View Full Version : Anyone diagnosed with Covid?

06-26-2020, 01:20 PM
I think I might have caught the bug last weekend. My son tested on 6/16 and quarantined himself in an old trailer we have, a 1974 Silver Streak. At the urgent care he tested at a few days prior, the doctor told him that pretty much anyone who lost taste and smell was testing positive. My son also had a cough similar to a cold or flu. He never had a fever. Now, I have had a cough for months (since late March). I tested negative in early May when one of my supervisors was confirmed with COVID a week prior (he died on June 1). I also took another test (keep in mind that I have had my minor cough for quite a while) on May 26--negative. But, last Saturday I fell asleep, and woke up coughing (not really unusual all this time). However, I had a weird feeling in my sinuses. Something felt numb-ish, but it is hard to explain the feeling. I went to the fridge and grabbed my kids' chocolate milk; I could barely smell it. I poured a little bit and drank it--barely taste it. The next day I kept smelling things--I could smell them, but only a little bit. Also, taste was there, but I could tell I could not fully taste. Oh, and I have not had a fever the whole time (my work checks our temperature as we enter; my son works at the same employer). So, I tested this past Monday morning. There were hundreds of people lining up to test considering with all the cross-border travelers have made a massive resurgence here in Yuma County. I still don't have my results, but quarantined with my son in the trailer. Neither of us have any of the dramatic death-bed symptoms (obviously or I would be in a drug-induced coma waiting to be a statistic). I wear an N95 mask all day and night, and am sitting here waiting.

Has anyone else tested positive (I know, I am not officially confirmed)? Similar experiences?

06-26-2020, 03:05 PM
I can't confirm the similarity of your experiences,..but I do know one person locally that had Covid (out of 30 local confirmed cases) This man was a scout leader,..and for him it was a 9 week ordeal in the hosp.,..over 2 weeks in ICU, touch-and-go. He finally was released Easter Sunday to go home,...but is still getting rehap and in-home therapy all these weeks later. No one else in his household, or family members got it. It is a terrible virus, not to be taken lightly. Keeping you and your family in our thoughts for the best outcomes.

06-26-2020, 03:51 PM
My wife is an er nurse, of the people they saw most had flu like symptoms and just rode it out. Most that got it worse had other issues that played a big part. It effects everyone differently, can kill a perfectly healthy person or someone with a history of issues could have zero symptoms. Keep and eye on it, if you start to have more issues with breathing don't be afraid to go in.

Ina Ditch
06-27-2020, 12:16 AM
My prayers are with you and your son to have a quick recovery and like duck said don't let it get away from you, if you feel it in your chest in the least call 911 and get ahead of it.

06-27-2020, 12:35 AM
Take care of yourself ,we won’t be able to replace you very easily !

06-27-2020, 05:08 AM
I was never officially diagnosed because my Dr (over the phone) told me to stay home unless I felt like medical attention was necessary. But had all the symptoms. Diminished taste and smell, persistent cough and feeling like I wasn't getting enough oxygen, fever, and a headache that wouldn't go away. This lasted for a little over a month and I ate mucinex like candy, drank pedialyte every day, and kept switching from acetaminophen and ibuprofen to combat the fever. I gotta admit though there was 3 days that I seriously thought about going to the ER because I was lightheaded from not getting enough oxygen. Now I still have some residual congestion and shortness of breath, because I think the virus did some damage to my lungs. Funny thing is my girlfriend and I both tried to self quarantine (she was sick for 6 weeks) but most friends and family members still came around even after being warned, and none of them have showed any symptoms.

06-27-2020, 12:31 PM
Take care of yourself culcune. As Bruces said, you'd be impossible to replace here! Hey! With all this spare time you have now, it will give you lots of opportunity to research all the upcoming new bikes being imported and EPA listings for us! ;-)

06-27-2020, 05:54 PM
A couple friends of mine caught it.. and it was confirmed by testing. Both live in NYC. Both had 102+ fevers for 2+ days. One had it for 2.5 days, the other for 3.5 days. They both had fatigue for about a week. The coughing... both said it lasted for about a month.

They both said it was like like a bad flu for about 4 or 5 days.. Neither lost smell or taste. One lost taste, but only when they were running a fever. Once the fever broke, taste was fine.

Good luck!

Wild Dog
06-28-2020, 03:51 PM
A close friend (64) of my mother is covid positive, right now he is in a state paid hotel. The symptoms he had, lack of smell, lack of taste, no fever body pain. He is doing just fine and in the fews days he will be released to keep resting in his house.

The Chinese supermarket (-_-) next block was closed by the Police, because they found out that one of them had Covid, they knew but they still keep working..... God Bless China and the common sense of the chinese people.

I'm an essential worker and since the 25 i been having some symptoms.

Headache: Which is somewhat heavy, but nothing that i can't handle... i had a few exposed cavity and those who had them, now how painful they can be.

Tiredness: Usually i don't sleep a lot, something like 4 to 5 hours, hell sometimes i need Benzodiazepine drugs to be able to sleep...
but a few days ago i did sleep like 10 to 14 hours...

Sinuses: Hurt a bit, not as much as when i had a paranasal sinuses as a kid but still.

06-28-2020, 06:36 PM
I had it, tested positive. Felt like vrap for 10 days, had a fever of 100+ and a sore body for almost 7 days. Felt exhausted for another 4 days and just slept. Had a decent cough for most of those days.

06-29-2020, 10:05 AM
I had it, tested positive. Felt like vrap for 10 days, had a fever of 100+ and a sore body for almost 7 days. Felt exhausted for another 4 days and just slept. Had a decent cough for most of those days.

How are you now?? I hope you are back to normal!

My son had only a moderate cough and runny nose. I don't think I clarified--he tested positive. I have not had my months long cough for a few days now; slight runny nose for me. I still don't have my results (I tested last Monday).

06-29-2020, 01:42 PM
How are you now?? I hope you are back to normal!

My son had only a moderate cough and runny nose. I don't think I clarified--he tested positive. I have not had my months long cough for a few days now; slight runny nose for me. I still don't have my results (I tested last Monday).

I am fine now. I didn't ever get too bad that I needed a hospital visit.

06-29-2020, 09:09 PM
I tested negative, once again for the 3rd time, whereas my son had a very mild case of it. I have a feeling that when I went to the L.A. region to take care of a traffic ticket which I had been postponing, and then finally got around to stopping by CSC's headquarters (I started that thread on 2/21/20) I might have caught it. I have had a lingering cough that I cannot recall when it began, as well as my itchy eye (months ago a coworker asked me about it) which I still have, which perhaps could be leftover symptoms. My son lost his sense of smell and taste, and was told most everyone who had that happen to them tested positive, and he did. I lost most of my sense of smell and taste last weekend and tested a week ago, and...negative. Thank you all for your kind words, and Megadan and Wild Dog (if you do indeed have it)--feel better/get better!

06-29-2020, 09:41 PM
I tested negative, once again for the 3rd time, whereas my son had a very mild case of it. I have a feeling that when I went to the L.A. region to take care of a traffic ticket which I had been postponing, and then finally got around to stopping by CSC's headquarters (I started that thread on 2/21/20) I might have caught it. I have had a lingering cough that I cannot recall when it began, as well as my itchy eye (months ago a coworker asked me about it) which I still have, which perhaps could be leftover symptoms. My son lost his sense of smell and taste, and was told most everyone who had that happen to them tested positive, and he did. I lost most of my sense of smell and taste last weekend and tested a week ago, and...negative. Thank you all for your kind words, and Megadan and Wild Dog (if you do indeed have it)--feel better/get better!

I think you have allergies.

BTW, have you been tested for antibodies?

Oh.. My mom just told me my cousin in NJ had it. I asked her what kind of symptoms he had and she said, all he told her was that he was super tired, sore throat, and a bad cough. No fever or loss of smell and/or taste. She also made me order some Bee Propolis for her.. Because he said that's what he used to get over it.

06-29-2020, 11:43 PM
I am going to get the antibody test. I have had these allergy symptoms for months which probably wouldn't indicate COVID, other than the cough. My son's COVID was only coughing and loss of taste and smell, but he noticed a weird numb feeling that would come and go (still there) in his forearm. That's all. No fatigue, either. Still a few days window to see if any of us caught it from him. But, when he first had his cough, that would have been 2 weeks from this past Friday, so we are hopefully all in the clear.

07-02-2020, 07:23 AM
Not me, but my lawyer, aka my son in laws’ kid sister was diagnosed on last Monday. She say she feels like shit.

07-25-2020, 02:24 AM
Whos going to the big virus party at Sturges...

why the hell are they still running it this year...


07-25-2020, 02:29 AM
Coworkers wife was exposed and got a fever. She got tested twice both negative. He goes to get tested to be safe the same day she did but at another location. They take over a week to get him results but he feels fine no symptoms just waiting for results to come back to work. Nope, he's supposedly positive.

07-25-2020, 07:31 AM
Coworkers wife was exposed and got a fever. She got tested twice both negative. He goes to get tested to be safe the same day she did but at another location. They take over a week to get him results but he feels fine no symptoms just waiting for results to come back to work. Nope, he's supposedly positive.

Yeah where I work like 10 people have been sent home. Only one actually got sick. Lasted 3 days. He's back at work and said he has had colds worse than that. The others have no symptoms. As a matter of fact, if you go to our company nurse for anything, you are sent home. The medical establishments must be getting a kick-back off every "possible" case. Just too much funny business going on with this beer virus. I believe people are getting sick. I had it in late January. I was knocked back for 4 days. I just think there is also some money grabbing going on behind the scenes too.

07-27-2020, 08:12 PM
Two of my coworkers were exposed to it in Houston. The one in SC is home, sicker than a dog. The one in Illannoy is awaiting test results. I already refused to do a job in Miami. Harold was pissed at me at first, but now with 2/3 of the field staff laid up and him being in contact with the SC guy, he thinks it was the right call.

07-31-2020, 01:49 PM
My father in law tested positive yesterday, so the wife and I were tested today. Should have results Monday.
- I will be on my way to a job site in Oklahoma when I get the results on Monday.

07-31-2020, 03:21 PM
My Denver coworkers’ daughter is a nurse and has been tested after exposure to it from a couple of friends who just tested positive.

I wasn’t feeling all that well, myself, Thursday morning. Turns out I was hungover.

08-03-2020, 12:41 PM
I got my test results at 5am today and I am beer virus positive.
- there goes my work trip to Oklahoma and any other road trip for a few weeks.
- I dont feel that bad. Fever has stayed under 100. I have a cough, but it is not bad enough that I would visit the doctor.
- Fortunately, I can work from home and take pto when I feel too bad.
- I have not notified my doctor yet. I took the beer virus test at an urgent care. He will probably just tell me to drink plenty of fluids, get plenty of rest and lose 30 pounds.
- I will keep you guys posted on all the excitement.

08-03-2020, 01:41 PM
Hang in there and get well soon!

08-03-2020, 04:52 PM
My grand daughter caught it. She's a nurse at a nursing home. She had no symptoms.

08-04-2020, 08:31 AM
Mrs Bender got a positive test result last night. Her fever and cough are much worse than mine. We are one big happy covid family now.

08-04-2020, 11:38 AM
Mrs Bender got a positive test result last night. Her fever and cough are much worse than mine. We are one big happy covid family now.
Oh boy! Hope you guys weather this unscathed.

08-05-2020, 08:13 PM
Our doctor was more sympathetic to Mrs Bender than me. After a virtual office visit, he phoned in a prescription for an inhaler, medrose pack and this benzoate or other stuff that is supposed to numb the pharinyx. We did not fill the benzoate because my wife had suffered some tuff side effects last time.
-She is feeling better already.

08-08-2020, 12:49 AM
So here we go.... My good friends and neighbors travel a lot. While we are "stay home folks", but they are always in a plane. Retired, young-ish (late 50's) and have friends and family all over the states and globe.

Early February, they came back from visiting their daughter in West Virginia. We partied when they got home, bbq'd, big hugs, bonfire, etc.... Then about a week after getting home, they both got violently ill. Fever, sinuses, respiratory, the runs, etc.... Bad cough that lasted for weeks, They steered clear of us due to all my health issues.

Then...about a week later, I got sick. Not as bad as them. Fever, chest congestion, sinus crap....the usual. I ate a lot of Emergen-C, zinc, tons of vitamin C, and gallons of water, like I usually do. Being five years on oral chemo, I take no chances.

So, two weeks ago, they take the Covid anti-body test. Come to find out, they tested positive. At this point, having "underlying health conditions", I contacted my Dr. and asked for the anti-body test. I got some blood sucked the next day. All was good.

Well, hoping I'd have this behind me, the test came up negative for Covid-19 antibodies. Apparently....I had just got some bug that was going around when I had my fever and screwed up lungs.

Dammit. I was really hoping I'd already taken this ride and was in the clear.
Back to living in a shell..... Fortunately, I live in the sticks and our local bubble is very small.

08-08-2020, 02:38 PM
My girl and I both had it, 4 and half weeks of hell for me, 5 and a half for her. Although the coughing and chest congestion was bad, the worst part was fighting the fever and the headache that wouldn't go away. Well we survived as I think most folks do. But now 2 months later I'm fighting another bad head and chest cold. There's no fever or headache, just sinus congestion, sore throat, and really bad coughing and chest congestion. Cousin Jay's girlfriend gave it to him and then he gave it to me in a chess game, and I in turn gave it to my girlfriend and my cleaning lady. But Jay and his lady both tested negative for the beer virus and this bug seems to last only 8 to 10 days.

08-09-2020, 12:20 PM
I thought I had this beer virus beat Thursday morning. Woke up with no fever and very mild symptoms. I was thinking to myself that life could somewhat return to normal after 72 hours without fever.
-Well, the fever has come back every night since with a vengeance. The beer virus doesn't leave until it is good and ready.

08-09-2020, 02:17 PM
I thought I had this beer virus beat Thursday morning. Woke up with no fever and very mild symptoms. I was thinking to myself that life could somewhat return to normal after 72 hours without fever.
-Well, the fever has come back every night since with a vengeance. The beer virus doesn't leave until it is good and ready.

Yes, my experience exactly. 10 days into it woke up feeling better with no fever or headache and felt even better the next day, and even took the bike out for a spin. Day 3 woke up feeling good and that evening it came back with a vengeance, much worse than the first 10 days. There were 3 days that I seriously considered calling the squad because I was lightheaded from not getting enough oxygen. At the end of the 33 days it just kinda tapered off, but I can tell it did some damage to my lungs, I get out of breath even walking a short distance. But the Doc says that should reverse itself in 7 to 12 months.

08-10-2020, 01:29 PM
Wow. I hope it doesn't take you 7 to 12 months to fully recover.
The wife and I are having a better day, today. We will find out tonight if the fever is coming back.

08-12-2020, 09:46 AM
Things are very quiet around the house. Nobody speaks because they don't want to trigger a 45 minute coughing fit.
-Looks like we finally got all the fever out of here, but the pesky cough lingers.
-I had a lot of trouble keeping one work project separate from the next. I have not been able to compartmentalize well. The clients, job sites and details just seem to swirl together in my head.

08-12-2020, 02:57 PM
Things are very quiet around the house. Nobody speaks because they don't want to trigger a 45 minute coughing fit.
-Looks like we finally got all the fever out of here, but the pesky cough lingers.
-I had a lot of trouble keeping one work project separate from the next. I have not been able to compartmentalize well. The clients, job sites and details just seem to swirl together in my head.
I just read an article (and have read past articles) on how COVID is supposedly affecting many people who have had it with cognitive issues.

08-12-2020, 04:41 PM
I had an appointment with my GP yesterday, not Beer virus related. He's on the Covid Task Force to figure out how to open up the schools in ND. He didn't have any real idea how it could be done and was totally stressed out that it was even happening. Around here in Bismarck for the most part, people are acting like there's no problem. The Doc said however, that ICU's in town were full, and they were having to ship patients 200 miles away to Fargo. Also, he said most of the doctors and the hospitals are going broke because their normal money makers are being put off.

08-12-2020, 05:06 PM
That's were MI was a few months ago. Now even though the positive test are high the hospitals are empty. Magically most people have no or very minor symptoms. Hospital my wife works at has 3 or patients in for covid and they are just precautionary.

Our kids doing 'virtually school" which I'm sure is going to be a disaster. But the rules for them going back is basically isolation and zero interaction so she might as well stay home.

08-13-2020, 12:00 PM
Our kids doing 'virtually school" which I'm sure is going to be a disaster.
That's what's happening here. Our "adopted daughter" (she adopted us) has been a straight A student her entire school career. Got accepted to a nursing school in SF last year. In class and clinicals, she kept her 3.8-4.0 gpa.....until Covid and virtual learning.
She struggled with her classes, there was zero one-on-one with the teachers, and got a D in Pharmacology last semester. The school canned her because she wasn't "up to their standards". She was devastated.
After multiple correspondents, they allowed her back in but she has to retake the entire semester. Yep....every class. Not just Pharmacology.

If anyone thinks that having your kids stare at a PC by themselves replaces actual, in-person learning by a trained instructor, they're kidding themselves.

08-13-2020, 12:30 PM
thankfully ours is only going into first grade. she does a good bit of digital learning now with abcmouse and a flashcard app for number, letters and sounds. if this doesn't pan out she will probably be home schooled until this crap is over.

08-31-2020, 09:31 PM
Its been a month since I tested positive, so I will give a little summary.
-Normal allergy/cold symptoms for about 5 days after positive test.
-Cough and fever hit after 5 days. Sweats and chills most of the night for 5 nights or so.
-Cough got WORSE for 5 days after the fever was done. I could hardly speak a word without starting a coughing fit.
-After the cough subsided, my wind pipe has still been sore every day. Its a wierd soreness that I have never experienced.
-Be careful and don't catch this pesky virus.

08-31-2020, 11:27 PM
Its been a month since I tested positive, so I will give a little summary.
-Normal allergy/cold symptoms for about 5 days after positive test.
-Cough and fever hit after 5 days. Sweats and chills most of the night for 5 nights or so.
-Cough got WORSE for 5 days after the fever was done. I could hardly speak a word without starting a coughing fit.
-After the cough subsided, my wind pipe has still been sore every day. Its a wierd soreness that I have never experienced.
-Be careful and don't catch this pesky virus.

Crazy! How is your mind lately, as you mentioned your cognition seemed to be messed with? You not mentioning it in your post means your brain is fine, or you forgot to mention it :lmao:

I had a bad cough months ago, but over the course of 3 months, tested negative. My son and I work at the same employer. They offered free testing the day after Memorial Day. The lab and/or the clinic messed up results, so word got out that if you didn't hear from them, contact them directly (as opposed to internet log-in) but those with positive results would be contacted. My son missed a call from them, and a few weeks later, probably when I started this post, he developed a really bad cough. He went to the urgent care and tested again. He came back positive, which is what the clinic was trying to get hold of him for weeks earlier. That is all he had; no fever, aches, anything. Just a bad cough. I took several days off work and before he got his results we stayed in the old Silver Streak trailer out back that my wife used to use as her art playhouse. At any rate, I was negative once more and my son got over his cough. Fast forward to early August, and my work offered antibody testing. I was upset my son did not take advantage because I wanted to see if he really had COVID to confirm or dispute all the news about false negatives, false positives, and antibody testing not accurate, etc. My antibody test came back negative. It seems that there were many people here in Yuma who were asymptomatic. I had been told at work by the OHN that I had been possibly exposed by one of my co-workers, later figured out by us to be a supervisor. He left work on March 27 feeling really ill, and we never saw him again until his wake on June 1. None of us in the office area where we worked together got COVID since late March, early April. It seems there are numerous asymptomatic cases, at least down here. But it makes me think where the people I know, such as a my co-worker or my son caught it. My theory is that my son hangs out with his co-workers in the border town, San Luis, AZ and just across the border in San Luis, Rio Colorado, Sonora, Mexico was/is a hotspot, and my co-worker lived there and traveled across the border often as many people who live in San Luis, AZ do for shopping, medical care, visiting family, etc.

09-01-2020, 07:20 PM
The brain fog is much better, Culcune. I am able to recall which Real Housewives are in which city (Beverly Hills, Orange County, Atlanta, New York, etc) now when my wife talks about them by their names.
-Still some foggyness, but doing better.

09-02-2020, 10:50 AM
Hmmm.. :hehe:

09-02-2020, 11:33 AM
I am able to recall which Real Housewives are in which city (Beverly Hills, Orange County, Atlanta, New York, etc) now when my wife talks about them by their names.

Don't feel too bad wheelbender. Now that Mrs. 2LZ has been working from home since March, she takes her lunch during The Bold and the Beautiful. I've become far too versed on it just by passing through the living room while it's on......

09-03-2020, 04:29 PM
Its been a month since I tested positive, so I will give a little summary.
-Normal allergy/cold symptoms for about 5 days after positive test.
-Cough and fever hit after 5 days. Sweats and chills most of the night for 5 nights or so.
-Cough got WORSE for 5 days after the fever was done. I could hardly speak a word without starting a coughing fit.
-After the cough subsided, my wind pipe has still been sore every day. Its a wierd soreness that I have never experienced.
-Be careful and don't catch this pesky virus.

One symptom I forgot to mention was diarrhea. I had mild diarrhea while I had fever. Once or twice a day.
-Two of my relatives, unfortunately, had much stronger diarrhea symptoms with covid. They had to guzzle fluids all day to stay replenished. Yuck.

Wild Dog
09-04-2020, 01:29 PM
That's what's happening here. Our "adopted daughter" (she adopted us) has been a straight A student her entire school career. Got accepted to a nursing school in SF last year. In class and clinicals, she kept her 3.8-4.0 gpa.....until Covid and virtual learning.
She struggled with her classes, there was zero one-on-one with the teachers, and got a D in Pharmacology last semester. The school canned her because she wasn't "up to their standards". She was devastated.
After multiple correspondents, they allowed her back in but she has to retake the entire semester. Yep....every class. Not just Pharmacology.

If anyone thinks that having your kids stare at a PC by themselves replaces actual, in-person learning by a trained instructor, they're kidding themselves.

I can relate to you 100%. I'm an "IT PROFESSIONAL" that works for a company that provides services to other companies
Which means that my tasks ranges from network layout schemes, Server deployment, VPN deployments and long list of task.
Due to the Covid outbreak i got an extra task, that is to help employees to work from their houses and is not easy for most of them.....
Some folks have a real hard to time adapting to home office and most of the time the employers will think that the employee is doing that on purpose to the point of firing employees with years and years working with them...

09-04-2020, 03:08 PM
I can relate to you 100%. I'm an "IT PROFESSIONAL" that works for a company that provides services to other companies
Which means that my tasks ranges from network layout schemes, Server deployment, VPN deployments and long list of task.
Due to the Covid outbreak i got an extra task, that is to help employees to work from their houses and is not easy for most of them.....
Some folks have a real hard to time adapting to home office and most of the time the employers will think that the employee is doing that on purpose to the point of firing employees with years and years working with them...

I'm the sole sys admin for our company. People working from home drives me to drink. Most of our employees are 50-60 and have very little tech abilities. Few still had dial up lol. So getting them all in line has been a task. Most have adapted but there were a few problem children, after a talk that if they didn't try to adapt they would be let go got them all to cooperate.

09-05-2020, 12:04 AM
I'm the sole sys admin for our company. People working from home drives me to drink. Most of our employees are 50-60 and have very little tech abilities. Few still had dial up lol. So getting them all in line has been a task. Most have adapted but there were a few problem children, after a talk that if they didn't try to adapt they would be let go got them all to cooperate.
Mrs. 2LZ has been struggling but seems to be overcoming the "at home" office. So far she's made the cut. Only contacts IT once every couple weeks at this point.

09-05-2020, 10:54 AM
I dont miss commuting. That is the best part about working from home.

09-05-2020, 04:36 PM
No comment that can be censored is worth making, so just grab your musket and extra balls and powder, and head for higher ground. 🤠

09-05-2020, 08:31 PM
and keep your powder dry!

09-07-2020, 09:27 AM
A duded-up city rider walks into a seedy tavern in Sturgis , SD. He sits
at the bar and notices a grizzled old biker with his arms folded,
blankly at a full bowl of chili.

After fifteen minutes of just sitting there staring at it, the newbie
rider bravely asks the old biker, 'If you aren't going to eat that, mind
if I do?'

The old veteran of a thousand rides slowly turns his head toward the
pup and says, 'Nah, you go ahead.'

Eagerly, the guy wearing the shiny new leather fashions reaches over and
slides the bowl into his place and starts spooning it in with delight.
gets nearly down to the bottom of the bowl and notices a dead mouse in
chili. The sight was very shocking and he immediately barfed up the
back into the bowl.

The old biker quietly says, 'Yep, that's as far as I got, too.'

09-07-2020, 10:36 AM
I'm the sole sys admin for our company. People working from home drives me to drink. Most of our employees are 50-60 and have very little tech abilities. Few still had dial up lol. So getting them all in line has been a task. Most have adapted but there were a few problem children, after a talk that if they didn't try to adapt they would be let go got them all to cooperate.

What? I can't believe there are people that still have dial-up service!

I can understand having issues with adapting to a different work environment, but still have dialup? Sheesh.. Were these people still using a rotary phone?

As for people in my office switching to a WFH environment, other than the initial VPN setup, I don't think anyone had any issues...

I will say this, about working from home. I 1st started doing it around 20 years ago.. the 1st couple year was the worst, and it's still annoying at times. What I mean is that when working from home, I don't do squat other than work or stare at my monitor.

When I'm in the office, I've got people stopping by, end up talking with others at the water cooler and what not. At least once a week, some dept is having a social gathering with food for whatever reason. When home, even if I have everything done, I don't leave my PC other than for coffee and bathroom breaks. I think I get about 3x as much done from home than I do when in the office.

09-07-2020, 09:49 PM
What? I can't believe there are people that still have dial-up service!

I can understand having issues with adapting to a different work environment, but still have dialup? Sheesh.. Were these people still using a rotary phone?

As for people in my office switching to a WFH environment, other than the initial VPN setup, I don't think anyone had any issues...

I will say this, about working from home. I 1st started doing it around 20 years ago.. the 1st couple year was the worst, and it's still annoying at times. What I mean is that when working from home, I don't do squat other than work or stare at my monitor.

When I'm in the office, I've got people stopping by, end up talking with others at the water cooler and what not. At least once a week, some dept is having a social gathering with food for whatever reason. When home, even if I have everything done, I don't leave my PC other than for coffee and bathroom breaks. I think I get about 3x as much done from home than I do when in the office.

They live in the sticks. It was set up on their windows xp machine lol. They have a vzw Hotspot but only 2gb a month and 40hrs a week of rdp will blow through that. They tried the "you need to find us internet" crap and I wasn't having it, not my problem to solve their home problems. They ended up with some ptmpt wifi provider that works OK.

09-08-2020, 10:36 AM
They live in the sticks. It was set up on their windows xp machine lol. They have a vzw Hotspot but only 2gb a month and 40hrs a week of rdp will blow through that. They tried the "you need to find us internet" crap and I wasn't having it, not my problem to solve their home problems. They ended up with some ptmpt wifi provider that works OK.

I live out in the sticks. I have dsl. .9 mbs is a good day. You read that right. Point 9. Not my problem either. If worked for you, you would have to wait a very long time for me to complete something. That is the best I can afford. Quit dumping on folks for their service. You didn't hire them to work from home. So it really is YOUR problem.

09-08-2020, 12:00 PM
I live out in the sticks. I have dsl. .9 mbs is a good day. You read that right. Point 9. Not my problem either. If worked for you, you would have to wait a very long time for me to complete something. That is the best I can afford. Quit dumping on folks for their service. You didn't hire them to work from home. So it really is YOUR problem.

No, its not my issue. They refused to look or call their local providers or put forth any effort in finding access until hr gave them an ultimatum of taking a layoff. Its their responsibility to find home service, its mine to provide them secure remote access to our network. If i can find a connection to be available 24/7 365 they can at least try. DSL/ADSL would be fine, i can make rdp function on a 1mbps connection. I cant do anything with a .006mbps connection with tons of latency and jitter. So no, im not "dumping" on them for their service, its for their self-entitlement and laziness. And surprise surprise that same person is the only one i have had an issue with trying to install unauthorized apps and visiting adult sites on the company owned laptop he was given.

09-08-2020, 12:21 PM
I'm not getting into the above conversation because I'm mostly retired and am really happy about that lol. But I too know the pain of living in the sticks without service. I was using a signal boosting antenna mounted over my cabin, but it wasn't much of an improvement. So in June I finally got DSL Wifi. The reason I hadn't before was they only offered it in a bundle package that included phone and TV, and after a year they would jack it up to $200 a month.

But I found out that as long as your guns and are adamant that you only want DSL (the sales rep offered me about 15 different packages and rebates because they want to be able to raise the price eventually) you can get it for $50 a month and that's locked in for life. It's 72mbps and huge improvement over what I had before. And I got Netflix, Prime video with HBO and Starz etc. The only trouble I'm having now is with generosity. My sister lives nextdoor with her man and ofcourse wanted the wifi password, which I agreed to with the stipulation that they go easy on it in the evenings when I want to watch movies.

Well they've been getting a little greedy and streaming movies over there as well in the evenings. Add on to that my niece Gabriella coming down on the weekends and I usually have one of my lady friends over the system is getting severely taxed. I had a little sitdown with them lastnight and if things don't change in the evenings im gonna change the password. One thing I did do was connect the TV and Blu Ray player directly to the router/modem with 4k cables so I'm mostly getting the lion's share of the precious internet. The struggle is real out here in the sticks lol. :hehe:

09-08-2020, 12:38 PM
He has dsl available. Another guy lives around him and got it and has been good. He just refused to call and get it set up because wanted me to do it for him. Why he went with one of the mom and pop point to multi point wifi providers is beyond me. He gets 10/10mbps which is more than sufficient. Oh and it doesn't cost him a damn thing because the company is paying for it. Must be nice, i fork out about $180 a month between home internet and having a separate att hotspot along with my vzw phone for work availability that is not reimbursed lol.

I wish i would live to see retirement, aint gonna happen.

09-29-2020, 05:46 PM
My job site in Arkansas was shut down yesterday because we had a worker come down with the beer virus. I don't know if he is in the hospital or sweating/coughing it out at home. Its very hush hush.
-We will resume work at the site within a week.
-The good news is that they didn't quarantine us all.

09-30-2020, 11:39 AM
Get this.. I've got a friend of mine who is in a family of 7. Only 2 of the kids are out of the house, but the family is really close.. so they hang out together all the time.

3 of kids got to the beach and party it up at the bars.. Now sure if one or all 3 caught it, but one of them got sick. Got tested and came up positive.. Then the rest of the family gets tested.

All 3 end up coming up positive, and my friend, who is the parent comes up positive. The other 3 test negative.

Now here's the funny part. Out of the 4, they all had different symptoms. 1 had none, 1 had no taste/smell, 1 had diarrhea, and the last had a light cough and fever. All symptoms disappeared in about a week. They said it was like have a cold.. except the one with diarrhea.. He said it was light food poisoning.

Ok, maybe it doesn't read funny, but if you knew those folks, you'd get a laugh..

When they re-tested after the 14 days, they all came up negative.

09-30-2020, 01:35 PM
I know it's blasphemy these days to compare Covid to the flu or common cold, but crabjoe, we used to get illnesses (pre-covid) getting passed around our "Sea of Cubicles" at work in the same way.
I'd hear someone come in with a cough, then three days later, half the room would have it, but some with many different symptoms. Bottom line, you get 60 people all sharing the same five door knobs/handles all day, it's disaster in the making.

11-03-2020, 07:12 AM
My wife'a cousin came down with an unusual case. After experiencing fever and difficulty breathing, she went to the doctor and tested negative for covid. However, after viewing her chest xray, the doc diagnosed her with Covid Pneumonia.
-The doc said her lungs were covered with these specks, that you do not see with the usual bacterial pneumonia. The specs are consistent with pneumonia caused by covid.
-She is riding it out at home with a medrose pack and some other prescrips.
-My wife has been exposed through contact with her relatives, so she will not be seeing her grandson for a couple of weeks while she quarantines.

12-04-2020, 01:33 PM
Get this....

I woke up a week ago Monday with a screaming sore throat. Stayed home for a few days, the symptoms grew to my nose and lungs, but weren't too bad. No real snot factory, just raw and tight. Low grade fever on and off but nothing bad. Stayed on the Emergen-C and vitamins, rested a lot. Started feeling much better.

I saw a buddy a couple days later, who I see all the time. He tells me he's had a bad cold. I promptly blame him for my cold as he got his three days before mine showed up.

He is currently hospitalized fighting Covid. My test came up negative. Go figure.

12-04-2020, 04:13 PM
Bosses wife come down with it Tuesday. Boss is being tested today.

12-04-2020, 05:05 PM
MIL was admitted to the hospital for it yesterday. She's had it for 12 days so far. Wife is getting tested right now, half the hospital staff has it so she likely does too. The er staff was already a skeleton crew because of it and now she will likely be forced to take a 14 day non paid vacation if she test positive or not. Hopefully it just a sinuse infection.

Hospital is refusing to file workers comp claims for them, claiming they can't prove the employee got it from working in the hospital. Right, because be surrounded by and treating dozen or people with it doesn't increase your risk at all. What a shit hole.

12-04-2020, 09:50 PM
My nephew and his wife in Georgia both have it. Sweating it out at home.

Sport Rider
12-21-2020, 10:54 AM
it's gone through my family over the past 3 weeks. none of us really had anything more than flu symptoms.

12-21-2020, 12:23 PM
Forgot to update. Wife tested positive after 3 test. She is just now starting to feel better but is still exhausted. MIL got out of the hospital last week. She's still not doing great but isn't oxygen dependent anymore. I still feel fine, assuming I had it last month.

12-21-2020, 01:15 PM
Wife tested positive after 3 test.
So the first two were negative???
It's too bizarre to me that my buddy got it and was hospitalized (he's not in the best of health), but I tested negative, even though we were sick at the same time, with the same symptoms.

12-21-2020, 01:28 PM
Yes, the test are not accurate, especially rapid test. That and you have issues with the swabs not being done correctly.

Wild Dog
12-22-2020, 08:37 AM
swab test are crappy at BEST, it just doesn't matter if you are in the first, second, third, fourth or in mars....

12-28-2020, 11:39 AM
My wife has had it for a week, even though her test came back inconclusive. She started with chills, followed by low grade fever, and is extremely weak and sleeps all the time. A good friend with exact same symptoms was positive is in the hospital. We have been quarantining for a week already. I have had no symptoms.

Joe Cheap
12-28-2020, 01:40 PM
No one in my family or immediate circle. No one at work. Did have a friend in Georgia who came down with it. She's fine now.

12-28-2020, 03:16 PM
I started getting congested on Christmas night, and definitely nasally on Saturday morning, as well as cough. Cold? Flu? COVID? I have not tested yet as I am trying to get hold of the OHN nurse at work for guidance. I still feel sick (very much like the flu or a bad cold that turned into a sinus infection like I used to get years ago) but nothing that would make me think I need to call 911 (at least not yet). I got the flu shot a few months ago, which have worked for the past 8 or 9 years, so am guessing it is 'the Virus'. A few people in my office had tested positive a few weeks ago, so I guess it was my turn.

12-28-2020, 03:19 PM
A good friend of mine, her 78 year old father contracted it and passed away about three weeks ago. I am in Florida, and he continued to eat out etc.

To be honest, even though 78, he had been quite healthy.

He basically ended up on a ventilator after not being able to breath anymore and slipped away.

Otherwise, I have not personally or known anyone else to be affected so far.

12-28-2020, 09:30 PM
I started getting congested on Christmas night, and definitely nasally on Saturday morning, as well as cough. Cold? Flu? COVID? I have not tested yet as I am trying to get hold of the OHN nurse at work for guidance. I still feel sick (very much like the flu or a bad cold that turned into a sinus infection like I used to get years ago) but nothing that would make me think I need to call 911 (at least not yet). I got the flu shot a few months ago, which have worked for the past 8 or 9 years, so am guessing it is 'the Virus'. A few people in my office had tested positive a few weeks ago, so I guess it was my turn.
Because the severity of symptoms varies, it is difficult to know when you need to be tested.
-I never lost taste or smell, but tested positive and burned plenty of fever. Some lose those senses before they feel very bad.

01-17-2021, 10:10 AM
Round 2? Fight! Oh, and yes, I feel crappy.


01-17-2021, 11:18 AM
Sorry to hear about your second bout of this, Dan. Hope you fair well.

As an aside. It's been said that once you've have it, you can't get it again. It seems that it's not true.

01-17-2021, 04:44 PM
Sorry to hear about your second bout of this, Dan. Hope you fair well.

As an aside. It's been said that once you've have it, you can't get it again. It seems that it's not true.

Well, either I am one of the rare second timers, or I never had it the first time. When I first got sick the testing was scarce and unreliable. They would often test for other disease instead of specifically testing for Covid, so if it came back negative for the other diseases they would just state you as positive since the actual tests were very rare and they were saving them for Hospital staff or extreme cases. The reality is, there is no way of knowing if I had it the first time around or not, even though most of the symptoms are the same. Not even an antibody test since I now officially have it.

01-18-2021, 11:35 AM
It can happen, I'm sure, albeit very rare. I had chicken pox twice. Second time REALLY SUCKED! I was 17 and looked like I was hit with buckshot.

01-18-2021, 12:16 PM
Wow! Did you feel just as crappy the first time compared to this time?

01-18-2021, 07:46 PM
Sorry you are having to fight off this thing again, Megadan.

01-18-2021, 09:50 PM
Wow! Did you feel just as crappy the first time compared to this time?

Symptom wise it was more severe the first time around. I didn't have much of a fever this time, just a couple moments of what I can only describe as hot flashes. I felt a little sore, but not as bad. Congested, but again - not as bad. The only real difference this time around was a more persistent headache, but even that went away with some basic tylenol.

In both instances I caught it at work. Since my company handles government contracts, my position is considered essential, and I am already an essential worker by our own company standards (I am a machine repair and maintenance guy.)

01-21-2021, 06:26 AM
Found out yesterday that I was exposed to it at work a week ago, so going for a Rapid Response test today. No symptoms but I am in Beaufort and the wife has gone into full nut job mode and doesn’t want me coming home for at least another week. I also found out that my employers “Covid 19 Protocols” are nothing more than window dressing.

01-21-2021, 06:34 AM
Found out yesterday that I was exposed to it at work a week ago, so going for a Rapid Response test today. No symptoms but I am in Beaufort and the wife has gone into full nut job mode and doesn’t want me coming home for at least another week. I also found out that my employers “Covid 19 Protocols” are nothing more than window dressing.

Well, I hope for the best. The Rapid tests don't have the greatest track record for accuracy. If you start getting a scratchy throat and what feels like sinus congestion, but without a stuffy nose, along with an occasional dry cough - thats what tipped me off. It didn't feel like any sinus infection, flu, or cold I have had before.

As far as employer protocols being a bit of a joke. Yeah, it's no different with my company. According to their protocols, anybody exposed on the job should be quarantined immediately. Me and every technician on our shift was exposed to our supervisor - who tested positive - for two weeks. Found that out right after I tested positive 4 days after he did. :ohno: The truth is, they ignore those protocols the second it will cost them lots of money. Sending an entire shifts worth of techs home for 2 weeks? They would probably rather chop their own nuts off.

01-21-2021, 07:33 AM
I have no symptoms to speak of. Sinus issues are my life, so I probably wouldn't know the difference. Stepping off the plane in SC is an instant nose clog for me.
The stuff at work pissed me off, though. I got to the shop and the lot was empty. The COO approached me and asked me why I was there. Someone had tested positive and they sent the whole production staff out for testing. No one said boo to Jason or I. Then I found out at the end of the day that the new CEO was out with it. Jason and I had lunch with him last Wednesday.

There has been a lot of blood letting from J and I since yesterday morning.

01-21-2021, 12:33 PM
Good luck with that cheesy. I'm sure you'll be fine. Most likely, you're so damn ornery, if Covid was exposed to cheesy, it would have to go into quarantine! ;-)

I've been exposed multiple times, was sick at the same time a friend of mine was sick, with the exact same symptoms. Mind you, I have a few beers with this guy every day at our local store. Stick our hands into the same pretzel bag, etc...etc...
He tested positive and landed in the pokey with it. I tested negative. Go figure. I now have very little faith in the test or the antibody test. Had both. Been sick twice, both negative.

On an odd note, another buddy's wife is a respiratory nurse at our local hospital here. She reports that there has yet to be one case of the flu there this year. Bizarre???

Wild Dog
01-21-2021, 01:15 PM
Good luck with that cheesy. I'm sure you'll be fine. Most likely, you're so damn ornery, if Covid was exposed to cheesy, it would have to go into quarantine! ;-)

I've been exposed multiple times, was sick at the same time a friend of mine was sick, with the exact same symptoms. Mind you, I have a few beers with this guy every day at our local store. Stick our hands into the same pretzel bag, etc...etc...
He tested positive and landed in the pokey with it. I tested negative. Go figure. I now have very little faith in the test or the antibody test. Had both. Been sick twice, both negative.

On an odd note, another buddy's wife is a respiratory nurse at our local hospital here. She reports that there has yet to be one case of the flu there this year. Bizarre???

I was talking about this with a friend, he is very paranoid about the covid, while it's real and a lot of people died worldwide. It seems is not that easy to get it, as long you clean your hands, use the little mask don't touch your face.

The media worldwide made it way way way way bigger than it came to be....

At least here in the media they showed like 10000 times the old chinese dude walking in the airport dropping dead....
Now you put adagio for strings by samuel barber and you get a lot of views.

Again not saying it is fake or just a regular flu, because is not. But media made things a lot bigger than they were.

01-21-2021, 01:21 PM
It could be that all of the protective measures and fear surrounding COVID are keeping most sick people at home, keeping the flu from spreading well?

Wild Dog
01-21-2021, 02:05 PM
It could be that all of the protective measures and fear surrounding COVID are keeping most sick people at home, keeping the flu from spreading well?

The Flu is still spreading quite well. Even in those countries that had strict lockdowns (like mine) cases are still not coming down and people is just too worn out to be locked at their houses.

A good example is UK and The Netherlands, people followed the lockdown but now they are just too tired of being "trapped"



01-21-2021, 02:36 PM
flu is spiking around here, along with rsv in babies/kids. My wife has been over it for a month now and still has no taste or sense of smell, which's a bit worrisome. They are still getting covid in the er but not as many as they did in November/December. Suicides and OD's are also still through the roof. But none of the politicians want to talk about that.

My mother in law is still having some breathing issues. But she has a laundry list of autoimmune issues too.

01-21-2021, 04:46 PM
Covid, from what I've experienced in my life, seems to be very selective. I hope they really study this and find out why. A persons genetics, maybe? Blood type?? The reason I mention this is because the guy I know at the store (the owner) and his family all caught it. The wife and kids were fine. My buddy though is morbidly obese, diabetic, ticker issues, has oxygen level issues. He went in and was out in three days. They only kept him a third day to get his blood sugar under control. He's fine and dandy now.

Then I spoke with my brother three weeks ago and a couple from his church got Covid. The husband just had mild flu symptoms. The wife was hospitalized. While she led a sedentary life style, my brother knew of no underlying health issues. She passed away six days later.

Like I stated earlier, Covid seems to be very selective of its victims. I'd like to know why.....

01-21-2021, 05:18 PM
Well, I hope for the best. The Rapid tests don't have the greatest track record for accuracy. If you start getting a scratchy throat and what feels like sinus congestion, but without a stuffy nose, along with an occasional dry cough - thats what tipped me off. It didn't feel like any sinus infection, flu, or cold I have had before.

I don't know if it is a regional thing, but here in Yuma, most every person who has had it locally, including my son and I, have lost their sense of smell and taste. Some for a day or so, but mine has been a few weeks (smell). Now, both my parents, older sister, and younger sister all caught it around the same time as me in Los Angeles, and they lost taste and smell, so I am guessing it is kind of universal. But, I recall that I did not have a stuffed up nose like one gets in a common cold or flu. It was a weird illness as most of us who have had it can attest.

01-21-2021, 07:03 PM
I just pqssed my vovid test with flying colors ( aka it came back negative) while i was in the hospotal this week with a Bilateral Pulmonary embolism, figured with chest pain and shortness of breath it could go either way....but... nope...PE it was

01-21-2021, 07:54 PM
I don't know if it is a regional thing, but here in Yuma, most every person who has had it locally, including my son and I, have lost their sense of smell and taste. Some for a day or so, but mine has been a few weeks (smell). Now, both my parents, older sister, and younger sister all caught it around the same time as me in Los Angeles, and they lost taste and smell, so I am guessing it is kind of universal. But, I recall that I did not have a stuffed up nose like one gets in a common cold or flu. It was a weird illness as most of us who have had it can attest.

I lost my sense of smell/taste as well, but it wasn't until 2 or 3 days after my other symptoms started.

I have also had sinus issues my whole life, and it is sort of a genetic thing. My grandfather on my mothers side was the same way, as are some of my aunts and uncles. If not infections, then allergy like issues, and extreme sensitivity to things like smoke.

I also had childhood asthma, and had an attack so severe when I was 4 years old I ended up in the ICU for 10 days. As a result I have a lot of scars in my airways (fibrosis). This has lead to me seeming more vulnerable to catching infections like bronchitis and pneumonia. I have had pneumonia a couple of times in my life pretty badly too because of it.

From all of this, you would assume that Covid should be my worst nightmare... Yet it barely ranks in the top 10 of the "worst I have felt" chart.

01-21-2021, 10:20 PM
I just pqssed my vovid test with flying colors ( aka it came back negative) while i was in the hospotal this week with a Bilateral Pulmonary embolism, figured with chest pain and shortness of breath it could go either way....but... nope...PE it was
Holy crap dude! Serious stuff right there. Hope you spring out of this quickly. The guitar world needs your type!.....even though, as I recall, you hate Fender necks. ;-)

01-22-2021, 04:32 AM
Holy crap dude! Serious stuff right there. Hope you spring out of this quickly. The guitar world needs your type!.....even though, as I recall, you hate Fender necks. ;-)

Eh, not my fisrt rodeo with them, funny you bring up guitars...i just put my Dean Vendetta (originally given to me for free) back together after a 3 year stint on the workbench...LOL and youre right... i dislike fender baseball bats....

01-22-2021, 10:26 AM
Well, did my Rapid test yesterday and it came back negative, so my wife is letting me come home. I was on my best behavior with the staff at the testing place.

"Sir, are you experiencing any body aches or pain?"

"I'm a 65 year old mechanic and an ex jock. If I wake up and don't feel any pain, I'm probably dead."

"Okay. Are you experiencing a scratchy throat or nasal congestion?"

"Everytime I step off the plane in Charleston. It's like allergy season back home."

"Um, any loss of taste or smell."

"Well, the hotel breakfast is still awful and I had to open the window of the car on the way to the office because of the breakfast."

"Sigh. Look at the ceiling. I'm going to insert this Q-tip in your nose to get a sample for testing. Do your best not to sneeze, sir."

What she didn't tell me was that she was going to stir that Q-tip like she was beating raw eggs for French toast. And do it for quite a while. But I didn't sneeze.

01-22-2021, 10:45 AM
:lmao:Well, did my Rapid test yesterday and it came back negative, so my wife is letting me come home. I was on my best behavior with the staff at the testing place.

"Sir, are you experiencing any body aches or pain?"

"I'm a 65 year old mechanic and an ex jock. If I wake up and don't feel any pain, I'm probably dead."

"Okay. Are you experiencing a scratchy throat or nasal congestion?"

"Everytime I step off the plane in Charleston. It's like allergy season back home."

"Um, any loss of taste or smell."

"Well, the hotel breakfast is still awful and I had to open the window of the car on the way to the office because of the breakfast."

"Sigh. Look at the ceiling. I'm going to insert this Q-tip in your nose to get a sample for testing. Do your best not to sneeze, sir."

What she didn't tell me was that she was going to stir that Q-tip like she was beating raw eggs for French toast. And do it for quite a while. But I didn't sneeze.

01-22-2021, 12:48 PM

What she didn't tell me was that she was going to stir that Q-tip like she was beating raw eggs for French toast. And do it for quite a while. But I didn't sneeze.

yeah.... glad i had an itch on the backside of my eyeball for when i got mine...LOL

01-22-2021, 12:56 PM
yeah.... glad i had an itch on the backside of my eyeball for when i got mine...LOL

That’s what I was dreading. I was having flashbacks of having a camera shoved up my nose to go down my throat. I was calling that a nasal colonoscopy.

01-22-2021, 02:41 PM
Ah hell cheesy, the covid swab was nuthin'. At this point in my life, when I go in for my annual colonoscopy, I grab the wand and send the crew to lunch....

01-22-2021, 04:16 PM
Yeah, they don't do the test right unless they at least scratch the underside of your brain.

01-22-2021, 07:19 PM
That’s what I was dreading. I was having flashbacks of having a camera shoved up my nose to go down my throat. I was calling that a nasal colonoscopy.

Quite possible others would be worse off with it then me, seeing how they had just pumped about 500cc of Heparin (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heparin) thru my IV in the hour before my C19 test....LOL

01-24-2021, 01:09 PM
Ah hell cheesy, the covid swab was nuthin'. At this point in my life, when I go in for my annual colonoscopy, I grab the wand and send the crew to lunch....

To derail this thread even farther, I get to poop in a cup. Nowhere near as glamorous as it sounds.

Back on track, had my second Rapid test today and that one also came back negative.

03-07-2021, 09:05 AM
One of the downsides of moving to a rural area is the lack of availability of vaccine appointments. Every pharmacy claims to have both single and 2 dose varieties available but no appoints at all for March.

I'm old enough to remember how getting the polio and small pox vaccines was done and it was a hell of a lot more efficient than this. It was also a 'blow off school day'.

03-07-2021, 09:38 AM
I still don’t personally know a single person who has had the beer disease ,and we are way behind on getting shots up here ,I think they are currently doing 80yrs and up and have only done the long term care homes .I don’t know how much of a change getting the shot will do for us ,I suspect we will be in a state of perpetual Halloween for a long time to come .

03-07-2021, 11:54 AM
Still waiting.....and everyone around me is getting shots. My nephew just got his shots. I guess being a paper-pushing state worker makes him essential. Really getting tired of this.

03-07-2021, 01:38 PM
One of the step daughter's husband got it. The step daughter never did. I babysit their one year old every Wednesday. Another grandson has been doing the remote schooling twice a week at my home and was over when we found out about the husband. Since I might have been exposed through the one year old, the other grandson and I quarantined for two weeks at my house. Neither of us got it. It wasn't bad having him over for that time. He's eleven and we bonded over Wandavision and other Disney+ features.

03-07-2021, 03:06 PM
Wife’s Uncle and aunt got it. Easy for him, tough for her. My older, 86 year old uncle got it and died. 5 peeps at church got it. I think they all survived. I haven’t been going for a year due to them not really doing well with the rules... I finally got both shots, as school teachers in Oregon were able to get them. We have had in class school since Jan 4. No outbreaks in our school but our high school has had a few. What I find amazing is, because of me and the students wearing masks and all the cleaning we've avoided the normal winter flu stuff too! It’s been a positive through all this.

03-07-2021, 04:40 PM
I've had it twice, the wife has had it once. Over half of our extended family has had it but so far only my brother-in-law has died from it.

Vaccines are slowly becoming available here. My youngest daughter is the only family member to get it so far as she is an RN that has direct contact with Covid patients.

03-10-2021, 03:53 PM
Finally scheduled for my first shot tomorrow morning!

03-11-2021, 12:33 AM
I was never diagnosed, but I did get my shot today. I don't know anyone that had it so far so I guess my circle of friends and acquaintances have been lucky. I'm "lucky" enough to be in the earlier qualifiers due to my cancer. Good news is even though I was stage 4 kidney cancer for the past 2 years, I'm still doing pretty good. Didn't get to ride my china bike last year due to my condition, but I'm doing pretty good currently and plan on getting out there plenty this year! F Cancer!!!

03-11-2021, 06:22 PM
I was never diagnosed, but I did get my shot today. I don't know anyone that had it so far so I guess my circle of friends and acquaintances have been lucky. I'm "lucky" enough to be in the earlier qualifiers due to my cancer. Good news is even though I was stage 4 kidney cancer for the past 2 years, I'm still doing pretty good. Didn't get to ride my china bike last year due to my condition, but I'm doing pretty good currently and plan on getting out there plenty this year! F Cancer!!!
Good for you Griz! BTW, as I said previously, best avatar ever....

Many of my friends I see nightly have cancer of one stage/form or another. Myself and one other have "so far", beat it. Just over five year for me and the numbers are still awesome. The stage four folks are doing what they're supposed to with treatments and lifestyle, and they're markers have come way down, so they're starting to live more normally again......which includes having an occasional beer with their friends in front of a hot wood stove at our local store. Sometimes it's the simple things. Keep up the good fight, Griz!

BTW......Got my Covid shot this morning. I was lucky enough to get the "one and done" J&J vaccine.

03-11-2021, 10:29 PM
I caught it the day after Christmas without traveling to L.A. to see family. Coincidentally, my younger sister in L.A. got it from an elderly neighbor who my sister usually helps out with driving. My sister had an outpatient surgery and the neighbor wanted to return all the favors (the neighbor recovered, no problem). Well, my sister got a ride AND COVID! :lmao: Then, Christmas day, unknowingly, infected my 82 year old parents, one of our sisters (there are 4 of us), and my other sister's (the only one of us who didn't catch it) son, my nephew. We all got over it within 2 weeks or sooner. I was mad because I was so hoping to have made it for the first dose of Moderna they offered staff at the prison, which ended up being January 29. Man, that shot knocked me down like I had COVID for the day the next day, a Saturday. I got my second dose a couple weeks ago, and that had no side effects for me (in spite of everyone mentioning the second dose is worse). BTW, I never did infect anyone around me in my family or my wife's friend who came over for Christmas dinner here in AZ. Having recent COVID and both doses of Moderna, I think I am ready to use some stimulus money to fly to Wuhan, strip down naked and run through a wet market eating boiled bats...

03-12-2021, 04:13 AM
I think you actually have to eat them bats raw. Boiled kills the Covid ;). Also, I feel soooo relieved that I have the shots. Gives a new lease on life, especially since we’ve had kids in school since Jan 4th. Was just waiting for the day one of the little rascals infected me...

03-12-2021, 08:18 PM
I think I am ready to use some stimulus money to fly to Wuhan, strip down naked and run through a wet market eating boiled bats...
Just make sure you put your clothes back on before you visit the Forbidden City. They are a little sensitive about that place.

03-12-2021, 10:36 PM
I think you actually have to eat them bats raw. Boiled kills the Covid ;). Also, I feel soooo relieved that I have the shots. Gives a new lease on life, especially since we’ve had kids in school since Jan 4th. Was just waiting for the day one of the little rascals infected me...

Raw?? No thanks!

Just make sure you put your clothes back on before you visit the Forbidden City. They are a little sensitive about that place.


03-13-2021, 07:19 AM
Are you old enough to remember that smallpox killed people for roughly 500 years before a commercial vaccine was distributed over the course of 20 years?

Old enough to remember that the polio vaccine took over 13 years of development to become publicly available?

Human memory is a funny thing.

Also its not 1977 anymore. Theres almost 9 billion people on earth. Which is the real problem.

I can answer 'Yes' to all those questions.

I was 21 and married in 1977, so I guess that makes me a Boomer.

03-13-2021, 12:59 PM
I was 21 and married in 1977, ....
I graduated high school that year......and barely remember much of it.

BTW, our general consensus from the Brain Trust (my old buddies. Average age is 74) is this.

Pfiser recipients:
First shot - no noticeable symptoms or side effects.
Second shot - no noticeable symptoms or side effects.

Moderna (or as they say "Modelo") recipients:
First shot - no noticeable symptoms or side effects.
Second shot - Slightly tired and sluggish for a day or so.

Johnson and Johnson (I'm the only person I know who has had this in my circles.)
First and only shot:
Felt fine until evening, then started to feel a little ooky.
Next day. Felt like hammered horse s--t. Achy, mentally detached, super burnt.....but was still able to go and do so I wasn't "down". Slept in a coma last night.
Today. Woke up fine.

Again, this was just our experiences. Your results may vary.

03-13-2021, 01:18 PM
I was allowed to register for the vaccine a few days ago but no appointment has been granted yet. More waiting.