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Old 06-14-2011, 02:32 AM   #39
Influencer88   Influencer88 is offline
Join Date: Jun 2011
Posts: 58
Didn't have anything to hold them up with, and didn't want to picture my hand that is currently blue, lol.

Painted them with the Krylon Fusion. I'm very pleased with the paint, I've read where others say it doesn't stick for shit, but it does have a very long curing time(7 days) so if they try to scratch test before them, results probably will be poor.

After a day in 98F weather, they have cured pretty good, wouldn't ride through trails with them, but they are solid.

I cleaned the plastics with degreaser, scuffed them up with 800 grit, shot a ghost coat, waited about 15 minutes, applied another coat, 15 minutes, another coat, 1 hour, another coat, 2 hours, wet sanded, dried, shot another coat.

Tomorrow I'm going to wet sand again up to 2000 grit, then let it sit for the remainder of the curing time, then give it a few coats of clear, wet sanding in between, then polish.

Plastics are very smooth now too, .

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