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Old 03-02-2015, 10:45 PM   #2333
thillskier   thillskier is offline
Join Date: Oct 2014
Posts: 223
I agree with everyones comments (except one part).

I (and all of these comments so far) are made by experienced motorcycle owners, entheusiasts, who have and enjoy (and have most if not all tools to do most repairs that will ever arise). and know what we are buying, and the issues we choose to IGNORE, not ask questions about, ask to see written proof it is what is claimed, or even exists (or is planned to EVER exist.) Thats fine, as I said, I still have my bike on order at this time. I was warned any non upbeat comments would be treated with "shoot the messenger" status. OK. I expected that.
I think saying "This bike is RECOMMENDED for those who know how to work on bikes, and are owners already of other bikes, or think they can do ANY needed repairs with a tutorial and a owners/shop type manual. Say this is a "parts only, but double every other bike warranty I know of", (way offsettingly positive to ME than the average stealership..

Just DON'T say great for new to the sport riders. Bike yes, not having tools, workspace, or experience/desire to do so, not. Suppose its a woman (or pretty boy first time buyer) not wanting greasy hands? (I'd suggest don't get a bike, its gonna happen, sooner than later, IMHO), if marketing as is stays as it is now, they buy, first trip to stealership, "warranty denied, customer gets stuck with a (probably) huge bill, and viola, pissed off ranter.
I'm not requoting the sales/warranty info, its there. I just reread it, so posted this here, now.For anyone with hazy memory, reread it, if in doubt.

Saying the warranty is x, (independent approved service centers)when its actually Y,(no plans to set up any, nor any policy to ever set them up) is an ISSUE with me, ALWAYS, anywhere, and anytime.

Everyone (ALSO) thinks 12.00 disposable oil filters is good? ALL parts from ONE single source good also? After bikes get delivered that tune will change, if its "yehaw" still on here now, IMHO.

I believe in everyones right to do whatever they CHOOSE to do, if all info is true and correct, they are making decisions on. I also, believe in making sure thats the case, as should anyone entrusted with public opinion and or decision making should also be SURE they aren't promoting something thats phony, or untrue. Thats just my OPINION, YMMV.

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