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Old 08-26-2011, 02:19 AM   #10
KentuckyDonkey   KentuckyDonkey is offline
Join Date: Feb 2009
Posts: 331
I know what you mean, Northern- it's a pretty futile attempt to find even a decent deal used, where i am too. That's why I went Chinese.

Neighbor has a used 4x4 IS junk. He put thousands of dollars into it- and that's fixing it himself.

At least you already have a Gio, so you kind of know what to expect.

I just would not buy a 4x4 ATV at this time. The name brand ones are overpriced (new or used) and they're not exactly bulletproof....and like I said, I couldn't see spending that kind of money for Chinese..... If I "HAD" to absolutely have one, I'd try and find an alternative- like a Jeep or a tractor/snow cat/snow mobile/tennis rackets strapped to my shoes.... .... or something- depending on what I needed to do, because the way I see it, a 4x4 ATV really ends up costing matter what route ya go. (One of the things I hate about then name-brand ones, is how they make them so hard to work on...burying everything under gobs of plastic...and making them almost impossible to repair in the field)

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