View Full Version : turbo charged scooter

05-01-2008, 10:55 AM
I have been watching some youtube videos on scooters with turbo, performance and NOS.

Does anyone know where I can get all of the turbo enhancements for my 150cc scooter?

05-01-2008, 11:20 AM
Do you have a link(s)? There is a guy on youtube who turbocharged his 200cc dual sport as well. I think if you have the time and money to do it, it seems interesting, but then people here were arguing why not just put in a bigger motor? It makes sense for a bigger motor in a dirt bike, but seems slightly more difficult in a scooter. You should research it (which you are doing by asking your question here) using other sources, too.

I had forgotten about www.scootdawg.com until 'kczukiman' was asking about scooter recommendations for his wife. I should have suggested you join there, too. Member 'ACD', our scooter expert who has been absent for a while, is also a moderator there (possible reasons for his absence). It couldn't hurt to have second, or third opinions about bike topics.

05-01-2008, 11:53 AM
I don't think the cost involved plus to downside to the turbo is the fact that the rest of the drivetrain is going to suffer premature wear.

You would be better off getting a big bore kit and doing the exhaust/intake mods. CDI.

I just saw loads of cdis on ebay for less than $30.
