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View Full Version : China Riders Convention?

05-21-2008, 03:58 PM
I was thinking about how wonderful this site is and how everyone is so friendly. (Especially ImEazy!) And I thought that maybe it would be awesome to have some sort of convention each year where we all meet up and ride! Eh? Who's with me?

05-21-2008, 04:50 PM
We have tried to get something like that going before,but so far it has not worked out.Everyone has work or tight budget.Now that we are gettng a lot of new members,maybe we can get something started.Maybe something in a couple of diffrent area's so it would not be so too for someone to drive.

05-21-2008, 05:24 PM
Yep sounds great and I'd love to get together for some fun rides but I/we wont go unless its close enough to us like in michigan, ohio, indiana or pennsylvania.

Ohio is iffy since I suspect the state troopers would be lining the trails much like they do the expressways. :lol:

05-21-2008, 05:25 PM
We've discussed an Arizona ride.

05-21-2008, 05:31 PM
Kalifornia rides have also been kicked around.

05-21-2008, 05:32 PM
Where ever it is I'll bet it would make the news. :D
I'll ride in the back.Can't have too many spare parts. :wink:

05-21-2008, 08:10 PM
I keep waiting for someone to kick around an Atlanta ride. I think Kato works too much. I might have to get his schedule and just follow him to work one day...lol

I'd be willing to ride the the EX into a neighbor state for a meet...if it wouldn't offend anyone.

We should be able to group a Southeast, Northeast, Southwest and Mid-West meet fairly easy...and then let those planning to make the trip decide what's the most neutral location for them.

I guess I am stating the obvious. 8) :lol:

05-21-2008, 08:24 PM
I keep waiting for someone to kick around an Atlanta ride. I think Kato works too much. I might have to get his schedule and just follow him to work one day...l

I guess I am stating the obvious. 8) :lol:

What's a day off?

currently off on Thursday and Fridays, but only if one of my other jobs doesn't call.


05-21-2008, 08:27 PM
I'll travel 100 miles to meet a ChinaRider. 8O
I'll travel 200 miles to meet a group. :D

05-21-2008, 08:55 PM
I'll travel 200 miles to meet a group. :D
We travel that far(one way) just to get to the trails, we ride then turn around and head home. :lol:

I/we would travel to neighboring states to have a fun weekend get together.Of course I'm talking of trailering our stuff and doing the HEAVY driving in the cushy TB then breaking out the bikes when we arrive.

We actually have talked about going to the east coast and dragging our bikes along in the trailer to have something fun to sight see on.
(my wife has never seen an ocean-but we're surrounded by the great lakes- :roll: )

I might even go the ferry route over to wisconsin, that is fun.

05-21-2008, 08:58 PM
A SE get together in North GA or NC would be about as far as I could go.


05-21-2008, 09:26 PM
Where do you live, IronFist.

And I'm in the MidSouth.

05-21-2008, 09:37 PM
He is in the great white north with Red Green.


05-21-2008, 11:52 PM
well what time should i start the bbq IN MY BACK YARD ! huhmmmm

need a moderator, administrator, 8O

how about this someone type up an application form , like joining a club only for lets say a group organization, like a family reunion.

fill it out mail it in (yes email it as well) , to someone that would like to be a cordinator

1st year in charleston sc , just a general idea,
then 2nd yr maybe the midwest (mn) so canada wont have to far to go eh!
3rd yr southern states GA
and so on till eventually we fall off into the pacific ocean and swim our way to china for the mega grand reunion, :?:

05-22-2008, 12:20 AM
WOooOO!!! Minnesota! Rock On! I'm in! (Short Drive from here.... :))


05-22-2008, 12:58 AM
Maybe if we just plan it far enough into the future, we won't have to worry about working or having money. Make sure way before the time comes that you will be able to have the day off, and put back just a little bit of cash each paycheck until the day comes. As for the location, how about we just make it smack dab in the middle of the United States, so it's pretty much fair for everyone? Eh?

The little conventions in different areas would be nice, but one big convention for everyone would be even better.

05-29-2008, 07:03 PM
I just dont see anything like this happening anytime soon since it seems we are few and far between.
Oh sure a few guys/gals here and there could have some get togethers but I doubt we'll see any really big gatherings of chinabike riders that number in the hundreds which is what I'd like to attend.

Northern lower michigan in the fall can be very enjoyable to ride thru as I'm sure many other places are.

We could zip over to canada easily but I dont want to go thru the border crossing hassles.From our house we can be in canada in an hour.

05-29-2008, 07:14 PM
Remember, we are all China Riders. We are too cheap to travel and meet for a group ride! :lol:

05-29-2008, 07:53 PM
I would meet up with fellow texans in the hill Country (Austin/Temple Area)...I bet there a lot of neat places to ride out there...back roads, dirt, gravel, etc...People could meet from Dallas, San Antonio to Houston...it's a good central place for Texas.

Here's a ride out of Austin..
http://www.texasadventure.net/RideReports/A%20Big%20Water%20Crossing%20and%20a%20Busted%20Ha mstring.htm

05-29-2008, 09:53 PM
Remember, we are all China Riders. We are too cheap to travel and meet for a group ride! :lol:

oh that was cold :lol: :lol: but well worth the hit

05-30-2008, 05:42 AM
Hmmm I must not be as cheap as my name implies. :lol:

Maybe we could all get together for a live video internet convention :lol: :lol: :lol:

Anyway it doesnt matter, we drive up north as much as we can to ride the trails and we see a lot of other riders and talk to a few here and there, its a lot of fun.

I would still like to get together in a game of online motoX which would also allow chat like a chat room with the bonus of being able to race around and do stunts.
(I'd be king of the hill :lol: top dog :lol: numero uno :lol: ---yes thats a challenge-LETS GO)
I installed my old copy of microsofts motorcross madness 2 and it is a blast.
I havnt figured out how to install the extra user made stuff like maps and vehicles yet though.
But this would be best in the winter and late night, bad weather times anyway.

05-30-2008, 08:24 AM
i say lets not give up on the idea of putting a chinarider get to gether in motion,

it can be done even with just afew interested bodies,

like mav said plan far ahead for this.

in the mean time start doing short get togethers with the neighboring riders say in a tristate shindig of a thing, then watch it explode .
soon you guy's will be flying your bikes to china for the big finally, that would give me a chance to meet someone i know there, :roll: :roll:

05-30-2008, 12:07 PM
I can plan ahead all I want but if there are no people responding to the area I'm willing to travel to then its a dead idea.
Although we have seriously talked about going to the east coast at some time.(with our bikes in tow)

Out of the almost 1200 members on this site how many are AWOL?
If you look around you have the same people posting and the new guys posting asking questions and most of the other members dont bother.
I would like to know just how many different members use this site on a weekly basis.I know it gets used a lot but its mostly the same people.

If frostbite could ask/email all the members if they would be interested in a china-bike convention/get together/fun ride/swap meet and to reply what area and when it would be good then it might happen.
If frostbite sent an ALL MEMBERS email I'm sure it could happen in a few places around canada and the states but it seems like most members are inactive.

05-30-2008, 12:21 PM
Wouldn't it be cool if we had like a Sturgis for China riders. :D
Instead of riding around the black hills,we could ride in them... :D

05-30-2008, 12:40 PM
Remember the talk of a "chat room" a few months ago. Here it is again (I will leave it up since it doesn't cost me anything extra) so if anyone ever wants to use it.


05-30-2008, 05:41 PM
Thanks for the chat room.
I myself hate just sitting and chatting like that but I play a game, battlefield 1942 and you can chat and play, well its not so much chat as taunting :lol: but it is still fun.

I'd prefer to chat and play a MX or atv game online and if I can find my MX Vs atv unleashed I'll start playing around with that.

About the only way I see for a sizable gathering of china riders (and YES it would be cool) is if someone contacts all the members and lets them know what is planned and then plan it for the most conveinant time for the most people.

A forth of july or labor day weekend might work for a lot of people.(us included)

We would travel all around the great lakes area to go to one as long as there are going to be lots of chinariders there.

I would love to get an up close look at mods others have done.

05-30-2008, 08:10 PM
I'm In, with my new shop plans I could close for a weekend later this year and meet with some of ya... but yes it depends where and how far away.

05-30-2008, 08:29 PM
I'm In, with my new shop plans I could close for a weekend later this year and meet with some of ya... but yes it depends where and how far away.

Perhaps we can all meet at your shop :wink: You can feed us, too :lol:
Actually, our old next door neighbor used to be the head Harley mechanic at the local dealer, and when the owner retired, let him take over the whole operation! They always have open houses, which coincide with one of the runs they do around here. The guy does gangbusters in business on those weekends; however, I don't know how many of us can get to a place, let alone buy stuff! But it could be something for you to kind of look into; at least those members within several hundreds of miles could make it there, and you wouldn't have to close.

05-30-2008, 09:18 PM
Everyone can stay at my house and we can ride to the PREIMIER Walleye fishing lake in the world ...Tobin Lake Sask. Canada
20 lb pickerel anyone?

How about average fish from4-8 lbs...all day long, probably catch some fish in the teens...
Keep the odd 2 pounders for eatin'.

05-30-2008, 10:16 PM
Everyone can stay at my house and we can ride to the PREIMIER Walleye fishing lake in the world ...Tobin Lake Sask. Canada
20 lb pickerel anyone?

How about average fish from4-8 lbs...all day long, probably catch some fish in the teens...
Keep the odd 2 pounders for eatin'.

alright, walleye ,
and i can probly go to loncin.ca manufacturer there and pickup my prepaid order that i have been waiting for , for about 12 days now for them to ship them, sorry i started a self pitty party there.

05-30-2008, 10:25 PM
Desert Dog, you got me thinking; you should host a convention at your store. Coincide that with the Burning Man Festival, and I'll be there, although I will have to remember to get dressed, :lol: :lol:

05-30-2008, 11:23 PM
you will ware clothing ..........rrrriiigghhtt.

05-31-2008, 12:40 AM
Everyone can stay at my house and we can ride to the PREIMIER Walleye fishing lake in the world ...Tobin Lake Sask. Canada
20 lb pickerel anyone?

How about average fish from4-8 lbs...all day long, probably catch some fish in the teens...
Keep the odd 2 pounders for eatin'.

alright, walleye ,
and i can probly go to loncin.ca manufacturer there and pickup my prepaid order that i have been waiting for , for about 12 days now for them to ship them, sorry i started a self pitty party there.

06-02-2008, 11:04 PM
well anybody still not sure of a rally , it's working for these people on there scooters


and i think it would work for you guy's as well

06-03-2008, 08:54 AM
Chinariders burning man? I'll be there!

06-10-2008, 07:25 AM
Any thoughts on a relay sort of thing?

Cross country... Starts in Cali south to Texas and AZ heading east. Riders just join in when they want a ride along as far as they want and bail. Have refreshment and camp or take in trails along the way. YouTube as much as possible. Email daily progress and updates where everybody is. End up crossing thru Maine and into Canada and loop back.

Ha, we could call it the Great Ride Of China or something. :)

Could map out a course or follow all the scenic routes.. :wink:

Guess the objective might be to enable participation of all members and to also meet new China Bikers out there and promote China Biking in general. And Have Fun!! :D


Have a token of some sort to be passed along. Like a yellow jersey with bold Chinese characters and Make t-shirts available and stuff.

Have prizes for the riders that clock the most miles and for the most ragged out bike or something nutty.

06-10-2008, 11:37 AM
"Have a token of some sort to be passed along.?" Elroy
Like I said, you guys set it up I'll go. But it's on a Honda. I think anyone who has bought a chinabike, fixed it, rode it for a season, and then sucessfully sold it, is a chinarider forever. I know it will never happen, but I'm in.

I still, to this day, have never gone riding with anyone. I know riders, but they are already doing their own thing.

06-10-2008, 12:29 PM
"Have a token of some sort to be passed along.?" Elroy
Like I said, you guys set it up I'll go. But it's on a Honda. I think anyone who has bought a chinabike, fixed it, rode it for a season, and then sucessfully sold it, is a chinarider forever. I know it will never happen, but I'm in.

I still, to this day, have never gone riding with anyone. I know riders, but they are already doing their own thing.

How about a throttle cable or an 'auspicous' bar pad? On a serious note, I would consider riding the cali though AZ section of the ride. Perhaps a dog-leg north to catch the Vegas riders then down through AZ?

06-10-2008, 12:30 PM
On another note, I ride with others quite a bit, but have yet to ride with another chinarider other than my son.

07-20-2008, 07:57 PM
Howdy all,
I live in a great state for riding. I know some people at Canaan Valley Resort if anyone is interested in a get-together in 2009. It is a little late for planning this year. The lodging is not too expensive and there is a lot of family-oriented (no pun intended) activties in the area. There are some really great, scenic rides around here. Perhaps we can do a benefit ride (I work with the Juv. Diabetes Research Foundation as my daughter is a Type 1 daibetc). Just tossing some stuff around anyway. If a few people are interested I will make some phone calls and see what sort of package we can put together.

07-20-2008, 08:15 PM
"Have a token of some sort to be passed along.?" Elroy
Like I said, you guys set it up I'll go. But it's on a Honda. I think anyone who has bought a chinabike, fixed it, rode it for a season, and then sucessfully sold it, is a chinarider forever. I know it will never happen, but I'm in.

I still, to this day, have never gone riding with anyone. I know riders, but they are already doing their own thing.

How about a throttle cable or an 'auspicous' bar pad? On a serious note, I would consider riding the cali though AZ section of the ride. Perhaps a dog-leg north to catch the Vegas riders then down through AZ?

How about a #5 decal someone has peeled off. :lol:

08-17-2008, 06:24 AM
I still, to this day, have never gone riding with anyone. I know riders, but they are already doing their own thing.

I ride alone because no one can keep up with me :twisted:

Ride it hard and put it away wet,

06-25-2009, 12:14 PM
ill come over lol
only thing is i'll have to turn the gy into a boat
scotland to america :)
piece of cake lol

06-25-2009, 07:33 PM
Im down with doing a ride, pretty much anywhere in NC just let me know!

07-02-2009, 09:49 AM
"Have a token of some sort to be passed along.?" Elroy
Like I said, you guys set it up I'll go. But it's on a Honda. I think anyone who has bought a chinabike, fixed it, rode it for a season, and then sucessfully sold it, is a chinarider forever. I know it will never happen, but I'm in.

I still, to this day, have never gone riding with anyone. I know riders, but they are already doing their own thing.

How about a throttle cable or an 'auspicous' bar pad? On a serious note, I would consider riding the cali though AZ section of the ride. Perhaps a dog-leg north to catch the Vegas riders then down through AZ?

How about a #5 decal someone has peeled off. :lol:

Ya mean like one of those "Kick Me" stickers they would stick on someone's back in high school??

Seriously, though it could just be a little log book named, "The Long Ride" or something catchy...

08-31-2009, 10:03 PM
This is a great idea, but how would we get there?

03-13-2013, 12:23 AM
I would meet up, i live in miami. id go to an orlando meet