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Old 10-12-2015, 05:54 PM   #14
rtking   rtking is offline
Join Date: Sep 2014
Location: Orange County, CA
Posts: 410
It's a pity that there's so many haters, but I can't say that Joe didn't encounter a fair number with the US launch. Pity... mostly because those folks who don't like the business model, have preconceived notions of Chinese quality, or both... well, they won't know how good the bike is that they're missing-out on. Or perhaps that might be a good thing as all that pee and vinegar will end up going another direction, and you sure wouldn't want those folks informally representing your product!

In the end... those who are willing to take a chance to just look... they can make their own informed decision. And I'd bet a good number will convert to buyers. Those that have their mind made up not to look will never look, and any amount of convincing is just wasted effort.

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