View Full Version : Another New Family Member

10-22-2022, 12:08 PM
Well, as much as I've never, ever, never, ever, never, been a cat guy, Mrs. 2LZ had other ideas. I'm sure others here have been down this path of a minor version of the "for worse" part of the vows.

Long story short, we went to a local birthday BBQ about 6 weeks ago. I had no idea they even had a litter of cats. Hell, I had no idea my buddy Jeff even HAD a cat. He's a ranch dog guy, like me.

Anyway, Mrs. 2LZ comes out of their house to the join the party and says, "They're SOOOOOOOO CUTE!" Cute? What's cute, I asked. 6 weeks later, we have this. I've named her "S--thead"...but Mrs. 2LZ says that the name won't stick. We'll see. So far, Spot is doing very well for having her life completely disrupted. I think shock will do that though.

10-22-2022, 03:29 PM
We had a cat once ,as embarrassing as it is to admit it truly is one of the best pets to own ,simply because you don’t have to do anything if you don’t want to .I never had to walk my cat when it was -40 and blowing like crazy ,I never had to find a babysitter if we were heading out for more than a day ,that stupid cat looked after itself and was little to no problem ever .I did get lots of death threats as our stupid cat was an outside cat and after a while there were tons of little black and white cats growing up in the neighbourhood .”Nope ,not mine “seemed to get us out of alimony but there still is a ton of black and whites in the old neighbourhood .Sylvester didn’t want to come to our new house when we moved (only 2 blocks) the little sh1t tore me to pieces in the truck on the way over here ,blood everywhere so he stayed with the old place .I was the one the cat liked !

10-25-2022, 12:20 PM
Nine weeks old and already earning a living! Woke up this morning to this on the master bathroom floor! This experiment could work.......

10-25-2022, 04:50 PM
....and when in doubt, attack the dog. Poor Spot has been more than patient with the new unit.

10-25-2022, 05:09 PM
Little Sh*thead is cute.

10-25-2022, 09:41 PM
Thats so nice.

10-25-2022, 10:39 PM
That's what I wanted to name her! Mrs. 2LZ nixed the idea.

10-25-2022, 10:42 PM
I always wanted to name a pup 'Effer'.

10-26-2022, 10:21 AM
I have 3 cats. Only one likes to hang out with me. She's clingy. The other two don't want me anywhere near them.

About to put their behinds outside, since they've been fixed. Unfortunately, I gotta put them on a leash first. lol.

Enjoy your kitten!! Hopefully, he doesn't tear up the furniture like two of my three did.

12-05-2022, 10:50 PM
Dusty Cat got fixed today. She has a way better buzz than I do right now. Doesn't happen often....

12-30-2022, 01:22 PM
Dusty update. It seems she has a new game she likes to play and me, being on the slow side, took me only three times to figure it out.

It seems now the cat likes to hide behind the commode when it sees me heading that direction (unbeknownst to me), and when I'm in the most vulnerable position, it lunges out of the darkness, and latches onto my left ass cheek with both front paws firmly affixed. First time it happened I damn near landed on the washing machine.

I'm now onto her evil ways.....

12-30-2022, 01:53 PM

12-30-2022, 02:14 PM
Lefty (short for leftovers from the BBQ)
She is nice.

Here is Smokey. She likes the rocker


Rogue is holding the heater vent on the wall


12-30-2022, 05:46 PM
… and when I'm in the most vulnerable position...

Oh… karma…

02-27-2023, 11:57 AM
Well, the stupid cat finally did it. It was howling wind, sideways snow, freezing-ass cold outside two nights ago. Already had a solid foot of snow on the ground. Miserable night.

I went out to get a load of oak to jam in the wood stove before heading up to bed. I always close the door behind me to keep the hard-earned heat in the house. Just as I cracked the door with an arm load, ZOOM! out into the darkness and snow goes the cat between my feet. "Honey! Your cat just got out!" It's swiftly become her cat. We tolerate each other.

Mrs. 2LZ gets up from the couch, grabs a can of food and a spoon, goes outside into the freezing awfulness to get the cat. 45 minutes of calling and tapping on the cat food can with the spoon, nothing.

She comes upstairs. "Get the cat?" I asked. "Nope....little f---er. I hope she survives."
I gave her a reassuring, "She won't."

After all, she's a seven month old, spoiled, indoor house cat, who lives in front of our wood stove. It's sideways snow out there, we live in the mountains, predators hunt on the moonlit snow because movement is easy to see, and besides, it's 22' outside. Not a chance.

Of course, Mrs. 2LZ was sawing logs all night as I was the one laying awake, feeling sorry for the little sucker every time the wind would slam the snow against our bedroom wall.
I got up around 3:00am....went downstairs expecting to find the cat curled up against the door, nope. Back up to bed. Well, it was fun while it lasted, and she did get a couple mice.

The next morning, I looked out from the upstairs bathroom, expecting to see a frozen carcass in the yard. Nothing. Later, Mrs. 2LZ heads out again. A few minutes later, she comes in, drops the cat on the floor and it waltzed off like nothing ever happened. Little bastard....... Apparently tougher than I thought. Really starting to remember why I didn't like cats.