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View Full Version : Sweet electric Bike

11-05-2009, 10:38 PM

LINK (http://www.engadget.com/2009/11/05/mavizens-electric-bike-hits-130-mph-ships-with-linux-and-wifi/)

130mph and it has linux onboard with wifi !

Cool bike but a bit steep on the price $$$$$

11-05-2009, 10:44 PM
There ought to be a law, in the Constitution, against electric bikes. What's next, electric Vettes? Might as well all get neutered and call it a day.

11-06-2009, 12:34 AM
There ought to be a law, in the Constitution, against electric bikes. What's next, electric Vettes? Might as well all get neutered and call it a day.


The future generation is sold on EV's :roll:

11-06-2009, 01:01 PM
If they can find a better way to store electrical energy, I'm sold too.

11-06-2009, 02:41 PM
Of the top 50 air polluters, 46 of them were coal-burning power plants.


Electric does NOT equal "green".

11-09-2009, 11:44 PM
If that bike has a Continous Varible Transmission, I bet that bike is quick from 1-130mph, athough I'd be curious how much it weighs. Electric motors are awesome and produce a tremendous amount of torque, hence the reason they use them in trains. The bad thing is you still have to get the energy from somewhere and right now carbon based fuels are the cheapest.

11-10-2009, 04:41 AM
They'll make the battery breakthru needed just like they did with making LED's bright white which is going to change our energy use greatly in the future.

An electric motorcycle would be very stealthy :lol:.

I'd drive an electric car to work and around town since I only drive about 13 miles a day to/from work but I dont want to HAVE to plug it in every single friggin night.I also wont spend 40K+ to buy one, more like 12-14k max.
There was talk about super capacitors a while back that can be rapidly charged but then slowly discharged which would allow the greedy ones to make fast fueling stations for electric vehicles possible.I'm not sure how close these are to actually working though.

I think one of the biggest holdbacks is the greed is so strong in people and they just havnt figured out how to give us an electric car or fuel-cell car without having us stop and fuel up at THEIR fueling station.

Besides right now our power grid can not support the extensive added load of electric vehicles.

11-10-2009, 08:01 AM
They'll make the battery breakthru needed just like they did with making LED's bright white which is going to change our energy use greatly in the future.

An electric motorcycle would be very stealthy :lol:.

I'd drive an electric car to work and around town since I only drive about 13 miles a day to/from work but I dont want to HAVE to plug it in every single friggin night.I also wont spend 40K+ to buy one, more like 12-14k max.
Right there with you. I ride 26 miles round trip and will do electric eventually (planning on one of the "home-grown" conversions).

There was talk about super capacitors a while back that can be rapidly charged but then slowly discharged which would allow the greedy ones to make fast fueling stations for electric vehicles possible.I'm not sure how close these are to actually working though.

I think one of the biggest holdbacks is the greed is so strong in people and they just havnt figured out how to give us an electric car or fuel-cell car without having us stop and fuel up at THEIR fueling station.
Agreed, so, so much. One of 2 things will have to happen here in the good 'ol USofA.
1: Somebody will figure out how to make a buck charging the power supply, whatever it turns out to be.
2: The "guvmint" will take over the oil reserves for "strategic" use and we'll have to scramble to find a replacement. We won't mind paying out the nose then, heck we don't do anything other than complain over gasoline prices :wink:

Besides right now our power grid can not support the extensive added load of electric vehicles.
I recently saw a program on the power grid and some of the information was alarming (especially the part where the wires droop as more current is pulled 8O ). Electricity, like gas, is so engrained into our culture, we don't think about what goes on to get it to us (or what it can do when things go "boing").

11-10-2009, 09:34 AM
The ranger would make a good EV candidate in the future. Right now I would probably have to recharge during the day at work to make it back home at night will current (affordable) technology.

45 mile round trip plus extra errands usually puts me in about the 45-60 mile per day range.

I would use an electric car, but not going to pay 40K for one like TC.