View Full Version : Another Advantage of Being a Carnivore

03-06-2022, 01:06 PM
Those of us who live the Winter relying on a wood burning stove, look for every possible way to light it without spending money of liquids or fire starters or any other purchased option.

Of course, there's always the "raid the local free newspaper news stand" method, which I do regularly. The papers, once collected either through free papers or packing material, or even paper towels, soon become Bacon Bombs. Line an old egg carton with wadded up papers, then pour your hot bacon grease on them.

They burn for an unbelievably long time, giving your oak time to light. Only takes a couple.

03-06-2022, 01:21 PM
My sister heats with wood AND works for Georgia-Pacific, for a few more days, anyway. She gets a big bag of saw dust and does the same with paraffin wax.

03-06-2022, 04:31 PM
I bought a wood stove when I moved to Washington because i lived here before, but where I moved there are about 0 trees. Nothing but wheat fields for miles. So I buy press wood logs by the ton and that's my wood. I use the egg carton method as fire starters and when I can get fatwood I use that. I'm 72 and it seems I'm never warm enough.

03-07-2022, 12:16 AM
I don't have to light a woodburning stove inside for heat, but the new house has about four acres of poorly maintained trees and yard. I've already burned off a ton of limbs and such, and I'll be starting on the trees this spring. To light it, I use the best firestarter I've ever heard of. 2 parts used motor oil, one part diesel (I use jet fuel because I can get my hands on it cheaply and easily) and one part gasoline. Mix it all together in a big mixing container and spray it on the pile that needs to be torched. I swear there's nothing better to get a fire going quick fast and in a hurry. It also works incredibly well in waste oil burners.