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02-07-2007, 12:31 PM
I have a LF200GY-5. How do I remove the seat.

02-07-2007, 12:34 PM
On the side near the rear of the seat is a looped piece of "wire", pull back towards the rear of scoot and lift up on the seat.

02-07-2007, 01:41 PM
Man, SWEET! I wish my Roketa seat popped off like that. I am second guessing not buying a Lifan :cry:

02-07-2007, 01:52 PM
It is pretty cool. I wish my Shineray was like that. It only took my wife about an hour to take off the old seat cover and install a new black cover. Much improved (no offense intended to those that like the candy stripe look).

02-07-2007, 03:19 PM
If you want to give me yours so you can, I'll take it.

If you need to go under the seat that much, you probably have bigger problems than the seat.


02-07-2007, 03:23 PM
If you want to give me yours so you can, I'll take it.

If you need to go under the seat that much, you probably have bigger problems than the seat.


I have no problems at all. Remember my need for under seat storage?? I've had several crotch rockets and all of them had a pop off seat and a small storage compartment underneith. I used it all the time. It's attention to detail that makes these China bikes a little sub par. Sounds like Lifan has it figured out a little better then Roketa at this point. Don't take offense bro, we're in this together. Just my opinion, that's all.

02-07-2007, 06:17 PM
I have a back pack that i wear everytime i leave the house on my bikes. It was even a lifesaver in my accident a few years back, more "things" strapped on me was like body armor. It didnt fully wear down thru my jacket because it had to wear thru the backpack first.

The so called trunk in my bike was big enough for my toolkit, a pack of smokes (slightly crushed so that my wallet would fit too) and a plastic baggy with my bike info in it. I had to carry my zippo in my pocket because there was no room left after the smokes and wallet....

Point of my incoherent rambling: Get a backpack.. It does more then just look stupid. 8)

02-08-2007, 10:50 AM
I have no problems at all. Remember my need for under seat storage?? I've had several crotch rockets and all of them had a pop off seat and a small storage compartment underneith. I used it all the time. It's attention to detail that makes these China bikes a little sub par. Sounds like Lifan has it figured out a little better then Roketa at this point. Don't take offense bro, we're in this together. Just my opinion, that's all.

No I was kidding. I was saying that if you wanted to get the Lifan I would be glad to have your Roketa :lol:

Yeah, all my other bikes have had this easy release on the seats with under seat storage. But I never really carried anything in those anyway. All docs I kept in my wallet, but I did have the tool kit under there on some of them but rarely used it.

I think I did read where one fellow went ahead and drilled the side covers so he could easily access the seat bolts. It's something to think about if you have a need to be under there a lot.


02-08-2007, 12:31 PM
Right on! I contemplated drilling the side covers too. Of course you still need a t-wrench and 10 mm socket with you at all times. I wonder if a bolt running straight through both bolt holes would work. Like a quick release type deal with a cotter pin in one end. Pull the pin, slide out the bolt, pop off the seat, good to go. I'll have to investigate further next time I get it in the shop. BTW, I just bought a pod filter on eBay. How did you get to the air screw to turn it out 2 1/2 turns?? Is it a flat screwdriver type screw?? Thanks for the info!


02-08-2007, 03:33 PM
Well you can do it when you put the filter on and adjust the c-clip by removing the carb from the boot and turn it sideways so the bottom is facing you to access the brass screw(flat blade). By the looks of things, both of ours were 1 1/4 to 1 1/2 stock. But it's just as easy to go ahead and bottom out the screw all the way in and then turn it out 2 1/2 turns. Otherwise, you can try to adjust it with a tiny screwdriver like comes in an eye glass kit. Still very aggrevating and will have you using words only fit for a sailor. OR you can make a racheting 90 degree screw driver that will fit under there like Dad did. We were able to adjust his with very little aggrevation and only had to remove the side cover. He said he's thinking about a patent :lol:

Without something like this, I would just go the route of removing the carb from the boot to get to the screw. Cause unless you have tiny hands it will be very difficult even with the little eye glass screw driver.

Anybody else figure out a better way?


02-09-2007, 08:22 AM
Sounds good Jason. I have a set of offset 90 degree screw drivers. They are z shaped with offset flat and philips blades on each end. But, if I gotta do the clip and all, I think I'll just pull the carb off. I wanted to locktight the carb bolts on the manifold anyway. My pod should be here this week, so I'll pull it in the shop and do it up. I'll take pics and post them when it's done. Man, as much fun as I am having on my snowmobile, I am ready for Spring to get some miles on this bike!!!