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frostbite 01-08-2007 08:36 PM

Usage Guidelines
Since this particular forum has the potential to get out of hand, a few guidelines:

- Be civil. If you're cheesed because you've been treated poorly by a vendor keep the language and rage to a G rating.

- Don't post here if you're still trying to work out an issue with a vendor. They visit this site to and they're less likely to be helpful if you've just dragged their name through the mud.

- You can't keep everyone happy. Just about every vendor has a customer they can't satisfy. There are also 2 sides to every story. Subsequently something negative will eventually come up about any dealer, so take posts you may see here with a grain of salt. That being said, if the same vendor's are getting bad reviews/complaints again and again......well, you be the judge.

- is not responsible for the opinions expressed. If you're a dealer and you don't like something you see here take it up with the poster. We will not edit posts for content unless offensive language is used or the post is off-topic.

Have fun!

culcune 01-08-2007 09:48 PM

Excellent idea, Frostbite! There have been some dealers who have served some customers well, while other customers got shorted (by the same dealer) so I think that we should be able to keep the criticisms constructive if the problems are few and far between (as opposed to a literal Ebay thief which we thankfully haven't heard about from chinariders members). In other words, think before you post!

Case in point, some buyers had no problems getting MSO's from dealers (or their state was pretty liberal in registering the bike for the street) while other buyers from stricter states had a more difficult time registering their bike for the street (and bought from the same dealer)

Perhaps, another section is in order if it doesn't complicate things too much--U.S. state by state experiences, Canadian state by state/province by province experiences, European (country by country), and, well you get the picture...

Numpty 02-25-2010 11:38 AM

Well here in Oz
In Australia the States and Territories pretty much follow the Fedral rules as far as intial compliance goes. Later down the track the standards vary somewhat.
Some states you can re-register a bucket of rust with 4 wheels on it, but new vehicles must meet the Federal standard.

katoranger 02-25-2010 11:43 AM

Re: Well here in Oz

Originally Posted by Numpty
Some states you can re-register a bucket of rust with 4 wheels on it,.

You just described about half of my past vehicles. :lol:

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