View Full Version : Stopping to *think*

10-14-2009, 05:06 PM
I have the idea in my head I would like to buy a snow blower for use around my house. Up until now I have done the shoveling, and the PITA value has become about equal, shovel vs. get out and start up a snow blower.

The site sponsor is offering a 27" 11.5hp Chinese snow blower. It would seem it would take about $550 + $55 (auction fee) + $265 (shipping) + 14% (Group S?? Tax), or $990.

I can waltz down the street and buy a Yardworks 26" 10hp for $1099 + $154 (GST), or $1253.

A money difference of $263.

For $263 I get a warranty worth something, a supply of parts locally (not at the end of a 2 week wait), immediate ownership, and a kick back of 5% ($55 Canadian Tire). So, really the difference is $208.

No competition.

10-14-2009, 06:18 PM
OK, edited mine out! :wink:

10-14-2009, 08:13 PM
Both routes involve "family issues", the trouble with that is:

1) In Canada we never got "asked" first.
2) The Conservatives are notorious for being stingy with their lubrication products.

10-14-2009, 08:44 PM
This is a family-friendly forum.