View Full Version : Need Advice

01-24-2024, 03:37 PM
A woman on Fakebook is offering to make me a trade for Bertha. I am so tempted.


Should I do it? I have a place to store the camper. I could potentially rent it. This is the thing I am thinking about. If I keep riding the Hawk like I do now, in 2 or three years she is going to be worth 1/4 what I paid for her. This camper will be worth the same. I don't know what to do. With the savings of using or renting the camper, I could put another bike on layaway, but I just dont know. The woman is willing to bring the trailer to me (she lives about 70 miles away).

01-24-2024, 05:48 PM
Tough call.

Many of those old composite campers have degassing health issues, though if its 1998 it should be asbestos free...

Given the current property/rent societal issues going on, you might find a tenant. But be aware of leasing rights/regulations and ongoing maintenance.

If the outcome is profit and could be put towards a new bike then the trade seems viable at the expense of limited mobility for the mid term...

If you look at the current hawk as a learning experience then I see no harm in the trade as neither items are brand new...

If you have the room, and can do a bit of DIY to spit shine the old camper you might even be able to flip it for a profit later on...

Just comes down to how much do you actually value the hawk..?

01-24-2024, 06:20 PM
Just comes down to how much do you actually value the hawk..?

that's the thing, I have bled real blood for this bike, bruised knuckles, etc. I gotta ruminate on this for a bit.

01-24-2024, 06:24 PM
I use bike bikes far more than we ever used our camper. We sold it.