Thread: Hey from Essex
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Old 05-28-2013, 08:09 AM   #1
hungdaddy   hungdaddy is offline
Join Date: May 2013
Location: Essex
Posts: 6
Hey from Essex

Hey. Ive just bought a CPI SMX 50 on an 08 plate. It had 600 miles on the clock and had never been used in the wet, bought from my bosses brother who just didnt use it. Its dealer derestricted so pootles along at 50 no issues. Very happy with it and it looks great. Me and my lady had a car each and mine was used to commute to work each day and costing me £160 a month on fuel and insurance so decided to get the bike which costs NOTHING to run..

Anyone know what type of gearbox oil and how much of it I need to replace the old stuff?

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