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Old 04-16-2016, 09:42 PM   #2
DoomWeasel   DoomWeasel is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2016
Location: Tampa Bay Region
Posts: 26
Got the RX3 Friday. After un-boxing, inspecting the bike, and putting the tags on it I took it for a quick spin around the block. This morning I took the side boxes and rear crash bars off. Then proceeded to put about 50 miles on the bike. Mostly through the local neighborhoods. I wanted a route that gave me a lot of speeding up and slowing down to help with break in. Also wanted a lot of starts and stops as I haven't ridden a bike in a few years and knew I would be a little rusty with the clutch, brakes, and throttle combo. For Florida I live in an area that actually has some changes in elevation so I got to practice stopping on an incline and starting from a stand still. I only stalled the bike out twice which was a lot better then I thought I would do with so much rust. I then found a local church parking lot to practice with the clutch some more. I'm not sure if it's me or the bike, but it felt like the clutch was working much smoother once I got the engine hot and about 40 miles on the clock.

I am hoping to get out in the morning and really put some miles on the RX3. Got to say even though I haven't put too many miles on this bike, I think I am going to love owning it.

I'll have to post some photos of the delivery and final setup.

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