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Old 03-31-2011, 07:38 PM   #43
SamM   SamM is offline
Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: West Virginia
Posts: 1,194
It's $527. You have the choice of making it more expensive, but that's YOUR choice.

There is no intellectual property. It's just a big bore kit.

Keep in mind that there is a fair bit of labor, and expertise involved, and good luck getting a quality piston and rings for $80-$100.
He bores your cylinder if you send it in, or a core cylinder if you prefer. It's your choice.

I have a similar business, and trust me, those prices are more than fair.

On the core charge, I charge $150 core, and in almost 10 years, and hundreds of jobs, I have received only 3 cores back. It really pisses me off that my customers do that. Bill and I have had this discussion, and he has the same problem. WE NEED THE CORES TO KEEP PROVIDING THIS SERVICE. People just don't seem to care.
No, my choice is whether or not my bike is down one weekend or two weeks while I wait for parts. I never said it was a bad deal. What I said was that it was fairly pricey. Over $700 is fairly pricey to me. Maybe it's not to you! If I could send him $527.45 and be done with it, I would think it was a great deal. That's not the case. Maybe the core charge was an afterthought because people weren't sending cylinders back. It doesn't matter, because I still have to pay it! My engine isn't going to come apart until the new parts arrive. Until I send in the core my price is still $721.52 when I use his prefered payment method of PayPal. I'm just stating the facts here. We can agree to disagree on the price that's fine.

I have a shop full of Wiseco piston & ring kits that I paid much less than $80 for.

What I meant by intellectual property, was the legwork he did sourcing a sleeve manufacturer and then, the proper sleeve from that manufacturer. He had to send them specs on what he wanted. That took a little thought and he basically designed it.

I've done a good number of engine upgrades and I know what's involved. Most of mine involved Harley engines thought.

2013 Jeep Wrangler Sahara MOAB
2005 BMW E53 X5
2011 Schutt Industries LTT-HC LQG trailer
2017 Coleman CT200U
1978 Yamaha SR500E
1979 Yamaha XS650 Special II

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