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CSCDude 12-29-2018 09:14 AM

A Ride To San Quintin
Retired life, Baja, hopping on a TT250 and riding 450 miles for doesn't get much better than this.

culcune 12-29-2018 11:03 AM

Thanks for the read! Makes me want to retire and try some rides out, but the only difference is if I retired now, I would be homeless somewhere riding my TGB 150 Delivery scooter (assuming it hasn't been stolen or broken down) to the soup I have to keep working!

roundhouse 12-29-2018 11:21 AM

Looks like something I would love doing. Like culcune I still have 9 years to go before i can call it quite. I can barely get 60 miles down on my hawk I cannot imagine 400 plus.

Azhule 12-29-2018 11:36 AM

According to the Dr.'s I should have already been collecting retirement checks for several years :lmao: latest x-rays and fancy scans show my bones, muscles, and joints look like someone pushing 90 :crazy: problem is I'm barely into my 30's and do "DDP Yoga" every day

Good thing "YOLO!" is just a saying :hehe: maybe in the next life my body will hold up better to the abuse I put it through

Thanks for another good read CSCDude

CSCDude 12-29-2018 06:24 PM

Thanks for the comments, guys.

John is keeping his TT250 in Bahia de Los Angeles (that's in Baja) and his RX3 in the US. I may do the same, as John said I could park my TT250 at his place.

Yeah, being retired is a good thing. I'm sure enjoying it. Just got back from a run up to northern California and the PCH. I've been traveling almost nonstop since I retired.

Lots of good stories on the ExNotes site, including the CSC 150 Cabo Run, the recent Janus Baja ride, and more (see the Baja page). I'm posting a series on the 2005 Three Flags Classic rally now, and I may ride that event again in 2019.

If you sign up for auto email updates for new blog entries by the end of this month (just a few days away), you're in a drawing for one of the moto adventure books. The widget to sign up is on the ExNotes blog.

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