View Full Version : Where Should I Go in August??

07-06-2022, 07:48 PM
I have some time off in August. I am really burnt out. I’m tired. I have been doing the same work for like a decade.

I don’t want to come from back from the vacation exhausted, But I do need a little change of pace and scenery. I think.

Option 1). Thailand/Tokyo. This wouldn’t be riding. This would be flying of course. I’ve never been to Asia. I have been to Australia, Europe, the Middle East. The Caribbean. But I have never been to Asia and I have always wanted to go. It looks loud. Lol it looks hot. I don’t like either of those things. But maybe I’m seeing it wrong through some of the YouTube videos. Has anyone been to Thailand? Do you think I should go? It cost a lot to fly there, but once you are there it is dirt cheap. It's hot and off season. I kind of also want to investigate the potential of living somewhere overseas where it doesn’t cost as much as here. But I don’t want to ruin my annual vacation with a bad time. I’ve never been so I have no idea what it will be like.

Option 2) This was the main plan. I was going to take a month and do the Gaspe peninsula and trans labrador Highway up in Canada. highway being a gravel road. LOL. This would be on the xpect. I would start in New England and make that trip taking my time. Of course we are all motorcycle people, so try to ignore that part. Lol and think really objectively. this trip would probably be more expensive than going to Thailand. Because there are times when it’s going to be too hot I think and when the pollution gets too high that I need a hotel. And hotels are very expensive in the prime season.

Option 3) Do both! Two weeks in Thailand, two weeks on the motorcycle into Canada but not as far. I would probably do the motorcycle first, and then go to Thailand after that. So I could be more rested. The jet lag will be a killer, but, I can relax and sit around and do nothing in Thailand. And that’s kind of nice.

Option 4). Take the RV up into Canada with the motorcycle on it. He’s really lazy. Not do really anything. Relax. Meet up with people. Hang out. Just do nothing. Go on a ride when I feel like it.

I don’t really like extreme heat. But there is air-conditioning on the Thailand vacation. There is also air conditioning with the RV off of a generator. Riding up along the coast of Canada lots of fog and cooler temperatures also.

but I need some of this to be restful.

I’ve also already been to Canada with the RV before. I did not bring the motorcycle before because I did not have it last time I went. That was pre-Covid.

what would you do? And why?

07-06-2022, 08:26 PM
Option 1--while you can. Canada being so close will be easy to do in the future. With the world economic situation spiraling down, the window is closing for overseas tourism. I have been to many places in the Far East (not Thailand though).

-- You absolutely should see Japan, and travel around a bit; not just stay in Tokyo. Definitely Kyoto. Japan being an island, and with no real natural resources for its manufacturing, is expensive to live in.
-- Thailand has a strong expat community. A very viable choice to live in. Very cheap and an interesting place in its own right. Kinda depends on whether you are an Asia guy or not. You can do some research online on the expat situation there, and hook up with foreigners at their local watering holes once in-country. Maybe go on the Thai Embassy website in DC, for example, to learn about living there and what hoops you would have to jump through. But expat websites would be helpful too.

In any case, you will build up unique experiences and memories that you have not had yet. And IMO this will be more difficult in the future.

07-06-2022, 08:58 PM
Option 1--while you can. Canada being so close will be easy to do in the future. With the world economic situation spiraling down, the window is closing for overseas tourism. I have been to many places in the Far East (not Thailand though).

-- You absolutely should see Japan, and travel around a bit; not just stay in Tokyo. Definitely Kyoto. Japan being an island, and with no real natural resources for its manufacturing, is expensive to live in.
-- Thailand has a strong expat community. A very viable choice to live in. Very cheap and an interesting place in its own right. Kinda depends on whether you are an Asia guy or not. You can do some research online on the expat situation there, and hook up with foreigners at their local watering holes once in-country. Maybe go on the Thai Embassy website in DC, for example, to learn about living there and what hoops you would have to jump through. But expat websites would be helpful too.

In any case, you will build up unique experiences and memories that you have not had yet. And IMO this will be more difficult in the future.

Jesus. That was as good as the posts you make about how to fix a motorcycle. Thank you so much! Fantastic. Great input.

07-06-2022, 09:25 PM
Two weeks each country. You will be blown away (in a good way). You're welcome.

07-06-2022, 11:04 PM
I followed this guy's videos for a while, and even had a slight desire to move to Thailand to teach English over there. I haven't seen his videos for months, but he does take a motorsports approach to his Thai living, and it does seem like a very interesting place to visit and/or live. Research back to his older videos and he hits upon touristy things to do, and seems to have some great suggestions. https://www.youtube.com/c/CBMedia404

Edit: More recently he went to Dubai, and seemed to be burned out of Thailand after a few years, so I stopped watching his videos, but noticed that he is back now, and putting up quite a lot of motorsports content.

07-07-2022, 02:35 AM
I followed this guy's videos for a while, and even had a slight desire to move to Thailand to teach English over there. I haven't seen his videos for months, but he does take a motorsports approach to his Thai living, and it does seem like a very interesting place to visit and/or live. Research back to his older videos and he hits upon touristy things to do, and seems to have some great suggestions. https://www.youtube.com/c/CBMedia404

Edit: More recently he went to Dubai, and seemed to be burned out of Thailand after a few years, so I stopped watching his videos, but noticed that he is back now, and putting up quite a lot of motorsports content.

Yeah, you KNOW I'm going to rent an Enduro and play a little out there. Ha ha ha. I've become an ATGATT guy so that's a little confusing on how to do that in another country. Pack all that huge stuff??

07-07-2022, 06:34 AM
While I agree that Thailand would be an amazing experience, and the global outlook isn't so rosy to go there later rather than sooner, my advice would be to head north and decompress somewhere you have some local knowledge (that was a very long-winded way of saying to do the Canada RV trip with a bike hung on the back of the camper). Thailand is a fantastic place to visit, but not only is it hot in August, it's unbelievably humid (this is coming from a guy who lives in Georgia). You had mentioned that you don't like being hot or in a loud environment, and Thailand is both of those things on steroids. On top of that, not knowing the local language or customs could be an added stressor at a time you're trying to relax. Since you've been to Canada before, you have some knowledge of what to expect, and what's expected of you. You also have a lot more control over your travel not having to wait on airlines to figure out where they're going to drop the ball today. :ohno: The airline industry as a whole is falling apart right now, and I don't put much stock in things becoming more reliable or predictable in the near-term. Hopefully this is some food for thought, and I'm very interested to hear what you decide to do!

07-07-2022, 07:24 AM
Canukistan, hands down. And for all the reasons given. I will be forever jealous if you do the Gaspe.

But, consider Iceland if you can't do hot and humid. Though kind of spendy, there is no language barrier, the folks are friendly, the food's good, and the landscape is amazing. If you find yourself lost in an Icelandic forest, put down your beer and stand up.

07-07-2022, 08:56 AM
Emerikol and cheesy also make good points. All options are good, for different reasons. No doubt why you solicited opinions.

Sending you a PM on another but somewhat related subject.

Sport Rider
07-07-2022, 08:57 AM
I'd go with option 3. Go see Thailand for a bit, then go to Canada, but take the RV and haul the bike. Going to Thailand would be more of a hectic tourist thing, I'd think. You would want to take advantage of the time to see lots of things. doing that first would then allow you to spend your last two weeks really decompressing in a nice cool climate.

07-07-2022, 01:09 PM
I hear Ukraine is nice this time of year. ;-)

07-07-2022, 02:22 PM
I hear Ukraine is nice this time of year. ;-)

Real cheap! Some really good deals.

07-07-2022, 03:28 PM
One thing about Canada ,is things are expensive ,and the areas you are interested in are kind of poor and sparsely populated regions so there won’t be a lot to choose from .If you can sleep in your rv in a parking lot and not need a proper campsite that would be a great way to do it .Fuel has been dropping this week ,but it’s still almost $2.00 litre which is about $8.00 for a us gallon .Even with a good exchange rate ,that’s a lot for gas .I was thinking of an east coast trip myself this summer ,but I would travel through the states as much as I could to save some cash (I have been to the east coast through Canada 6 times with a tent trailer so I don’t need to see all the sights again ) and I have not done a ton of northern US travelling So that would be interesting for me .

07-07-2022, 03:30 PM
Real cheap! Some really good deals.Slightly used tanks are a real deal right now.

07-07-2022, 07:25 PM
None of the above is the correct answer. Maine has dozens of nice dirtbike accessible trails. And it is not that far for you. Cool too.

07-07-2022, 07:58 PM
None of the above is the correct answer. Maine has dozens of nice dirtbike accessible trails. And it is not that far for you. Cool too.Interesting. Plus he doesn't have to learn to speak Canadian.

07-07-2022, 08:11 PM
If it's all about decompressing and saving the cash for REAL treats, Maine is a great destination in the NE. Lots of RV campgrounds too.

The pacific NorthWest appears to be in a heat wave, and the Rockies are in an epic drought. Beaches? South America!

07-08-2022, 05:00 AM
Interesting. Plus he doesn't have to learn to speak Canadian.

But... That’s the fun of a vacation. A different culture and a different language with different types of food. Quebec/Labrador/Etc does offer that. Long as you don’t count that crappy poutine stuff. Lol

07-08-2022, 05:02 AM
No wonder I couldn't decide easily. The poll s a dead heat. Lol

07-08-2022, 07:20 AM
I would agree on Maine, even culturally it's different. I usually visit the Mid-Coast area, only because that's where my kid lives, but the entire state is diverse.

And what's wrong with poutine?

07-08-2022, 08:41 AM
I would agree on Maine, even culturally it's different. I usually visit the Mid-Coast area, only because that's where my kid lives, but the entire state is diverse.

And what's wrong with poutine?

Maine:. Boring. I'm from there originally, or VERY close by. I travel there every Summer by boat. for several years a new boat has been getting built so I haven’t been there, but I have many years of going there coming up in the future when this boat is done. I really don’t want to spend all my time in Maine. It’s just too boring to be in the same place all the time.

Maine is only culturally different if you’re from Texas or something. Lol. I’m from there. It’s as boring as it gets. My family lives there. My parents. And poutine is gross. It’s some gravy over soggy french fries. That’s a nasty thing. Just fast food.

So that’s off the list. Plus, the United States is boring in general. I’ve been wandering around it for decades. I need to go somewhere interesting. Colorado was great. But, I just did that. I’ve been everywhere. It’s time to leave the country. So can the posts please concentrate on places outside the United States? No destination inside the United States was in the poll. Or in the question.

07-08-2022, 10:07 AM
If you want to avoid the SE Asia heat in Thailand, then at least go to Japan. Before you go, immerse yourself in a bit of history, geography, ancient and pop culture. Get a map, phrase book and guidebook at a bookstore/Amazon. Japan is fascinating. Pick up greetings, courtesies, and a few shopping phrases via an online tutorial. Tour around, get recommendations from locals and any expats you run across as to what you should see. I guarantee you will not regret going there; just the opposite.

One of the very best novels I have read (twice) is Shogun by James Clavell.

07-08-2022, 01:30 PM
South America/Costa Rica might be nice, I've heard Ecuador is nice for retirees, though for a vacation, I'd look at Peru, it's supposed to be really beautiful, and great for riding, plus, with the altitude, it won't be as hot as neighboring countries. Costa Rica is nice, but tropical, so quite hot.

07-09-2022, 08:31 AM
I’m doing both! Sort of!

I’m going to fly out to Thailand first, with a long layover in Tokyo. I’ll have a day there to look around. Then off to Bangkok.

I’ll look around Thailand for a couple weeks, then decide if I want to stay the month, go back to Tokyo for the remaining 2 weeks or fly all the way back and do Gaspé. Gaspé is easy accessible and also doable into the first week of September too if needed.

So I’ll start with the difficult stuff to see if I like it, then fall back on easier things if not.

That’s a perfect pre-Covid plan. Ha ha. Now I just have to check on the Covid situation for Japan.

07-09-2022, 08:42 AM
Well, I guess Japan is out. Ugh. Definitely not interested in organized tours by travel agencies. Japan will have to wait.

Note that visa-free travel is suspended. Other foreign nationals newly entering Japan for the following purposes are permitted in extremely limited numbers and subject to strict requirements:

– Foreign nationals newly entering Japan for a stay under three months for purposes of business or employment,

– Foreign students or technical trainees newly entering Japan for a long-term stay,

– Foreign nationals newly entering Japan for a short-term stay (only when a travel agency serves as the receiving organization for such travelers).

07-09-2022, 08:53 AM

07-09-2022, 10:31 AM

Right??? To me, that’s the most interesting of all the destinations.

So completely different from the United States.

And rather than the more chaotic nature of Thailand, it seems to have an orderly nature. And I kind of like that.

It was raining yesterday, so I went into a Barnes & Noble and read some of the guide books on the different places. I can see why you were saying Japan is really worth visiting.

But I guess I will wait until sometime later when there is no restriction.

07-27-2022, 08:55 PM
Well, I pulled the trigger. Off to Thailand this weekend!

07-27-2022, 10:36 PM

08-02-2022, 12:59 AM
Currently IN China.

One pic is mine, one pic is what i saw from the plane landing, but couldn’t get a pic of because aisle seat.



Just a layover but wow is it beautiful!

08-02-2022, 07:43 AM
You're gonna have a great time there. At your hotel you can ask where the expat hangouts are, and maybe take a local tour of the cool sites. Do a search on "Thailand tourist destinations".