View Full Version : Looking for bike suggestions.

05-11-2022, 07:53 AM
I'm looking to pickup a couple inexpensive dirt bikes for light use on the farm and teaching my 8 year old how to ride. I grew up with Yamaha's but I'm not looking to put that much money into these at this point.

So far I've been looking at the X-pro 150 hawk for me and the x-pro 50 for my kid on Amazon or powersport max.

I have a local dealer that I won't be able to visit for a couple weeks that apparently carries Ricky power sport bikes.

I have yet to see either in person and have very limited info on the RPS bikes. Does anyone know of any advantages either have or other bikes I should be looking at?


05-14-2022, 04:56 PM
For an adult, I recommend a Bashan Storm
2022 Bashan Storm DB-08-250 (Check out shopapmc.com website.)
I have had one for more than a year. I made modest carburetor rejet to enrich the idle and main jet, and shimmed the needle in the carb for earlier enrichment in the midrange (typical carb setup). I also drill a few holes in the tail of the exhaust pipe to increase flow. The result is a responsive and willing torquey powerplant. I also changed the fork oil to 15 weight motul fork oil to stiffen the rebound. I like to ride in the dirt so I switched to knobbies.
The storm is available for ~$1800 plus a couple hundred more for crated shipping to a regional depot if you can get to one. It does have inverted front forks, which comes with the heavier triple tree clamps. It is stiffer than non-inverted fork layout. This translates to more stability.
Check out my posts on the Storm here.

The seat height is perfect for me (5'10"). My son's TaoTao TBR7 is taller by a couple inches, and we had significant issues with it (the left footpeg broke off the first time I put my weight on it, the battery did not fit in the cradle-too tall, and a variety of additional minor issues). In my opinion, the Bashan Storm is worth a few hundred dollars more (about $2000 all said and done).
Don Hopper at shopapmc.com is a good guy. He get's shipping quotes and doesn't overcharge.

Bashan also makes two additional bikes available at peace sports. I suspect the build quality is just as good as the Storm. These are the Brozz 250 and the Recon 250. They cost about $2500 which does not include shipping. This makes the Storm seem like a much better value ( I am sure the builds are very similar).

For a kid, learning, maybe a semiautomatic 110cc Apollo DB32. It is small, (12" rear wheel, 14" front wheel), but inexpensive and a perfect starter for an 8 year old. If the kid is taller, bigger, then there are a few larger Apollo dirt bikes to get started on. You can see these at apmc as well.

05-14-2022, 09:21 PM
I like my Apollo z20 max. The max has bigger wheels than the regular Z20. (19/16). So far, I just swapped the carb and a tube, and it's been great. Really didn't need the carb, but I didn't like the dip in power from with the carb had to catch up to the engine.

I say, avoid the 60cc rps bike. Mine has had problems since I bought it. A couple warranty repairs, and it's still having problems. But, of you can find a 110 semi auto, I'd look into something that's kick start only, as they won't have as many problems as the electric start bikes.

Sport Rider
05-15-2022, 10:29 AM
RPS Hawk will be good for you. the 250 is only 12 to 14 HP, so it's not going to be "too much" for farm use. manufactured by Haosen. They are getting a bit pricy from what they used to be though.

this has 21/18 wheels which will give you a better adult size feel.

Zong motors are good...

08-02-2022, 10:38 PM
Check out the TBR7

Big Bird
08-03-2022, 03:50 AM
I would look into Kayo brand bikes. They are a step up in quality from the typical mail order china bikes. A lot of dealers are starting to carry them.