow (the other is coming down Thursday) on his TBR and bringing her over, gotta watch that sly dog.. :hehe: So I plan on mostly horizontal exercises and movies tomorrow.

On another note, he did get my kitchen sink hooked up today and his bill below 1100, I better order him more bike parts, I kinda like this indentured servitude thang. :lmao:

09-18-2019, 08:56 AM
uhhg.. I overdid it yesterday, I was purposely putting my full weight on my knee with every step in hopes of ditching the walker sooner. Now it's throbbing like crazy.

Funny story though, I been buying/filling water jugs for my coffee and cooking for the last 3 years. So this morning I discover the water jug is empty so I grab my coffee pot and head for the shower to fill it. Just as I'm turning the water on I realize I now have a working sink less than 3 feet from the coffee maker.. :lmao:

09-24-2019, 11:45 PM
Personal milestone, just took a pee standing up at the toilet for the first time in 3 months.. (gives double fist pump and congratulatory handshakes) :clap: :lmao:

09-25-2019, 05:57 AM
No handshakes until after you’ve washed your hands.(Good on ya)

09-29-2019, 08:12 PM
Very proud of myself today, spent the day "carrying" my walker around. Now you may ask why would I be carrying a walker around? Well my ankle, knee and calf muscle still aren't 100% so I'm still lacking some stability and balance, and twice today I would have fell if I hadn't been carrying it around. But still I'm very pleased, the Hawk gets closer every day. :clap:

09-29-2019, 08:16 PM
Progress. :tup: carrying the walker around. I know exactly what your talking about. Keep it up and you'll be riding in no time.

09-29-2019, 10:50 PM
Progress. :tup: carrying the walker around. I know exactly what your talking about. Keep it up and you'll be riding in no time.

sounds like you're making good progress!!:clap:

I been there done that as well....pushed the wheel chair, so when I got tired I could sit. but had no strength in my arms to wheel. I was bound and determined to get rid of the walker. I guess pushing the chair made me look or think younger.

10-05-2019, 04:57 AM
I've come to a sad realization in the last couple of days. Riding season here in Ohio ends in just 5 weeks and I'm not gonna be fit to ride before then. So I'm now looking at April or May before I climb back on.

The bone/femur is healing well and not an issue, but I've done so much damage to my knee that it's still swollen 3 months later. I can spend one day walking with the walker and then have to take the next day off because of the swelling and the pain are too much.

I have decided to go back to driving though so I had a friend park my truck at the bottom of the ramp for me. I've been a burden on Jay long enough and I need to be able to go to the store for myself. So it's time to put some stabil in the old Hawk and drain the carb and order a good cover for it.

10-05-2019, 07:09 AM
Sounds like you're well on the road to recovery...
...But it's a typical back country road where it snows, has potholes, and you can barely see the lines. :lol: All the best for your continued improvement.

10-05-2019, 10:23 AM
Glad to hear you are recoverying well! I cant wrap my head around getting ready to put bikes away.
We have had some snow here, and snow up above. Next week a low of 18 is forecasted. There hasn't been a lot of time to do some riding, and I really don't know where the time goes.

10-05-2019, 12:20 PM
About the middle of November it starts getting pretty cold around here, but the leaves haven't turned yet so maybe this winter will be a little milder. But I don't enjoy riding at all in 60° or colder weather, except for maybe going slow on a quad.

10-06-2019, 06:41 PM
Made my famous spaghetti again tonight, I fix it about 3 times a month. I make the homemade sauce thick and hearty and let it simmer for atleast an hour. And I like the noodles firm, boiled about 6 minutes. Definitely a family favorite. 😋

And cooking on my feet is alot easier than in my wheelchair. :tup:

10-13-2019, 01:41 PM
April Dawn Schriner 5/7/75 - 2/5/18

Spring 2016 Corning OH ❤

10-13-2019, 05:21 PM
Sorry for your loss.

10-13-2019, 07:13 PM
Sorry for your loss.

Ya I m sorry as well.

10-14-2019, 04:37 PM
Frank, start another thread and share your recipes! looks tasty!!! Maybe we can get some others to share their fav recipes.

10-14-2019, 05:38 PM
My mother wouldn't cook for us as children and either me or my sister had to prepare the evening meal and the other had to wash the dishes afterwards. Well I hated washing dishes so I decided I was gonna be the gourmet chef and it worked, never had to wash another dish.

But anything I've ever set my mind to I've excelled at. Even with a sewing machine I'm a master, I've won awards for making stuffed animals and used to make designer dresses for my wife (short and revealing ofcourse).

I'm also really good at machining and welding. And I absolutely hate woodworking but I'm good at that as well. Electronics repair too. The only thing I'm not good at is wheel truing, seat covering, and dealing with people in general, even though I MCed for Disney World for 2 years and got to meet several famous actors.

10-14-2019, 11:07 PM
Tonight's fare, ribeyes marinated for 24 hours in A1 NewYork steakhouse marinade with tater tots and green beans. 😋

10-16-2019, 12:11 AM
Big step today, spent the whole day walking around WITHOUT the walker, and I'm finally starting to feel like my old self again. My leg is still a little weak, but this is the best I've been in 3 and a half months. :clap:

10-16-2019, 08:46 AM
Won't be long before you and Jay will be racing the Hawks. :tup:

10-16-2019, 12:15 PM
Won't be long before you and Jay will be racing the Hawks. :tup:

I will have to dream up a racing name for the pair.....any ideas? They have their own private investigator company.....Dewey, Barium, and Howe.:lmao:

10-16-2019, 01:29 PM
Won't be long before you and Jay will be racing the Hawks. :tup:

Yeah, if we see any strange new users from OH asking about how to hide a nitrous bottle we know who the suspects will be lol.

10-18-2019, 08:17 AM
My spaghetti again. Delicious as always but it's time to switch things up, my version of Johnny Marzetti is probably up next.

10-18-2019, 11:07 AM
Darn you Frank.....looks delicious!!!!!

What is going to happen.....all the china syndrome riders are for sure going to show up at Frankfest, or Frankstock! Why don't you start a thread and share your recipes? You just cant show pix of these great dishes, gosh, makes me hungry!!!! BUT WAIT....you could publish a cooking book!!!!!

2lz could show up and you and him can have a book signing? Wonderful additions to the reunion! Ill bet megadan is a good cook, he just hasn't admitted it yet.

Weldandgrind can start a Canadian fest!!!

10-18-2019, 12:00 PM
Darn you Frank.....looks delicious!!!!!

What is going to happen.....all the china syndrome riders are for sure going to show up at Frankfest, or Frankstock! Why don't you start a thread and share your recipes? You just cant show pix of these great dishes, gosh, makes me hungry!!!! BUT WAIT....you could publish a cooking book!!!!!

2lz could show up and you and him can have a book signing? Wonderful additions to the reunion! Ill bet megadan is a good cook, he just hasn't admitted it yet.

Weldandgrind can start a Canadian fest!!!

Wouldn't that just be maple syrup, canadian bacon, poutine and Tim Hortons?

10-19-2019, 08:16 AM
Wouldn't that just be maple syrup, canadian bacon, poutine and Tim Hortons?

:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao: dont forget the labatt blue....:hehe::hehe:

10-19-2019, 08:20 AM
Mmmmm....Tim Bits.

10-19-2019, 10:07 AM
:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao: dont forget the labatt blue....:hehe::hehe:

Ah, Labatt blue. My first beer, and it was enjoyed in Canada. I live on the border so the fun thing to do when you turn 19 is to go to Sarina and drink since it's legal there.

10-19-2019, 10:33 AM
Big step today, spent the whole day walking around WITHOUT the walker, and I'm finally starting to feel like my old self again. My leg is still a little weak, but this is the best I've been in 3 and a half months. :clap:


10-19-2019, 10:35 AM
Ah, Labatt blue. My first beer, and it was enjoyed in Canada. I live on the border so the fun thing to do when you turn 19 is to go to Sarina and drink since it's legal there.

Hmmmm never tried it....I am hooked on Kokanee, the crazy Canadian sledders got me started...my very fav brew....can get it at Costco.

Tonight I will toast all the Canadian friends of two wheels, bogie wheels, and hmmm, the sledderz

10-19-2019, 10:54 AM
Hmmmm never tried it....I am hooked on Kokanee, the crazy Canadian sledders got me started...my very fav brew....can get it at Costco.

Tonight I will toast all the Canadian friends of two wheels, bogie wheels, and hmmm, the sledderz

if thats in reference to me, i am not a canuck....LOL im a "MURICAN"... born in chicago, moved to commiefornia east (also known as NY state), just outside of Rochester:crazy:

bbut its all good! im personally not a labatt fan... i prefer the beers that are hoppy and could about stand a spoon up in they are so thick...LOL either that or a nice glass of Bourbon on the rocks....speaking of, i need to go get a botlle... been out for far too long...havent had any since like may... :lmao:

10-19-2019, 11:08 AM
I like all kinds, labbats is my cheap summer refreshment beer lol. I would just drink moslon xxx instead but it's not available in anything other than 6 packs. Can't wait for the world expo of beer in May in Frankenmuth MI, great times.

10-30-2019, 01:32 PM
Couple thick ribeyes for breakfast again. One of my lady friends gets them cut to order. Gotta keep my strength up.. :hehe:

I've drank the "beast" (Milwaukee's Best Ice) for 15yrs now. A cheap dark beer that packs a punch. "It'll getcha drunk!" :lmao:

10-30-2019, 02:33 PM
Which steak is mine? lol I need to send you some Dixie Beer. 4.6% ABV and 5.5% ABV for the Dixie Blackened Voodoo. :tup:

10-30-2019, 04:42 PM
If you have molson xxx available give that a shot, cheap and 7.3abv. Doesn't taste like it though compared to other high percentage beers. If i could get anything more then 6 packs i would just stock that lol. That or some founders dirty bastard will get you moving.

10-30-2019, 05:21 PM
Jerry if we lived closer I'd definitely enjoy a steak with you. 🙂

The Beast comes in 5.9% and 6.9% depending on which county you live in. They sold the high octane here for a while, but now I have to cross the county line to get it. Doesn't make any sense to me because you can still buy higher percentage beers in this county.

10-31-2019, 09:12 AM
If you have molson xxx available give that a shot, cheap and 7.3abv. Doesn't taste like it though compared to other high percentage beers. If i could get anything more then 6 packs i would just stock that lol. That or some founders dirty bastard will get you moving.

i see youre from MI... if we are talking MI beer, you cant pass up New Holland Dragons Milk... the one thing i miss about living in the midwest...LOL new holland cuts off shipping/stocking at stores at the ohio/pa border, about 5 hrs from me... >:(>:(

10-31-2019, 09:34 AM
i see youre from MI... if we are talking MI beer, you cant pass up New Holland Dragons Milk... the one thing i miss about living in the midwest...LOL new holland cuts off shipping/stocking at stores at the ohio/pa border, about 5 hrs from me... >:(>:(

New Holland, Bells, Founders, shorts, arcadia, griffin claw and b nektar meadery have lots of good offerings. One of the good things about MI, good beer.

10-31-2019, 09:45 AM
New Holland, Bells, Founders, shorts, arcadia, griffin claw and b nektar meadery have lots of good offerings. One of the good things about MI, good beer.

where i grew up, i had access to all those being on the IL/IN border, and the MI border about an hr away...LOL however i was about 10 min from 3 Floyds (https://www.3floyds.com/) and about 5 min from One trick Pony Brewing (http://otpbrewing.com/)... lets just say there was usually a growler or 2 in the fridge at any given point...LOL :hehe:

10-31-2019, 09:46 AM
speaking of bells....i can just about taste the double milk stout....LOL

11-16-2019, 05:31 PM
Elk steaks tonight, Idaho spuds, and cold kokanees! I might back up a bit, we were out elk hunting a few weeks ago, all of us tagged out. Yup mighty delicious tasting!!!! Took the bms along, but didn't ride it....needed the wheeler. Too much snow. AND finally got all the parts to put the two wheelers back together.

11-22-2019, 09:54 AM
Never had Elk steak, is it similar to deer? 🤔

Yes folks the little truck is up and running again. Toyota parts are more expensive than Cadillac. They wanted $700 for a spindle, hub, axle, ball joints, bearings and seals. (The hub without rotor is $400!) I sourced the hub and spindle from an Ebay junk yard and saved $300.

So $400 for parts, $175 for labor, and $100 tow bill, plus grease and replacing a lug brought me in at just under $700. Glad to have the old girl running again though. The big Chevy is kinda street legal, but doesn't like to stay in it's lane or stop in a reasonable distance, and it costs atleast $20 every time I start it (8mpg). :wtf:

11-22-2019, 08:01 PM
Just got back from taking the Yota for a spin, first time I've driven anything in 5 months. I have to say the new front end is nice, feels really good and it quit pulling to the left.

That being said we all know a mechanic's daily driver is the least maintained vehicle on the planet (I actually forgot to change the oil for 60k miles). I haven't put new plugs and wires on it for 3yrs and after setting a couple of months the injectors are gummed up. Very poor idle and it was magnified when I took one of my gals to the mud hole tonight (to be sure the shift on demand 4x4 was working ;) ).

We climbed a steep hill and then had to back down it. The motor died 3 times coming down the hill, which wouldn't be a big deal, but we had to navigate a sharp lefthand turn and the brakes don't work well when it's not running. So back to the drawing board with a tune up and possibly new injectors.. :shrug:

11-22-2019, 11:12 PM
I lost a very dear friend today in a tragic car accident. Lowell Mayle, only 43yrs old and one of my best friends since high school. RIP man.. 😥😪

11-23-2019, 08:04 AM
sorry to hear of your loss,....condolences to all the family and friends

11-23-2019, 03:07 PM
Sorry to hear about your buddy. Never know when the lights are going to get shut off on you, gotta live life to the fullest. A buddy I went to school with was killed in a paragliding accident a few months ago, he was mister saftey with gear and what not but you never know what can happen.

For the yota, try some b12 Chem tool. It packs a lot more of a punch then seafoam or injection cleaner. Use a funnel because it will strip some paints, ask me how I know lol.

11-24-2019, 11:31 AM
I appreciate the kind words guys. Jay's having a rough time of it, he was closer to Lowell than I was.

If it ain't one thing it's another. Yesterday evening I somehow managed to break my right thumb pulling a casserole dish of lasagna out of the oven. How does that even happen? :doh: And today I'm learning just how much you actually use your thumb to do every little thing.. :tdown:

11-24-2019, 07:01 PM
WTH!! Now your thumb??

11-25-2019, 09:11 AM
IIf it ain't one thing it's another. Yesterday evening I somehow managed to break my right thumb pulling a casserole dish of lasagna out of the oven. How does that even happen? :doh: And today I'm learning just how much you actually use your thumb to do every little thing.. :tdown: What you went do that for???? Better learn how to use your left hand and become a lefty because you can't do anything right. :p Hope it heals up quick. I crushes my knuckle on my index finger years ago with a 16 lb. sledge hammer. Don' even ask. :ohno: I think I bumped it into everything possible. I've never seen so many stars during the day. lol

11-26-2019, 09:06 AM
Well according to my oldest sister who's a retired nurse my thumb isn't broken, I just dislocated it. She thoroughly enjoyed pushing and pulling on it as I grimaced in pain.. Her advice was to man up, take 2 tylenol and don't call her in the morning. :hehe:

11-26-2019, 09:36 AM
Well according to my oldest sister who's a retired nurse my thumb isn't broken, I just dislocated it. She thoroughly enjoyed pushing and pulling on it as I grimaced in pain.. Her advice was to man up, take 2 tylenol and don't call her in the morning. :hehe:
:lmao: Tylenol???? Put your manties on and stop your whining.

12-03-2019, 09:51 PM
So far I haven't laid my bike over. I love this bike and was thinking of taking it to the trails this weekend if the weather is permitting. Is there anyone in the lower alabama area that would like to ride?:hi:

12-04-2019, 11:22 AM
I appreciate the kind words guys. Jay's having a rough time of it, he was closer to Lowell than I was.

If it ain't one thing it's another. Yesterday evening I somehow managed to break my right thumb pulling a casserole dish of lasagna out of the oven. How does that even happen? :doh: And today I'm learning just how much you actually use your thumb to do every little thing.. :tdown:

Sorry to hear of your loss...we lost a customer and his family, in a plane crash Sat. Good friends and good business people. One never knows.

Your thumb? WE have an Idaho saying when that happens.....soak it in cider....

12-05-2019, 10:10 PM
I appreciate the kind words guys. Jay's having a rough time of it, he was closer to Lowell than I was.

If it ain't one thing it's another. Yesterday evening I somehow managed to break my right thumb pulling a casserole dish of lasagna out of the oven. How does that even happen? :doh: And today I'm learning just how much you actually use your thumb to do every little thing.. :tdown:

How you get better soon. Bikes don't drive themselves. :doh:

12-08-2019, 02:00 AM
Well I'm gonna lay it out here. I'm in the end stage of heart failure. And there probably won't be another Hawk season for me. It's genetic on my mother's side and has taken several. But I been telling everyone, do not feel sorry for me. I burnt the candle at both ends and had an amazing life and wouldn't change any of it.

And I wanna thank you all for the info about a bike I knew very little about. And it brought back a time before I was a welder, back when I thought I could make the world a better place just by fixing bikes. It's been fun guys 🙂

12-08-2019, 07:10 AM
Well I'm gonna lay it out here. I'm in the end stage of heart failure. And there probably won't be another Hawk season for me. It's genetic on my mother's side and has taken several. But I been telling everyone, do not feel sorry for me. I burnt the candle at both ends and had an amazing life and wouldn't change any of it.

And I wanna thank you all for the info about a bike I knew very little about. And it brought back a time before I was a welder, back when I thought I could make the world a better place just by fixing bikes. It's been fun guys 🙂 Sorry to hear. :cry: I'm just glad we could help you enjoy this part of life. You don't need a Hawk to hang around here.

12-28-2019, 07:16 AM
Went to see Rise Of Skywalker thursday with friends and family, which was pretty good. My eldest sister Annie was taking the pic, we've been to every Star Wars movie since 1977. From left to right is Jay's boy Cash, my girl Heather, myself and Jay. A good pic of Jay but after spending 5 months in a wheelchair I've packed on some pounds lol. Afterwards we all loaded up and went to Texas Roadhouse for dinner.

We've been having some remarkably warm weather and I'm trying to work up the courage to climb back on the Hawk today, we'll see.. :hmm:

12-29-2019, 01:24 PM
I know the pack-on-the-pounds thing. I've spent much of the last two and a half years cycling on and off Pred for an immune system thing, and have put on almost 50. Freaking sucks...... Trying my dangdest to get rid of it, other than picking up a Meth habit at 60 years of age.

12-31-2019, 10:44 AM
Nice picture Franc, and nice pix of the family! Thanks for sharing!

01-18-2020, 08:22 AM
Oh, wow...you are going to have to be the glue of the family to get everyone through this. So sorry for you and your family.

01-18-2020, 02:59 PM
I don't know how much more I can take, one of my oldest friends 2 months ago committed suicide by hitting a semi head on, and now my nephew lastnight. I knew Lowell was a good candidate for it, but my nephew Brice.. I had just taken him out to the ballfields to run RC cars and we had fun. What can be so terrible at age 13? Now I gotta keep an eye on my sister and my niece. I need to go for a bike ride.

01-20-2020, 08:21 AM
Damn man.. praying for you and your family.......

01-24-2020, 08:56 AM
Got the Yota tore apart yesterday. We traced the problem to a leaking injector, which meant removing the throttle body and intake manifold. I love these little trucks, this is my 3rd but because they don't break down very often Toyota will rape you on parts. Almost a hundred dollars for the 3 gaskets and injector O-rings!

I also bought one of my ladies a Ford Taurus and discovered the oil drain plug is stripped out. The threads in the pan still look good so I'm gonna put some loctite on the new plug and hope for the best. It runs like a raped ape and the fuel pump has already been replaced, that's what normally goes bad on them. Not bad for $500.

01-24-2020, 12:34 PM
Got the Yota back together and running, but discovered the short line going to the regulator is leaking as well, so it's off to the parts store again.

01-24-2020, 01:46 PM
Oh, and I just realized I had posted in the dualsport forum but not on here.

My long walk back to the Hawk ended December 28th, 6 months and 3 days after the accident. I rode her for about 2 and a half hours. :clap:

01-24-2020, 02:07 PM
Oh, and I just realized I had posted in the dualsport forum but not on here.

My long walk back to the Hawk ended December 28th, 6 months and 3 days after the accident. I rode her for about 2 and a half hours. :clap:

Got to feel good to get back in the saddle again. :D

01-24-2020, 02:32 PM
Well after replacing all the fuel injector O-rings and replacing the short fuel line going to the regulator it still didn't want to idle. Upon further investigation we discovered that the throttle body intake hose was torn. We wrapped some duct tape around it and now it's purring like a kitten.

Gonna let it set on the trickle charger overnight and the old (30yrs) Yota 4x4 should be back in business. I'm gonna replace the intake boot and put new plugs and wires on it. And if you look at that O-ring it looks like it was improperly assembled by whoever worked on it before.

01-24-2020, 02:56 PM
Duct Tape? That's where you messed up. You should of used some of the flex tape. :hehe: