View Full Version : My Aquaponics system.

01-23-2023, 03:24 AM
I recently put together a slideshow on YT regarding my Aquaponics system built during the 'lock down' period.

The pump is a Chinese Jebao DCP-15000 if that kinda makes it

Not trying to grow a YT channel or anything like that...

Just sharing some stuff I've learned and put into practice over the years...

Might make a slideshow of the XL185/CG250 sometime, though that's a lot of photos...


01-23-2023, 12:23 PM
Very interesting. I had to start dealing with aquaponics shortly before I retired. Aquaculturists were were starting to use aquaponics for filtering the "used fish water" (waste water) in their enclosed aquaculture systems. Large aquaponic beds of lily's would filter the used water prior to being recycled back into the system.

01-23-2023, 04:58 PM
I studied Aquaculture/seafood industry early 2000s got a certificate for it, after that Had a job in a pump and irrigation supply and service center so learned a fair bit about pipes and fittings...
Always had an aquarium in the house and took to rod and reel fishing pretty young too.

Seen many IBC systems made on youtube but I felt I could do much to improve the methodology being shown there...

Not saying my system is perfect by any means. Always room for improvement.

That being said some of the perch are getting close to pan size and Ive had some fresh vegetables available just when all the supply chains and prices went nuts...

The system tells me its using 40watts and other than fish feed inputs and once a week maintenance its little effort.

Obviously there's an upfront cost. But fresh fish and vegetables is the payoff in time.

Havn't had my first fish dinner yet but its getting close.

01-23-2023, 10:39 PM
Haven't had my first fish dinner yet but its getting close.
Of course, we'll need pics of that first dinner! :-)

01-06-2024, 04:15 AM
Turned 43 today...

Decided it was time to find out what home grown fish tasted like...

Lemon and ginger jacket baked Silver Perch...

With boiled carrot,and kiphler potatoes...Blanched redsnake beans and snap peas...

saute pepper and swiss chard (capsicum and silverbeet)

All home grown.

Pretty tasty way to cap off a 43rd and aquaponic system success.

You wanted to see the end result...

01-06-2024, 12:37 PM
Knowing Australia is completely different from CA, I ask because prior to my retirement from DFW, one of my many hats was on the front lines of helping to establish aquaponics here. Everyone here was crazy about tilapia. Lilies were the preferred plant for the filtration/recycling of water in a closed system.
....and most importantly, happy birthday!

01-06-2024, 04:16 PM
Tilapia are deemed a noxious pest here in Australia and under biosecurity laws any form of possession dead or alive can be liable for a $200000 AUD fine...

Though from what I understand similar issue with non native cichlids are rampant in part of the USA...Florida mostly...

But yes... if you can use tilapia without breaking the law they do make the self sufficient aquaponic system a relatively easy prospect for the average Joe

That being said Tilapia are very well suited to home IBC style aquaponic systems...

The problem for me is most Austalian native fish a next to impossible to breed and become self supporting...

Which is why I got the Texas Cichlids as they are not on the biosecurity black list here and I am hoping will be viable for domestic self reliant food production in a subtropical climate...

As for the Birthday dinner...It was delicious.