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Old 06-14-2011, 02:12 AM   #37
Influencer88   Influencer88 is offline
Join Date: Jun 2011
Posts: 58
EDIT: Glad you could save some time, . I see you aren't far from the border but I've never been out of the US so I have no idea how bad crossing the border can be, but imagine its not something you want to frequent doing, lol.

While waiting for parts to come in, decided to paint the plastics, I know it probably won't last great, but then again, I don't plan on thrashing it too bad either, so you never know.

Here's some pics of the progress:


The color appears lighter in the pictures than it really is, but not by too much.

I still have touching up to do on the stripes, thinking about outlining them in black pinstriping. Then the rear side pieces and the fork covers. Side pieces will probably incorporate more yellow and the fork covers will probably be solid as I expect they will get pretty f*$ked up. One is cracked all to hell so I'm gonna try and epoxy it for a cheap repair.

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