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View Full Version : After 2 years of dithering, I finally pulled the trigger...

10-27-2008, 01:07 AM
Well, as the subject implies, After diddling around, and researching for 2 years, I have finally pulled the trigger, and ordered myself up a China-Bike.

Yup, I put my deposit in for a 1985 ChangJiang 750 M1S Overhead Valve. Black, with sidecar, and a bunch of other fun little extras.

I figure with the kidlies being as young as they are, (1 and 3) I have a long way to go beofer they can ride the 9 with me, so I kinda thought a side-hack was the Ideal solution...

Now does that qualify for The Enduro, street or ATV forum?


10-27-2008, 06:17 AM
Must see pics 8O

You might have the only side-hacker in North America :!:


10-27-2008, 08:39 AM
Congrat's on the new ride. Looks like a winner. I wouldn't mind
having a sidecar rig. It would be cool to ride with both kids at the
same time.

Here's a link I found via google. They have a nice garage (manual) section
as well.


10-27-2008, 09:20 AM
That's pretty cool.

10-27-2008, 02:16 PM
Wow that looks like it should give you some fun times! I have only seen one bike in real life with a side car and that is a Ural a guy in town has. He uses the side car to transport carpentry tools to and from the job sites.
And a thanks to ImEazy for that very informative link :wink:

10-27-2008, 02:27 PM
Ooops! Yeah, I guess a couple of linkages wouold have helped... Here's a couple:

The Company it has been ordered from:

The definitive source of all things CJ:

As far as I am aware, there's about 150 of the units in the USA, and about 30 to 40 in Canada, running around.

There's quite a history and a bunch of legal finagling involved in importing one, but it's all been done before, so I'm hoping for the best (But prepared for the worst)

All in all I'm really looking forward to it. I got to play with a new Russian Built Ural last year and fell in love with it completely and utterly, but the wife won't let me spend that kinda money. Years ago I got to play with a Ukranian "Dnepr" but it was dog's rectum slow. 75km/h is not an option... :D So, I figured, I like china-built stuff, and I enjoy Russian *cough* technology *Cough!* So Cj should be the perfect match! (I Hope)


10-27-2008, 04:56 PM
Please keep us informed on how it goes....I do like the old school look of the bike and side car.

10-27-2008, 07:26 PM
Come for a cruise/fishin trip to Tobin Lake this next spring Vinnie!

10-27-2008, 09:18 PM
Can it go on the Interstate? :lol:

I saw a craigslist CJ with an asking price of $6000. 8O

10-27-2008, 09:38 PM
Mr. Warrior: I think, if I'm not mistaken, there's one near-abouts you somewhere... Strangely, I've never been to Tobin Lake, I have no idea why. Almost everywhere else in the province, but not there. I should go!

Mr. Dragon: Last time I crossed the border to get to an Interstate I got treated like a criminal *By Canadian Customs when I was coming Home!!!* But I suspect, no. From what I understand marching speed is about 90-95 km/h. (55-60mph) Supposedly a well-tuned well broken in version will do 120 (75) but not for very long.

As it was explained to me, the original design was to haul 3 hairy-anused Russian Gunners, their .50 cal and 100lbs of ammo at column speed, across country. Column speed in WW2 was about 25-30mph if I remember right. I ordered mine with a high-speed (*cough*) rear drive, and higher 4th gear ratio, but really they run out of brakes and suspension pretty badly.

When it comes right down to it, they are 1930's technology, Designed to a price in Russia, Made In China. But with shiny paint. My kind of machine! :D


10-28-2008, 12:15 AM
I want to see this baby in person!
Sounds like it will haul your 20 lb walleye and 30 lb Pike home in style.

05-29-2009, 04:58 PM
Did you ever get it? Been seeing one occasionally on my way to work and remembered this post.

05-29-2009, 08:06 PM
Yes, Yes I did!

It showed up about a month ago, and then it took me another couple of weeks to tweak, and fiddle everything to where I thought it should be.

It's freakin' awesome! Torque like a freight train, and the kidlets love it!

All in all customs and that was easy, really easy.

So far, I've got about 1200kms of the recommended 2000km break in completed, then I can take the restrictors out of the carbs. That being said, even with the restrictors in, it will do 90km/h (55mph) on a calm day. Headwinds know you right down to about 80km/h (50-ish)

All in all, I'm very, very happy with it so far. I did get a crappy U-joint in the driveshaft though, so I'm kinda taking it really, really easy on it until I get a replacement. the company I bought it from was good enough to send me a complete driveshaft, I jsut have to wait for it to come now.

(I'm not good at waiting.)

But yeah, it is definatly Rock-and-Stick technology, but it works surprisingly well. I thought I had some issues with the timing gears, or maybe the alternator, cause I was hearing some, "klunka-klunka" noises at idle. So as I poking around with a stethoscope, trying to get a handle on things, My Russian buddy, Anatoly drops by to have a look at it, and sez, "Why it run so quiet? Usually, engine makes more mechanical noises."

Then I put the stethoscpe away, and went for a nice long ride.

As long as you don't want to steer fast, stop fast, or go fast, they are a dynamite awesome bike, and I would very happily use www.chinasidecar.com again. Other than the minor issue with the driveshaft, everything is exactly what I ordered or better, and the paperwork was pretty much letter-perfect as to what Customs, and Insurance wanted.

(Now somebody put up the Emoticon with "This thread is useless without pics...")

05-29-2009, 09:04 PM

Price total with shipping??

Come on man!!! We are drooling over here!!!

05-29-2009, 10:09 PM
As long as you don't want to steer fast, stop fast, or go fast

Sounds like every I drive.

05-31-2009, 10:16 PM
(Now somebody put up the Emoticon with "This thread is useless without pics...")

I love it when I'm able to actually contribute something meaningful...hehe


06-01-2009, 08:11 AM
They do seem like alot of fun from many different angles.

06-02-2009, 08:28 PM

Price total with shipping??

Come on man!!! We are drooling over here!!!
X2! :D

Spud :)

06-06-2009, 05:15 PM
Out geocaching this morning and I spotted a verry clean Ural with side car in Grapevine. Looks like a front disk brake assembly had been modded on to it.

06-07-2009, 10:03 AM

There it is! :D I'm working on the pics part-- Just bought a new camera this morning, waiting for it to charge up, and re-reading the post on "How to insert pics." Will hopefully have something by this evening...

Total cost, including shipping, customs, taxes, etc Came to about $6500. Bike itself was Not quite $4000.

So far about 1500kms and happy as a clam.

Will try to get pics or at least a linkage up soon...


06-07-2009, 04:42 PM
If you set up an account w/ photobucket, all you have to do is upload the photo there, then copy the bottom code (starts w/ [img] tag) and paste it into your post here. Very simple and easy to do.

Looking forward to the pics! :D