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SeerAtlas 04-21-2016 05:26 PM

Thoughts of a tired old man..
Let me apologize in advance for the following stream of consciousness ramblings offered by someone who has frankly "been a few places, and seen a few things."

The following is primarily directed towards our younger board members, and I hope that at least one of you will find it worth some consideration.

A very wise philosopher/scientist type once told me, and the world, that human existence is much like the life of a seven second fly. Think for a moment on what any single fly could possibly learn in seven seconds of life, similarly, think of what knowledge any single human could possibly accumulate over a seven second lifespan(effective scaling vs age of universe). Well, not much:) BUT, what if each seven second generation found a way to pass forward what knowledge it had accumulated? and so on and so forth. Hint, well, they/we did,its called History.

There is a reason that village/tribal/community elders were once valued and respected as repositories of wisdom by the ancients and those before. In the present day, not so much.

Well we now sit on the threshold of a sea change in this world, where ,more than ever before in my lifetime, the sense of a human community, is on the verge of destruction. The societal imperative "we" has become "me".

Sure, like always, there'exist no small number of societal issues to divide us, but i believe imho, that there is a species wide danger fast approaching.

As a sailor, or a pilot, will tell you, the health of the boat/plane comes first! Everything else, second, and for a damned good reason.

Well our societal "plane/ship" is currently losing altitude/taking on water...primarily because (imho) of Major in-fighting over relatively minor societal issues while ignoring the BIG issues presented by the "big" picture.

You know it seems like all sides now seem to revere the former president Reagan, but let me tell you, at the time, the press, the left, his opponents on the right, the european "elite" as they referred to themselves, the media etc., did everything they could to first: prevent him from becoming governor ("he's an actor, not a professional politician"),then deprive him of the nomination (the proverbial smoke filled room), then the presidency, and finally, they almost uniformly opposed nearly every thing he ever tried to do. Many of the same people who you now see routinely praising his memory and presidency were at the time, his most vicious and underhanded attackers!

But he was a strong alpha male with a strong alpha wife/ "teammate" whom together -against all odds, took on a world at the very precipice of self destruction-at perhaps its most critical time, and, without firing the proverbial single shot, to a large extent , won. How? he had a LOT of help and, he was a helluva man.

Most likely history will record that his greatest single achievement was the seemingly single handed orchestration of the downfall of the old soviet union, but I will tell you he, and his advisers (and some key adversaries-Tip Oneil for one) were playing out a game plan instigated years before by one of the most unjustly vilified presidents in our history, Richard Nixon, without who's masterful international manipulations, nuclear devastation really might have consumed us all. Still, it was the "gipper" who carried the ball across the goal line.

Now, I ask you to define for yourself, just what constitutes a great leader? In business, the entertainment field, politics, in anything really.

Now, I will tell you in advance that in my "seven seconds" of existence, I have had no small amount of personal experience with people who can be called "leaders" in all of these fields and others, including those persons named above, as well as many, many others. It turns out, (imho), that key similarities exist between them all.

1. No one Ever got EVERYTHING "right", i.e they are/were all human, mistakes were made
2. but, and Perhaps the most important trait;
Each (man or woman) had the courage and self esteem to surround themselves with persons who may have been brighter, better educated,had more expertise and/or more experience in a given field or more knowledge on a given issue; each Leader" also had
a genuine ability and willingness to Listen to and genuinely consider his/her advisors' counsel, and could
ultimately make their own final decision then direct the formulation and execution of a coordinated strategy or action to resolve same.
3. At the highest levels, this process is exceptionally-both psychologically and physically destructive to those leaders without a firm personal philosophical foundation, whether based in one's religion, code of ethics, or those with minimal levels of the seemingly inherent alpha (male or female) characteristic values (protection/nurturing of family, societal group, children etc., even to the risk of their own lives and well being).

I have said many times that I believe that nothing truly happens now for the "first time". Humanity has already "done it all".

I look at our world today and marvel that we now approach almost the identical precipice faced during the worst of the cold war and To some degree the similarities are incredibly disturbing. The corruption of the Johnson's and their administration comes to mind. The election shenanigans they pulled in Texas , and those by the Kennedy's in West Virginia. and Mass.
The actions of the Castro's, the resurgence of the Soviets under Putin after the short lived try for a republic by Yeltsin, Ghorby, et al., (look up Kerensky}, the gross inaction and anti-comon sense actions/inactions of some of the europeans, the rising tensions between the russians and an southeast asia expansionist china (hear about the giant nuke test?) That goofball in North Korea? The military build up in India? Islam's struggle against the west ("Convert" or Die!- read the book!!!) and how about our President's incredibly dangerous and expensive, rapprochement w Iran. I can go on and on. Frankly, I wish u 'new' guys a lot of luck.

sooo, my final question, will we put some thought and attention into this election? or demand more and more "gimmee, gimmee, gimee" right up to the tipping point loss of the still hanging by a thread,relatively free world.

Imho, its time we as a country, get serious bout putting aside some of this hype and vitriol over abortion, changing the faces on our currency, "whose" lives matter, and the insane actions seeking to preserve, at apparently ANY cost, this Pres's "Legacy", I mean , C'mon...

(well I don't remember anyone teaching Legacy preservation at Harvard (btw be skeptical about trusting Any of those, er "us" guys,:( }

So , finally, who? am I looking at?

lets start by considering somebody who has faced and withstood the most focused, most heavily financed, most vitriolic, incessant, underhanded, and in many instances outright fraudulent attacks (look at what HE said, NOT what They say he said,)- attacks by pretty much everyone; and yet who nonetheless has defeated not one, not two, of what? 17 declared professional adversaries(-1 for Dr. Carson-who now supports him) on his First try? as a rookie? and with all of them ganging up?

who has uncannily had the foresight and plain guts to foresee and publicly identify and address consequential issues and events which for the last 50 years or so, have been hidden, kicked down the road, or otherwise ignored and are now posing a real threat !
Say what they will about "can't win". He's done nothing but prove all of his detractors wrong, again and again and again.

I look at his family, he's done well, hell I wonder if someday his daughter isn't going to turn out "more alpha"- in a good way, than he is. lol. and, finally the clincher for me.

Having been to pretty much all of the beautiful and "best" places on our world, as well as a great many of the most ugly and worst ones, one thing hits me most about this often criticized "heartless" and "uncaring 'apostate'" (as Ted's Father has labeled him)-

As a young man, I once attended a diplomatic lunch in a downtown street level 4 star restaurant in what was then called Bombay. Literally On the other side of the glass window, a desperate appearing very young mother huddled w what appeared to be a recently born baby cradled in her arms- one hand outstretched begging. To my amazement, a total of close to 50 relatively well heeled looking persons walked right past them without so much as a glance or any acknowledgement whatsoever. Before the meeting/lunch ended, the mother slid over in a heap. I rose from my table but was commanded by the senior american to "stay put". soon a rather shabby looking poor excuse for an ambulance rolled up and the masked and gloved attendants picked up both she and the baby (who was visibly crying( but silently from our side of the glass,) and then drove away. I can tell u I have a not inconsiderable familiarity with death and that poor young girl had died, right there on the street. What became of the child, I do not know.
For myself I can only tell you that at the first private opportunity I asked why this had been permitted. I was informed the girl had been an "untouchable".
I would never again look at the State Department with an un jaundiced eye.

I Tell you this so you can understand why it was a delineating moment for this old man, when Mr. Trump, in the heat of debate, blasted back at Ted, in response to Ted's self righteous attack on Trump's desiring to not only repeal Obamacare, but to then Replace it with something better that actually worked. What he responded to Cruz, quite forcibly was " NO ONE is going to be left to just Die on the street while I am president!!!! "

Widely reported in the fair and balanced press? not so much...

In closing, Let me say this: whatever his faults,

I could sleep at night, trusting That man to


and knowing a bit about the Clintons, I wouldn't follow her highness across the street into a Mc Donalds.

again, my apologies to all, sometimes angry old men just have to say what's on their minds.

2LZ 04-21-2016 05:50 PM

Thank you for the insightful thoughts and definitely things to ponder. I can tell you this about aging for the time you get enough experience under your belt for the brain to figure most of it out, the body is too shot to do anything about it!

FastDoc 04-21-2016 06:06 PM

Pilots have an analogous expression.

'Better to learn from other people's mistakes as you won't live long enough to make them all yourself.'

retread 04-21-2016 07:03 PM

well done !!! agree 100% with all you had to say. :clap:

Sport Rider 04-21-2016 08:30 PM

its the first election in my 55 years that I can honestly say I intend to vote for "none of the above". Trump will say anything to get people to vote for him. he can not be trusted. he's a cameleon. Hillary is a liar who serves only herself and does not care who she kills in her wake. Bernie wants us to be a socialist state. Ted only spouts the republican mantras. no change there. I find it incredibly amazing how the american people have stood still for the options the two party system has provided to us. no one on either side is really worthy.

Relative to Seer's references to history, I wonder how long our country will survive before going the way of every other great civilization in history. Sadly, our country as we know it will run it's course. the only question is what the timeline will be.

SeerAtlas 04-21-2016 09:50 PM

Sport, got some interesting news today. hillary's team is strongly considering a man for vp on her ticket, that I once knew very well, even to the point of taking a road trip together along with a couple of other members of our Harvard drinking club, from boston to florida for Spring Break in my California Van: yes the wood paneling, shag carpeting, surround sound, 8 track tape, bed in the back fiber optic constellations in the ceiling type van, that I built myself:)
He is one of those 'exceptional' people as defined in Seer's Laws, to wit: The right honorable Senator and Governor of the grand old state of Virginia, as well as the esteemed former Grand Poobah of the Somerville Bar Review, Senator/Governor Mark Warner, a faaaar better choice than hillary, and eminently suited to step in when/oops "if" she is indicted....
oh, and one more thing,
Sport, remember the motto of the Italian Renaisance that freed us from the Dark Ages, gave us Michelangelo, Leonardo, Titian, Raphael etc., as well as the first breath of religious freedom seen in centuries, and the breaking of the feudal system of slavery. hell, even the creation of what became, letters of credit. His motto? roughly translated: "Man, the maker of his Own Destiny"
(side note of particular interest- the whole shebang resulting primarily from the efforts and patronage of one man, 'businessman" Lorenzo d' Medici :)

bountybuddy 05-25-2016 01:12 PM

Thoughts of a tired old man
Well said my friend. I am also a tired old man. I pray Mr. Trump wins. The Clinton person has no business even running. My thoughts.

simonjester 05-25-2016 03:15 PM


Originally Posted by bountybuddy (Post 218251)
Well said my friend. I am also a tired old man. I pray Mr. Trump wins. The Clinton person has no business even running. My thoughts.

x100!! :):clap:

Azhule 05-25-2016 04:03 PM

Either way... I'm packing up my sh* and moving to Canada in protest

:hehe: someone had to put on the "Tin Foil Hat" for the "End Of The World" speech with all this Political talk going on :hehe:

katoranger 05-25-2016 05:16 PM


Originally Posted by Azhule (Post 218274)
Either way... I'm packing up my sh* and moving to Canada in protest

:hehe: someone had to put on the "Tin Foil Hat" for the "End Of The World" speech with all this Political talk going on :hehe:

We can all move into Weld's basement.

SpudRider 05-25-2016 06:34 PM


Originally Posted by katoranger (Post 218281)
We can all move into Weld's basement.


dpl096 05-25-2016 09:10 PM

The current American political landscape is a dismal pukefest. Starting with the foreign pretender currently defiling the White House up to and including the line up of clowns being presented as our choices. Throw in the career dickweeds polluting the capitol and what we have is the accelerated continuation of the decay of a once grand nation. Everything from forced political correctness determined by the minority to the Affordable Care Act that is nothing more than a shit-scam from hell to a fictitious ammo shortage and on and on and on.... All crammed down our throats by narcissistic asswipes with a single mindedness determination of self glory and enrichment. We have severe problems in this country and some of these morons wanna talk about capping the coal mines and moving us more and more into clean energy.... Powered by what??? Unicorn hair, rainbow power and good intentions?????? I've not determined who I will vote for. Hell I might leave that portion of my ballot unpunched....piss on 'em

SeerAtlas 05-25-2016 09:12 PM


Originally Posted by katoranger (Post 218281)
We can all move into Weld's basement.

Depends!! is Weld a Molson man?

SeerAtlas 05-25-2016 09:16 PM


Originally Posted by dpl096 (Post 218327)
The current American political landscape is a dismal pukefest. Starting with the foreign pretender currently defiling the White House up to and including the line up of clowns being presented as our choices. Throw in the career dickweeds polluting the capitol and what we have is the accelerated continuation of the decay of a once grand nation. Everything from forced political correctness determined by the minority to the Affordable Care Act that is nothing more than a shit-scam from hell to a fictitious ammo shortage and on and on and on.... All crammed down our throats by narcissistic asswipes with a single mindedness determination of self glory and enrichment. We have severe problems in this country and some of these morons wanna talk about capping the coal mines and moving us more and more into clean energy.... Powered by what??? Unicorn hair, rainbow power and good intentions?????? I've not determined who I will vote for. Hell I might leave that portion of my ballot unpunched....piss on 'em

oh, c'mon now, don't sugar coat it, tell us how you Really feel ...:}

dpl096 05-25-2016 09:26 PM


Originally Posted by SeerAtlas (Post 218331)
oh, c'mon now, don't sugar coat it, tell us how you Really feel ...:}

Sorry Seer give a damn button is broken right now on this subject. I find them to be revolting human beings - one and all.

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