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View Full Version : New rectifier, free to someone if they know what its for

02-10-2007, 05:05 PM
My battery kept dying all the time, I used the multimeter on it and could not get a reading, so I decided to swap the rectifier out just incase since I amazingly found one in the "spares" box (ordered a bunch of spare parts when I got the bike). Here is something weird, I pull the original one off the bike, compare it to the new one and it only has 4 wires into it. The plug on the bike has 5 and the new rectifier has 5! I think they may have put the wrong one on from factory, grabbed one from the wrong box so to speak. I put the new one on and everything is good for now, Ill see in a few days if the battery dies again. The original rectifier I took off sais "LF0607 KG-4" on the back of it, and like I said is a 4 wire one. If someone knows what it is made for and has that bike they can have it as a spare, it should still be fine...