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View Full Version : Looking for a distributor for U.S

09-04-2009, 10:10 AM
Saga Canada is looking for a distributor to carry our DOT/Street legal 250cc Enduro. If you are interested in becoming a distributor please leave me your contact information and I will get back to you with all the details.

Thank you for your interest..

Saga Canada

09-13-2009, 09:00 PM
I think you should tell us more so we know if we want to inquire!

09-13-2009, 11:18 PM
Wouldn't the costs associated with dealing with China through Canada just make the final costs too high?

09-14-2009, 07:34 AM
I will send you a pm TRW on the program.

09-14-2009, 09:14 AM

Not at all, in fact we absorb the up front costs in getting started with a manufacturer. There is alot of cost that people don't realize that happens behind the scenes when bringing a product over to N/A and the costs of the DOT,Transport Canada and MIAC accreditation for the NVIS. In being in business for over 4 years and having over 50+ dealers in Canada we are on the rise in distributing a quality bike/scooter at a reasonable price. No other chinese importer has spent the time or money in getting there brand of Dual Sport DOT approved. Konker followed with there 200 motard bike...Lifan doesn't,ZStar doesn't Daymak doesn't even Pitster Pro's 250 doesn't......they are all registered as "Offroad" because they know they wouldn't pass the testing.

Jim...there is a huge concern in the US in regard to parts. Most importers only carry the 1% that they are given when they order there containers..not one dime is spent in parts. We have over $500,000 in parts in our warehouse ready to be shipped to our dealer at any time. We provided a schematic of the parts on our website so you can have a visual of what you want....thats takes time and money to do which we have invested to make sure our dealers have what they need.

Our purpose to go into the US market is to have a chinese product that dealers and customers can be recognized as a leader in this industry and to have dealers to have confidence in knowing that we are there after the sale.

We have been in Cycle Canada and Scooter magazines and we will be in the Blue Book in 2010. We have been to every major bike show in Canada and are scheduled to be in Vancouver,Edmonton,Calgary,Toronto,Montreal and Moncton this year.

Everyone tries to knock the shit out of us but be are still here and growing with new products(Testing a new 400cc Enduro).

Sorry for the lengthy response...

Saga Canada

09-14-2009, 10:34 PM
Everyone tries to knock the sh-- out of us but be are still here and growing with new products(Testing a new 400cc Enduro).

That wasn't my intention... What I mean is, you went through a lot of financial stuff to have these bikes properly street legal in Canada... The USA has different regulations, if they get their bikes from you, they have to be imported into Canada and then into the USA where they need EPA and other certifications... Or were you talking about getting a partner company (Saga USA) to deal direct with China, as an affiliate of Saga Canada?

09-15-2009, 08:54 AM

My comment was not directed to you so I appoligize if I sounded like it was..Basically what we are trying to do is to find a master distributor to look after our distribution for us. In fact, Canada has stronger regulations than the U.S that is why we are confident and are willing to put our testing on the table. California would be the only state that we would have an issue with due to the carburation issue. We are willing to work with distributors in each state to fine tune what we need to put the product on the road. Our manufacturers has been getting several calls a month from people wanting to distribute there product in the US but they do not have the clearence to do so and the potential US customers do not want to pay for the clearance....we do.

As well, the product would be shipped direct from China to the distributor. The company that does the Customs clearance is associated with a company in the US to clear it.

At the end of the day the distributor and customers would be getting a proven product with parts,technical and sales support.

09-15-2009, 11:29 PM
Sounds like a good plan, do you have any idea of the msrp out the door in the USA? I know you've likely seen my comments on the cost of your bikes being high in my opinion, but I also understand why they are, all of the certifications... I just have seen typically the US prices on Chinese bikes are typically lower (significantly in many cases, not as much of a difference anymore, but still less), and they don't usually like to see higher prices for the Chinese bikes, from my experience.

09-16-2009, 09:08 PM
well i guess these guys would look me up beat me to death as much complaining as i have done with other distributors. you might want to read my past posts. but if your fishing, im looking, see if you can make me bite, but be warned before you set the hook im just a little fish..but i fight hard :lol:
btw you do fish up north right?

09-17-2009, 08:10 AM

I wouldn't call it bashing....maybe expressing concern!!

Like I stated earlier, we are willing to help out but we are finding it difficult to find what the regulations are for each state. We talked to a dealer in Texas and he said that we would need a permit to sell our product to someone in Texas....No problem. I searched the internet,made phone call to the state office and talked to someone in DOT and I still couldn't get the info I needed.

What is needed in VA Phil? What regulations does one need to make it a street legal/registered street legal bike?

If you can help me out, that would be great.

Saga Canada

09-17-2009, 12:25 PM
texas and va are two of the tuffer states but its basicly the same the state checks if you have insurance and a bond, gets their cut, $50 or 100 im not sure, and ta-da your a distributor its easier than being a dealer

09-17-2009, 12:47 PM
Not sure if it is the info your looking for or not. Some of the info might help though.


Found it a few weeks ago looking for something else.

09-17-2009, 04:08 PM
Thanks guys...

I will look into for sure and let you know how I make out.

Saga Canada

09-17-2009, 09:44 PM
if you need help in Va give me a call, just tell Pam you from the chinariders forum and she will put you through (telemarketers dont make it) i have the #'s and names you need 276-328-3012

09-17-2009, 10:41 PM
I don't like political correctness, so I will blunt and to the point. Are you looking for a single distributor for the entire US.

Can you tell us a little about pricing for this 250, like retail price and if you would give us an idea on what they cost the dealer. If the dealer can't get these bikes for $1000, you are not going to be able to compete unless you can convince us that your overall product and warranty is worth the money. Can you tell us about the quality of the warranty, we don't see much warranty labor in the US, we also don't see much shipping on repair or parts.

The China Riders are a group who looks at the up front price.

09-18-2009, 01:29 AM
Well put, in Canada, the msrp is set at $3299 I believe, but they had them "on sale" for around $1600 I think it was, and I assume they aren't sold at a loss even then, so I don't know what a dealer cost would be... I am sure that isn't something they want to publicly disclose though.

09-18-2009, 03:33 PM

Are you a dealer? or someone who is curious about the whole Manufacturing/importer/dealer business. If you are a dealer, I already sent you the high level info of the program and if your really serious then we can talk via phone. Since you are not a dealer because of the fact that you want to know dealer costs on a public forum leaves me to believe that it would open up a can of worms that would damage the industry...

Please respect the dealers on here that would like to keep private of there cost on the product as it would greatly effect there margins if everybody went into there shops knowing what the dealer cost is and start lowballing....

We are looking for 4 distributors preferably but again we are looking at all options.

As far as Jim's response....we had a 3 day sale to move product so we wouldnt have to when we move into our new facility. As far as the $3299 retail to start, we admit it was a tad high but we were basing it on Konkers 200M motard being at 2999.00. Our revised retail is $2499.00 with a 1 yr Parts and labour warranty and you can get an extended warranty for the second year for $190.00. You have to remeber that we buy in US funds so you need to factor in that as well...

As far as warranty, we have a company who will do our warranty for us and they are very very good in responding to any issues we have had.

If dealers are interested we can talk via phone to discuss the opportunity.


Saga Canada

09-18-2009, 09:55 PM
Sorry if my posts sound negative, just trying to be upfront with my OPINION. Your new price sounds really good, when comparing to what the Lifan's were MSRP, very comparable, a little better then what I had found at the dealers.

Where is your guys new location, Holeshot's old store? Last time I went by your sign was still up on Mufford, have you completely moved or do you have both locations?

09-19-2009, 07:59 AM

It's not negative, it was inquiring about the sale and opinions are always welcomed!!..

Our new location is
#210-20579 Langley By-Pass

I may be wrong...but I think we have a demo for people to test ride. If I am wrong I do appologize. Stop by and let me know what you think!

There doesn't seem to be too many importers on here to discuss there products...I could be wrong about that as well. I would love to here from any other importers out there.

09-20-2009, 12:22 AM
I appreciate the offer, but I'm not in the market to buy a bike, so I'd hate to put mile(s) on a bike someone else may be looking at buying. They do look like good bikes though, and I don't have doubts about your service and support either :) I would be comfortable buying a bike from you guys (if I was in the market for one).

There isn't a whole lot of importers on here, there are a few dealers. We do have Shawn from American Lifan on here, but he rarely visits (only if a topic requires their attention such as a customer service issue). I haven't seen a whole lot of other importers on any of the Chinese bike forums.

09-20-2009, 05:17 PM
after some time for reflection i have a question, are you looking for a distributor? or a dealer? the reason i ask is shouldnt a distributor be responsible for gathering all the state paperwork. or maybe your just looking dealer to resale the product throughout the states, or possibly you searching for a employee to manage the resale here? I am just trying to get a the right idea on whats going on, as i am easily confused :?

09-20-2009, 07:46 PM
Sorry Phil,

I didn't mean to confuse you..lol and to be honest...I'm confused too!

To make it simple(now that I have had time to think about it), we think it would be easier to have a distributor in each state to look after the dealers in that state. At first, we were looking for 4 distributors but since each state has there own distribution laws we think it would be easier on a state to state basis if at all possible.

BUT.........if there are dealers looking to or wanting to sell our products please let me know and we will do our best to get you up and running.

09-20-2009, 08:01 PM
im intrested but i would like to see all of what you sell and i would like to know details, prices, who the manufacturer is, i can forsee a few problems with state by state distributor, mainly infringment such as my case would be as i am 10 miles from ky and 40 from tn. but what do i know at any rate give me a call lets see if we can work something out, who knows maybe a major change would do me good. like i said it may be time for me to quit complaining and start doing something about it :wink:

09-22-2009, 11:59 AM
Below is from a new dealer in Fort Mac. He has only had the product less than a month...

Saga Canada

"Love the locks. Send some please.

Also I had a crazy Day. Sold a total of 8 Bikes today. 6 of them are Saga’s and 3 Saga’s on Saturday. Now I have only scooters left………

Helmets. Fill the boxes up with as many Helmets as you want. Especially also Scooter Helmets. I can sell them all eventually.

Man this was a crazy Day"


09-23-2009, 11:18 AM
Fort Mac isn't the real world. There are dozens of tar sands workers with cubic dollars and nothing to spend it on. :lol:

Too bad the rest of the country isn't in the same shape.

09-23-2009, 11:22 AM
Fort Mac isn't the real world. There are dozens of tar sands workers with cubic dollars and nothing to spend it on. :lol:

Too bad the rest of the country isn't in the same shape.

Ha!...Good point...

09-28-2009, 12:47 AM
Saga, I sent you a private message.

09-28-2009, 01:09 AM
Semi-thread hijack:

I popped into 3-D in Abbotsford on Saturday, and they've become a Saga dealer. I'm looking forward to seeing the products close up.

09-28-2009, 01:15 AM
Oh they have? The had none in yet I guess? I know they had Lifan in the past, and I heard from Konker in Langley that 3d was carrying their bikes, any sign of that? The KSM200 is pretty nice too.

Saga, do you guys have service manuals for your bikes? I know Loncin does, but other then that I haven't seen any around.

09-28-2009, 12:09 PM
Oh they have? The had none in yet I guess? I know they had Lifan in the past, and I heard from Konker in Langley that 3d was carrying their bikes, any sign of that? The KSM200 is pretty nice too.

I didn't go through the showroom, I was in a bit of a rush. TurboT and I were planning a ride on Sunday, and my bike was still in pieces on Saturday. All I saw at 3-D was a pamphlet that introduced Saga as a new product line to them. Darwin said that they have until December 2010 to sell off the remaining Hondas. After that, Honda will take back any remaining stock. Also didn't see any Konkers, but again, I wasn't looking.

09-28-2009, 09:47 PM
Maybe a good time for a screaming deal on a Honda :P

09-28-2009, 09:51 PM
That's if you can hold your nose and ride one of those things. :P

09-28-2009, 10:14 PM
That's if you can hold your nose and ride one of those things. :P


09-28-2009, 10:33 PM
Maybe a good time for a screaming deal on a Honda :P

My Honda dealer just went out of business and locked the doors. Almost with my Gold Wing inside there.

It was run like $hit. Most local motorcyclists are hoping it will get bought out by a better dealer.

The also sold HD, Buell, Aprillia, Kawasaki, Can AM, and Suzuki.

Now they sell $hit.

01-15-2010, 08:29 PM
Hey, was this guy just blowing smoke!