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PorterzCustomz 04-03-2008 07:01 PM

ATV Discounter SCAM Part 2
Typical experience with ATV Deceivers is as follows..

They send you the wrong bike, (a cheaper older model) then keep their fingers crossed that you will either not know the difference or just deal with it and hide out with your money in their pocket + the added bonus of a few hundred extra you sent for the newer bike you don't get, so they basically make double profit.

Their main tactics involve completely ignoring emails and shutting off the phones, leaving only the main "buy a bike" number open and when you call that number they say you have to call the other number that never picks up. You end up leaving many nasty emails messages exc they are all ignored hoping you will go away. They have 31 complaints with the BBB and many angry customers.. here are just a few...

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Then after you go thru all that you finally figure out whats really going on and you take serious action. In my case filed a complaint with ebay and my credit card company.

Once they see your getting serious they then switch to new tactics. They actually threaten you that they will take legal action against you for giving them a bad name. They also start responding to your emails and tell you that there email and phones must have been broken or you must have never called because they did not get the message.

After they play that game they start a new one. They tell you they will arrange pickup of the wrong bike and will send you out a new one or refund you AS SOON as your bike gets on their truck. After it gets on the truck they stop responding again and then send ebay and your credit card company the tracking number for the original bike and tell them you must be crazy..

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She called me this morning and told me to get the bike ready to ship out tomorrow because shes going to refund the money. Shortly after the phone call I email her the details of what we talked about and asked her to confirm it so I would have it in writing. As soon as I send that email she then stops responding again and shuts off the phone.. I try all day long to get in touch with her with no luck. Later on that afternoon I get a truck driver at my door asking for the bike. I was not home yet and my friends knew what was going on and told him its not suppose to be picked up untill tomorrow. I purposely emailed her this morning right after the call to get the agreement in writing before the next day when he was suppose to pick up the bike so I was not out my bike and my money.

Looks like that was the her plan after all.. I still have the bike.. she is hiding again... H E L P!!

katoranger 04-03-2008 07:05 PM

FYI, Frostbite moved your other thread to the Dealer Discussion area since it didn't relate to the actual bike, but the dealer.

He will probably move this one too.

Thanks for all the links. The number of hits that your other thread had will sure help others.


PorterzCustomz 04-03-2008 07:14 PM

oh did it get moved? I was not aware..


And tell her that their antics WILL NOT BE TOLERATED BY THE COMMUNITY!!
Please tell her that we will all continue to spread the word on her operation until they clean up their act!! We can start to put them out of business.. If they do not treat their customers right then they will loose them!! Let her know shes is not "the number 1 lifan dealer on the internet" like she thinks she is!!

ejcycles 04-04-2008 09:26 AM


Post all of their e~mail addresses in the prior post. I have followed this from the beginning, just kept my mouth shut. Evreryone here knows that I'm against Drop-Shipping because of crud like this and everything else that goes with it.

I'm In!!!!!!

red2003 04-04-2008 12:56 PM

I just sent them this e-mail.


I have been following a heated discussion on a prominent China Bike forum that your company, ATV Discounters, has apparently pulled a bait and switch, and are not satisfying the customer as your eBay adds proudly proclaim. If this is indeed the case, I feel it is blatant fraud on your part and I encourage you to send him the correct bike as advertised. The China bike community is a close-knit group, and word of mouth spreads quickly among us. We encourage new riders to go to established dealers that are TRUSTWORTHY and also encourage them to shy away from scammers. Be aware, we are watching this play out closely.

mrhyak 04-04-2008 01:03 PM

If you really don't want the bike and they sent a driver out to pick it up, you should have let them have it. Since you refused them from picking the bike up then they now can say they attempted to fix the situation and the buyer would not allow us to get the bike.

As long as you have the bike in your possession you will have a tough time getting anything done. I understand the seller history, but they did say they would resolve the problem and it appears they made an attempt. If you put roadblocks in the way of them following through then it makes you out to be the one hard to deal with....

No company I know of would give a full refund before getting their merchandise back.

A few weeks ago I purchased a motorcycle part for my Kawasaki 3-wheeler, was said to be in good working condition, etc. When it arrived it was not usable, obviously never tested so I assumed (looking at prior feedback) I was screwed. THey would never respond to my emails so I finally put in a claim with paypal and boom, instant response from seller (what do you know?). They asked me to send the part back and would refund...I trusted them even though I figured I'd get screwed some way but they ended up giving me a full refund and even included their overpriced shipping charge.

Sometimes things do work out if you give it a chance...


AZ200cc 04-04-2008 01:22 PM

Yah should have let them take the bike

red2003 04-04-2008 02:14 PM

I don't blame him for not letting the bike go before he had the return policy in writing. It sounds like they are refusing to communicate with him, and that just sounds shady to me. If he loses the bike then he has NO leverage with them. At this point I think he's trying to protect himself, and rightfuly so.

pacman 04-04-2008 02:41 PM

I would not let them pick up the bike if I did'nt have anything in writing. They could easily scam you again and just keep the bike and the money. You can't prove anything.

Hope it all works out for you!

AZ200cc 04-04-2008 03:59 PM

I just thought that if the bike as in transit he would have better leverage with the CC company on forcing a refund, The truck driver would have to give him a packslip before he could take it anyways. But than again I have never had to deal with anything like this so I am kinda talking outta my butt :lol:

TeamCheap 04-04-2008 04:25 PM

It always amazes me how the ones pulling the shady stuff are so very very keen on how to protect themselves.

The BIG ATV-deceivers claim, what was it, a million in sales or a million units sold, or whatever but are afraid of one little bike being out of their sticky little paws as if they are the ones getting screwed over.Now I'm sure there are people that try to screw over business's but the facts are the facts and the facts are they tryed the old bait and switch, got caught and just need to make it right so it ends well for everyone.

I wouldnt send the wrong bike back first since they have less than zero credibility they need to make it good first.Porterz tryed it their way and they gladly took his money and then sent the wrong bike but worse than that they try to dodge him s oyou know right there they knew what was up so nope they need to step up and make it right.

It seems they trust their customers about as much as they can be trusted.

theENIGMATIC 04-04-2008 05:32 PM

Yeah.Im sure the driver would of had Port sign the release of the bike???
Who knows man you prob should have let him take the bike...
Im sure they would have refunded or sent the GY-5 whatever they promised, they are not going to paticipate in criminal activity Im assuming.....if they have bikes to sell they probably just want to do that!!

04-04-2008 06:08 PM

maybe they got in over their heads and don't have the staff or resources to keep up with a lot of orders or shipping problems. There is always the possibility that this situation was not intentional on their part.

mrhyak 04-04-2008 06:14 PM

If/when you do send the bike back make sure you document the condition with photo's! You don't want them coming back saying the bike is missing parts, or was thrashed, whatever. Get a pic of the delivery guy loading it and leaving, etc....

Jim 04-04-2008 06:27 PM

The bike was damaged when he got it though...

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