Originally Posted by Wolftrax
I am still planning on going through Baja and Yuma is on the way. I would still like to take you up on your hospitality. I would.love to sit down with you and discuss your rental/tour plans.
Don't forget shooting the 'chit' over a cold beer or six
Oh and what gearing does Toby recomend?
Seer's First LAW-"FLY THE PLANE!", fail that, and nothing else matters. 12th Law- Consider what marvels you might do if only you had tomorrow to live over again. Third Law-When someone tells you some thing "Can't Be Done", what they're really saying is They can't do it!!14th Law-Just because something "IS", doesn't necessarily mean it SHOULD be.. Eighth Law-The only true personal security is anonymity.Ninth Law-Humans tend to learn very little when speaking.10th Law-Some lives ARE worth taking