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View Full Version : Spammers ? cabin fever ? fewer china bikes for sale ?

02-08-2009, 07:07 PM
Or is it something else ??

It seems a lot of people here are up in arms over ....whatever and it is a bit dissappointing to see here.

I know there has been an onslaught of spammers and the mods have been working their tails off cleaning it up (excellent job MODS) and I for one have serious cabin fever and long to get outside and have some fun and that makes me irritable.

I havnt seen any real influx of new china bikes around or even a good supply of the current models atleast no where near what we have seen in the past.I know china is hurting bigtime and has suffered massive layoffs as well there.

I guess we all need to just relax a bit and hang in there a while longer it will all get better.I know seeing temps in the upper 40's - low 50's has got me excited.

02-08-2009, 07:18 PM
Well put. :)

02-08-2009, 08:19 PM
It was 68 for the high here today, not to rub it in, but not a cloud in the sky. At 5 am. I got toned out for a house fire, spent about 7 hours putting it out, cleaning up, washing hoses and the fire truck. The rest of the day was spent on the bike! My mind is clear, and I got my chinabike fix for the day. That's me in the red helmet with yellow stripes.


02-08-2009, 08:33 PM
My father-in-law retired from the detroit fire department as a chief.
(he's passed on now)

I work in the water supply business (municipal water) although right now they have me in the garage checking lift stations.(YUCK)

I miss working on fire hydrants and doing new water taps and other repairs.
That could also be a reason I'm so testy lately, that and my wife is looking for work.
But I can start to work on a few projects now and get ready for summer.

02-08-2009, 08:33 PM
Very cool, stay safe out there.

02-08-2009, 10:13 PM
...I know there has been an onslaught of spammers and the mods have been working their tails off cleaning it up (excellent job MODS) and I for one have serious cabin fever and long to get outside and have some fun and that makes me irritable...
I guess we all need to just relax a bit and hang in there a while longer it will all get better.I know seeing temps in the upper 40's - low 50's has got me excited.
Yes, the moderators here do a superb job! I appreciate their work very much. :)

Fortunately, we have had very little snowfall in Southern Idaho this winter, and the daily high temperatures have been slightly above freezing. Therefore, the roads are dry and bare; I went riding my Zongshen the last three days. Truly, few things in life are better than a little "throttle therapy." :D

Spud :)

02-08-2009, 10:33 PM
team cheap
i think most of the lack of bikes is due from some of the following
1. off season china and the distributors know this and are in hold getting new models and getting shipments here
2. chinese new year most of the companys, the ones i have been in contact with, were closed 2 weeks or longer on vacation, remember that when the child-convect-slave labor and harsh working conditions commits come up
3. with the media induced bad economy and low gas prices many distributors are going belly up wholesale style
4. if products are here at the first of the year do they charge tax on inventory,,,,,,,yes but do they pay if its in international water??
for everyone if i offended anyone im sorry

02-09-2009, 07:56 PM
I agree there are many reasons for the lack of bikes.

But the reasons dont change the fact that there is a lack of bikes right now.I just cant find them anywhere near as easy as I used to be able to although they are still out there.

I think the selection/quanity will get better as the whole world economy settles back down and gets back to a more normal economy.

02-09-2009, 08:05 PM
I think the lack of bikes is due to the government clampdown on the importation of cheap Chinese bikes. (just a hunch on my part)

2005-2007 seems to have been the hey-day on CHEAP China Bikes. Now if you find one they are more then $2k (talking about the Dual Sport bikes)

I'd be very surprised if we ever see the new, under $1,000 grey market China D/S bike again.

02-09-2009, 08:29 PM
...2005-2007 seems to have been the hey-day on CHEAP China Bikes. Now if you find one they are more then $2k (talking about the Dual Sport bikes)...
Yes, the price has gone up a bit. However, I recently saw some dual sport chinabikes listed on the internet for $1,200 USD (U.S. Dollars), delivered. I also recently saw the Zongshen Sierra 200GY-2 listed for $1,295 USD, plus delivery costs.

Spud :)

02-09-2009, 08:57 PM
i still have quite a few still in stock my christmas sales were less than hoped for :lol:

02-09-2009, 09:40 PM
I think the bike builders turned call centers.Recieved this awsome insightful and clear e-mail today... :lol:
:roll: :wink:
l lnvlte you to take a few mlnutes to call up my 24 hr lnformatlonllne to hear how you can be slttlng at home returnlng phone calls and seelng up to 1500-3500 from your efforts.


An avocado pit takes a coffee break, and a paycheck goes to sleep; however, the fat briar patch wisely derives perverse satisfaction from another polygon. For example, the turn signal indicates that another insurance agent behind a bullfrog hardly sanitizes a greasy customer. Now and then, some corporation writes a love letter to a mating ritual over the maelstrom.

02-09-2009, 09:55 PM
Cabin Fever,
it tis the season !

I wish it was riding season instead :wink:

My gripe:
is my internet was down for 4 days and is barely working today :cry:

Have a great day!

02-10-2009, 01:01 AM
Regarding spammers.
Can you not switch registration to user activation?
In order to activate their account, they would have to log in via an email sent to their email address.
Just a thought.

02-10-2009, 09:23 AM
I think the manufacturers are hit by the global credit crunch and waiting for the "perfect" moment to introduce product, i.e. the Indianapolis show next week. The proven, low-ish quality GY200 is set to be replaced by higher quality goods, and the Chinese need it to be a smooth transition. Look at what Hi-Bird is set to replace their GY200/250's with!

Qlink has proven itself as one of the first high-quality, high feature bikes released by a Chinese company (price-wise is a little steep, IMO), and more are to follow, or have arrived quietly, such as Pitster-Pro's triple threat in the form of a liquid-cooled, 25hp off-roader, enduro and motard (again, high price).

02-10-2009, 11:46 AM
...2005-2007 seems to have been the hey-day on CHEAP China Bikes. Now if you find one they are more then $2k (talking about the Dual Sport bikes)...
Yes, the price has gone up a bit. However, I recently saw some dual sport chinabikes listed on the internet for $1,200 USD (U.S. Dollars), delivered. I also recently saw the Zongshen Sierra 200GY-2 listed for $1,295 USD, plus delivery costs.
Spud :)

But these bikes are leftover stock from around 2006, they are not new imports.

The importing of China bikes slowed or stopped before the downturn of our economy. All of 2008 was very lean on available China D/S bikes. This is good for those of us who might want to sell our used china bike because the resale value will not go into the toilet.

02-10-2009, 11:51 AM
i still have quite a few still in stock my christmas sales were less than hoped for :lol:

Sorry to hear about the poor sales. My views are not from inside knowledge or anything of that sort. I'm just guessing by what I've been seeing on the internet and so forth, but since you buy and sell you would know better. Are your bikes new imports, or have you had them in stock for a couple years? Do you see any changes in the China bike market in the past year or two?

02-11-2009, 06:10 AM
Ohh man I wish I could nuke those spammers off the net.

02-11-2009, 07:54 AM
Ohh man I wish I could nuke those spammers off the net.

Not just the spammers, but also anyone who follows their links/info or whatever...and further encourages that crap.

It takes two to tango. If the spammers were dancing alone, they'd eventually give up. Of coarse, they'd be quickly replaced by another idiot looking for a shortcut, so there's no winning this battle.

There's one born every minute, as the old saying goes. :(

02-11-2009, 07:55 AM
I just finished deleting about 30 posts.

Frostbite is in process of making some bigger changes.
