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Old 04-17-2016, 08:48 PM   #4943
pyoungbl   pyoungbl is offline
Join Date: Feb 2016
Location: Portsmouth, Virginia, USA
Posts: 632
rjmore, I have done three saddlesore 1000 days. You can do that on a 250cc bike, it just won't be as much fun as on a rolling sofa. The key is time management. I ride at speed limit +5 mph. You absolutely do not want to spend 45 minutes of your valuable time meeting a new friend and getting a performance award while you are trying to crank out 1,000 miles. I recommend doing your ride around late June, the longest days of the year. If you start at 0400 you will only have one hour in the dark. Ride 100 miles before you stop to eat. Walk in the restaurant, order your food and ask for the check. While they cook you go to the bathroom and take care of any incidentals. Your food will be waiting for you. Eat and run (after paying). That's a 30 minute stop. Don't get gas at the same time as food. Make that another 10 minute stop. Don't get trapped into shooting the shit with your buddies at gas stops, make them short and get back on the road. You will average about 55-60 mph on the Interstate when all is said and done. Your ride will take about 18 hours and you should be off the road by 10PM so you have had another one hour of riding in the dark. All this can be verified at Personally, I'd not do another BB1000 on the RX3, but then I'm getting old and soft. Go for it!

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