View Full Version : Screeeeee----crunch!

10-07-2021, 04:30 PM
So the neighbor kid, (well....is 25 still a kid?) has been bike shopping. He's a rookie but smoked the MSF course, got his license, has a few hundred miles under his belt on his dads RX3, and is really excited about getting his own. Honestly, I've ridden with him a couple times on some multi-hour rides. He's always been careful, doesn't ride over his head, no big mistakes, and is aware of others around him.

He likes his dad's RX3 but wants something with a bit more gusto. He'll be commuting on some open roads during the riding season.

Then Monday night, we're out in the shop and he asked if he could take my V-Strom for a short ride on Tuesday. I thought it would be fine so the next morning, he hopped on the Suzuki and I rode Mrs. 2LZ RX3. We were out of a couple hours and he was doing fine, even on some lousy roads and gravel.

On our way to town for a burger, we took the twisty grade down. I picked up the pace a little as I figured he was bored riding behind my ultra slow pace. About half way down, I was just rolling out of a tight left and I hear the retched sound of a tire skidding on the pavement.

I turned just to see him sideways and then he and my V-Strom high-sided and slapped the asphalt. That really is a sickening sound. He proceeded to start a 30' burrito roll with my bike skidding along, chasing after him. Fortunately, it stopped a couple feet shy of him, as he lay in the ditch next to the road. Rookie move got him. Came into the corner too hot for his talents, on a strange bike, and completely forgot about his front brake, locking the rear.

By the time I got back he was standing up gathering his wits. He was ok. Just some road rash, a crushed Iphone, a skinned up full-face helmet with the shield ripped off, and an ego that may have been mortally wounded. Then he started the rant about wrecking my bike.

We got the bike up and rolled it over to the dirt area next to the road. It had taken a beating. Most everything on the right side was smeared or scarred.

Lots of parts are now on order but I'm just happy he's doing ok. Plus, he promised his "Funcle" (me) he'd pay for everything. Luckily he has a real good job. It ain't gonna be cheap.

10-07-2021, 04:35 PM
Man I hate to hear that, but at least hes ok.

Stuff like that happens on bikes that you're used to riding for years, but it's even easier on a bike you're not used to.

Sir kayakalot
10-07-2021, 06:09 PM
Dang, glad it wasn’t worse. He learned some good lessons from this crash. We’ve all been there. Must have been terrifying for you to see that.

10-07-2021, 06:41 PM
Must have been terrifying for you to see that.
Oh man..... You're not kidding. I'm was so happy to see him stand up. It instantly crossed my mind that I'd have to go back to his parents house and tell them about Life Flight, etc....
Fortunately, he really wasn't going that fast. It's just a steep, tight road.

He's a fire fighter. He text me yesterday to tell me how bad there gear is on road rash. He also said the first shower was as painful as I described. ;-)

10-07-2021, 08:00 PM
Thank god he is ok.I have been riding motorcycles and scooters for 50 years now and i have had the good the bad and the ugly happen to me.

10-07-2021, 10:27 PM
This is why I always argue the Chinese manufactured little Grom-like-vehicles (GLVs), the dual-sports, the street bikes/standards, and even the larger ADV bikes are PERFECT learning bikes because if (when) they go down, they were relatively low-cost to begin with.

10-08-2021, 06:02 AM
Wow. Glad he's okay! And glad he came out with minimal injuries. And, I'm sure he'll remember ATGATT from that, also.

10-08-2021, 06:48 AM
Sorry to read about this. That road rash is going to hurt for several weeks, if not months. On the plus side, he's ambulatory and can bitch about the discomfort.

10-08-2021, 08:29 AM
This is why I always argue the Chinese manufactured little Grom-like-vehicles (GLVs), the dual-sports, the street bikes/standards, and even the larger ADV bikes are PERFECT learning bikes because if (when) they go down, they were relatively low-cost to begin with.

Well said! Exactly why i bought a Tao DBX1 for my son to learn on. $850 compared to prob $2500+ at the time for a similar Big4 bike.. And bonus was that i sold it 15 months later for what i bought it for :)

10-30-2021, 11:50 PM
So the guy who flopped my V-Strom 650 would like to buy it.....for my asking price. Of course, since he scarred it up, there is no discount for damage. I told him that sounds good to me!

The twist of fate???? The guy who found me the V-Strom 650.....who owns a V-Strom 1000 the same year as my 650 (2006), just bought 2022 KLR 650 and wants to know if I may want his V-Strom 1000 with only 12,000 miles on it. Go figure......

10-31-2021, 10:05 AM
Those high siders really slam you to the pavement. Good thing he is young and spry.
I guess knowing that entering a turn a few mph too fast can change your like dramatically is part of the thrill of motorcycling.
-After experiencing the pain and expense of a crash, he will have plenty of street cred!

10-31-2021, 12:54 PM
Those high siders really slam you to the pavement. Good thing he is young and spry.
I guess knowing that entering a turn a few mph too fast can change your like dramatically is part of the thrill of motorcycling.
-After experiencing the pain and expense of a crash, he will have plenty of street cred!
Indeed. Even knowing that he's ridden quads since he was a kid, having had some dirt bike experience also, and that he smoked the MSF course....and has a few hundred miles of street riding under his belt, he discovered that he's no longer 10' tall and bullet proof. Like he said last time I checked with him, "My skin is doing great, it's my ego that has been mortally wounded."

My buddy and I told him one time when we all rode together, "With your experience level, if you think you may be going into a corner too hot, it's already too late."

You can preach all you want to the youngin's you care about, but most of it bounces off.

Wild Dog
10-31-2021, 07:58 PM
checked with him, "My skin is doing great, it's my ego that has been mortally wounded."

My buddy and I told him one time when we all rode together, "With your experience level, if you think you may be going into a corner too hot, it's already too late."

You can preach all you want to the youngin's you care about, but most of it bounces off.

Ego cause a lot of death daily.
People just seems to want to start riding a 650cc after riding 2 hours thinking that they did learn everything on the course.
Lucky for him it's was a modern 650cc and not some 2 stroke 350cc with power valves and brakes that were made for a 80cc.

Lucky for you it may be way to get a V-Storm 1000 :)